The New Dominion IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Fatebringer, April 25, 2011, 10:23:54 PM

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Introduction: When the Clans of Kerensky returned to the Inner Sphere, nearly the whole Free Rasalhague Republic was swallowed up by Clans seeking the Glory of capturing Terra in order to become the ilClan. Many important cannon events have been centered around New Dominion worlds such as Tukayyid and Radstadt, and more FGC events such as the betrayal at Rasalhague and the invasion of Tamar have also influenced highly the future of the universe.

Much like the Terran state of Texas, many have coveted the worlds the New Dominion as they have previously flown the banners of Lyran Alliance, Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic, Clan Wolf, Clan Hell's Horse, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Fire Mandril, the Ghost Bear Dominion, and most recently, the Rasalhague Dominion. But the inclusion of Clan Snow Raven into the mix and their desire to have a more nuetral nomenclature for the realm so that the tribunal that rules the New Dominion could be true equals, was a major sticking point in the talks that finally brought the Ravens and their vast Navy into the fold.

Made up of Citizens of Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Snow Raven and the Free Rasalhague Republic, this new nation's borders have swollen to reclaim all of the old worlds of the FRR and still maintains a presence in the Clan Homeworlds. A tribunal made from the heads of state of each of the three groups heads the govenments executive branch. The Prince Elect chairs the tribunal and nominally leads the Hemvärnet while the Bear Khan leads the KungsArmé  and the Raven Khan heads the KungsMarinen. In reality, the lead of the Hemvärnet is usually delageted to the Bear Khan as a sign of respect and trust, and in exchange for allowing the Prince Elect to chair the council. This also frees the Prince Elect up to oversee and be more active in sessions of the Riksdag. While not the head of the Legislative branch, his opinion as the Prince Elect is strongly received.

The worlds of the New Dominion are broken up into three protectorates, the Bear, the Raven and the Wyvern. The National Capitol of Tamar is solidly nestled between the three while the second in command of the tribunals act as governers overseeing the individual governing bodies within the protectorates. The Capitol of the Bear protectorate is Alshain, the Ravens have set up their nest on New Caledonia which now rests behind the North and South Gate Space Stations guarding the entrenace to "(Placeholder) Bay" Who share patrol duties with Clan Ice Hellion across the way. And of course Rasalhague itself for the Wyvern protectorate.

After solidifying their worlds, the New Dominion set it's borders and defended them feircely against all agressors. Both Clans have shown their dedication to keeping the worlds of the old republic in the hands of their people. Negotiations are always being discussed by the New Dominion and their neigbhors, the reunification of the Lyran's under their new governance to the west looks as fragile as it did in the days before the collapse while to the east a new Dragon weary of the old alliances they formed during the Clan invasion turning on them are reluctant neigbhors that hold an equally fragile peace. Across the way, talks between both the FWL and FS have led to trade negotiations that also hold political promise should the balance of powers be tipped again.

No matter what, due to their past position as fence hoppers, the rest of the Inner Sphere looks wearily upon the New Dominion who have two Clans amongst them and would sway the scale in any battle. Twenty years of politics and on again off again peace treaties had sone nothing to project a kinder view of the nation with one of the largest milities in the universe, and likewise, the New Dominion stands weary of anyone who is not one of them. They have improved relations with several of the Clans, but others, especially the Vipers in the Homeworlds remain staunchly untrusted, but the New Dominion currently calls no one Ally or Enemy.

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