[MM/RP] Turn 42 - Fed Suns vs The Dark - Joboatao (4533) [Complete]

Started by Fatebringer, September 13, 2010, 04:07:53 PM

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Upon arriving  in the system, Air Marshall Richard O'Niel immediately ordered the fighters to disembark and cover the approach of the Tsamma Militia. Operation Rolling Thunder had officially begun.

Corellian Air Group - 25 FP
Anjin Muerto CrMM - 2 FP
Tsamma CrMM - 23.5 FP
Planetary Defense Force - 6 FP


On the first flight of the Corellian Air Group, the scars on the land became self evident. Their job, the new defenders of the Federated Suns region of space known as the "Outback", showed them just what could happen if they failed to deliver on their promises to protect the people.

"It's a bloody shame Joey, I swear I can feel the rage they left behind."

"Roger that Boyd, no time to sightsee, report the location of the militia and continue overflight, they got a right to reclaim their homes."

The Planetery Defense Force pushed forward under air cover to reclaim the planet for the Federated Suns

Planetary Defense Force - 6 FP

Federated Suns Invasion Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]


Crit Chance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]


Crit Roll 1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 6, total 12[/blockquote]

Crit Roll 2

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 4, total 9[/blockquote]


Corporal Dean Milner lead his lance into the quarry where a lance of tanks were waiting. Immediatedly Private Redman started oppening fire on the lance with his Commando's SRMS when he noticed all the hatches on the Goblin tanks were open. "Hold your fire Red!" Dean looked around the quarry walls as he kept his Enforcer's Autocannon trained on the lead tank. The paniced troopers were shouting frantically so he turned on his external microphone. "Stop! We didn't want to do it!"  Redman opened up his channel to speak. "Barnett? Is that you?" The lanky boy not older then 16 jumped out of the hatch. "Yeah! Dean, man, we didn't get a choice! We told them things! Anything! Anything so they didn't kill us! Commander Devon is still one of them though and he's got the only Mech around! We surrender man! We never turned traitor! We came here once the fighting started becuase that vat bastard was killing people who ran!" Devon considered the situation, would he have done any different if he was still at home? They had orders to kill all traitors, but his gut feeling was that these were boys, boys who did what they had to do to survive. "Leave the tanks where they're at, head to the east wall of the quarry where it's just Rock and wait. Barnes and Redman will stay behind and watch you. Just one question, where is this Commander Devon?...."


While the rest of the unit closed Dean jumped his Enforcer forward, at the apex of his manuever, he got a better sight picture of the Centurian as it ducked around trees and headed for the Valley. From the line of travel, Dean knew he was heading staight for Knobler's Falls. When he came back down, he moved sharply to his right, making to move thru Tarren's pass to cut off the speedier mech. As he traversed the pass, even inside his mech he could smell the apples that fell from the trees. Without the proper harvest that the locals would use as their offworld barter, they covered the road rotting and left the road a slick mess. Dean compensated like a true professional slamming the car sized feet thru the muck to find purchase in the raod beneath, pushing forward as hard as he could to make sure that the Dark Militia's commander didn't get away. His lancemate Richard in the Whitworth just couldn't keep up with either of them and was further behind.

As the cover opened up Dean checked his sensors and saw he'd beaten the Centurian out of the woods, but just barely. Dean raised his arms to give centurian both barrels as the Dark pilot turned his own weapons to bear when it began to shutter. The smoke trails came clear across from the other side of the Falls as Patricia Sonja's Archer let loose with it's mech's arsenal. He knew the name of her lancemates, but their names eluded him in the middle of combat as a Rifleman joined her at the rim of the valley, pouring his shells into the Centurian. Dean looked back to his target who was using the momentum of the shots to move backwards. The sheer determination to keep the mech upright was almost admirable if one forgot that this butcher killed many of the people he grew up with. Dean shouted inside his mech and ran forward, each shell that came out of his autocannons burrowed deep into the Centurian. The Dark commander couldn't compensate any more for the additional push from another direction and did a pirouette as his mech spun about and crashed to the ground. Dean stopped running and walked the rest of the way up to the mech. The Command Lance across the river gave him his speace.

The damage to the Gyro housing showing out the back end of the mech. As he approached the mech stayed slumped over, then suddenly swung the big autocannon at him. Dean looked down at the mech and slammed down on the left pedal. Right as he could see the face of the pilot the Rage, the blood covering the viewport, his foot landed square in the back of the other mech. The shells from the autocannon going wide over his shoulder. Dean held the pedal down as the grinding of metal continued as his mech's foot pushed the Centurian and it rolled. The edge of the valley was steep and the mech tumbled again and again as it rolled down the wall, eventaully stopping appruptly as it smashed to pieces on the rocks below the falls. His com link became active as his Patricia called him. "The mission's done Milner, get back to the Quarry, we need to debrief those guys." Dean kept looking at the smashed form as coolant bled from the downed mech further polluting the land. Even in death the Dark knew destruction. "Roger that Lietenant, heading back." Dean turned. The voice of Brian Turner came over the link. "Good job Devon. You really gave it to them but good." It was only upon hearing the voice the Brian realized who was in the Rifleman. "Thank you Colonel, but I don't need congratulations. This was just something that had to be done."

Federated Suns captures 20% of the Militia and does an additional 30%. The Dark Militia is wiped out.


Dark Militia Roll - Outnumbered over 3:1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 3, total 8[/blockquote]


Crit Chance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]


The Dark do .5 Damage to the Fed Suns

Federated Suns do not take enough damage to benefit from Damage Control
There is not enough left of the Dark machines to Salvage.