Clan Snow Raven IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:56:03 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


CSRS Mountbatton
Above Strana Mechty

Lynn sad down at the screen in the communications room. The image of Bryn Cooper Trillions of miles away came across very nicely. A testament for what the caste system had provided the clans over time. To think things had changes so much so quickly. For so long, the assumption was that by 3060 there would be an ilClan and the Star League would be reborn, looking back at the brash voices that made those statements. Ulric, with the bloodname of Kerensky to back his claim? Lincoln Osis, such a strong man, how many thought he would be the one? Mathe, who'se hands were bound by the failures of others. None of them, nor the other Crusader Khans who followed them were able to realize the dream of the Founder. But, was it truly the dream of the founder or of ambitious Khans?

Lynn straightened her outfit and smiled for the camera as her end of the connection came on line. "Greetings Bryn. What news do you bring?" Bryn removed his mask, "I know you can read me better without this on, Short, simple. An agreement has been made. But from the tone my hosts reluctance, there is much doubt. I can not tell if it is doubt over his part or if his other alliances could be threatened. I am quite certain that they exist though. What news from Strana Mechty? I had heard there was more civil disobedience." Lynn stood firm as she reached for a datapad she had with her. "Less then a full wing of Cobras escaped out of several clusters from the degraza bandits that were once true warriors. The watches and warriors on planet have determined that there were many that sold out. A purge of the scientist ranks is inevitable. Klaus has moved to Lum to oversee the questioning of caste by the interclan watch. We are staunchly defending our people in the light that the report shows no involvement of the Unkindness or those of the Shiver. We can not afford to wait until the dust settles on this to make our move. The Adders have already claimed those forces that would have made us ready to soar the void before the Terrans broke from their moorings, but a trail is a trail, even if it was ground forces that had to lay claim to the vessels of the sky." Bryn snorted, "No what if's Lynn, we do not have the time for that. We will proceed with the blessing of the warrior council. They are not all in agreement, but to move now will give us a roost that is not leased and will set us up in a position to stop the backdoor raids that have been plaguing the area." Without reacting, Lynn spoke up. "It seems like we are swimming the same black sea Bryn. The herds here have scattered, those that move together will pick off the stragglers, and when they are gone, they will turn on each other. We will bunker down on Lum." Bryn's face looked solemn, something it rarely did. "A Senior Star Admiral, I will advise the council about the failure of Operation Phalanx." Lynn gave a curt smile. "That would be best. Lynn out."


QuoteFrom: saKhan Bryn Cooper
Subject: Naval Rebuild

Greetings and Salutations,

Sudeten has taken from us, and then taken some more. The Terran Fleet will return and return soon. Other ships have been sighted headed to the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster itself. When the fighting ended on sudeten, several Clans had need for facilities to rebuild with and select clans were chosen to hold these facilities in trust so that rebuilding would go faster.

Now, we need a status report of the Clan Fleet. We can not make plans without knowing the situation. Please report back to me aboard the CSRS Snow Raven with the status of your repairs and where you recieved this assistance. There is no time for delay.

Senior Star Admiral
saKhan Bryn Cooper
Clan Snow Raven


Thorsten McKenna sat down in the briefing room aboard the CSRS James Mckenna with Cain Harper and Andery. The first time he'd been here since the ship had been brought back to life. He was a bit surprised that the laborers had repainted the room a different color. Surely they still had kiloliters of the original colors. The powder blue seemed to make an attempt at calming those in the room, but the discussion was anything but. "Andery, your unit will not be joining the rest of our Galaxy on our mission. However, your mission is much more desirable. Your orders will come from the saKhan directly. Should you be successful, an old rivalry will finally be settled. Are there any questions?" Cain spoke up first. "Neg, the 1st Raven Phalanx finished billeting in their new barracks and is ready to move." Andery rubbed her chin. The scar from a recent trail healed evenly and though it didn't itch anymore, the dull ache was a mild distraction. "It has been so long. We shall be patient still, yet we waste this opportunity by being the jackrabbit into the snare." Thorsten tapped the table, "Then this meeting is adjured, you have the truth of our situation and now that we have secured our new roost, we shall go out and seek even more glory." Cain pushed in his chair. "Aff, we have been keeping Klaus Harper rather busy of late have we not?"  The group laughed merrily. Andery spke up. "He still has his youth and his responsibilites to keep him occupied, I have no doubt we shall not be forgotten in the rememberance for our part in Sudeten, I was worried that Gamma has been hogging up all the glory with their actions in the homewolds while we traveled, that was until we took down so many of those Terrans." The commanders of Alpha Galaxy finished with unified "Seyla"


It was a difficult decision to make. The clans learned at Sudeten the folly of engaging an enemy fleet without sufficient facilities for repairs. They had to abandon the location and let the Spheroids acquire millions of tons in assets. It was an easy decision to push the Terrans off of Sudeten and take those factories for themselves. The clan was promised support and with the exception of the Sharks, recieved it. Normally it would be a hard decision to pass on attacking an enemy you knew where they were, but this decision was made almost impossible by one of those ships being the greatest offender in your exhistance. A makeshift warrior council had convened aboard the Dreadnaught. The decision was made for him. The Unkindness would go hunting for their prey, no matter what the costs.

Iron Mongoose

Our old friends the Ravens,

The Ravens and the Mandrills share many centuries of friendship, and it was friendship that we were thankful to have.  Yet as part of that Clan begins its new life as Clan Camel, I hope that inspite of our rocky start we are able to carry on in that tradition.

Previously, I had hoped that my fleet could join yours in hunting our mutual enemies, but the internal chaos that we have not entirely been able to escape in our new life has prevented that.  Despite my rosey pronouncments in the Grand Council, it will be a month or two before we can truely settle down to action.  I am sorry for any harm this may cause to the opperation, and as surkai I can offer you the use of the New Caledonia and Star's End ship yards to repair or replace any losses incured.

Going foward, it is my hope to start reclaiming the lost bits of our OZ, with the world of Planting over which you now fight being a prime target.  I would be greatful if we could arange to coordanate our ground and air forces with elements of your navy already in place to ensure that the world can be taken.  We would not of course seek to claim any isorla that may resualt, and we would be happy to help set up any needed infrastructure to insure that the fleets of both our Clans can remain strong. 

If there is anything the Camels can do to assist our old friends, in terms of ground support, logistics, or even cooranation with the reminants of our navy, do not hesistate to let us know.

Amy Lynn

Iron Mongoose

saKhan Bryn Cooper,

A selection of fighters and dropships such as you request is avalable at Star's End, and can be given over to you at once to assist in your rebuilding; the Terran's attack has left any units closer to your fleet distroyed.  With the loss of so much of our own fleet, these hulls will go a long way to helping us rebuild (though I do not know what Victoria Lynn will do with two Barons in her command).

If you wish to see what we are made of, then we would welcome you to visit New Caledonia, or else to accompany our assualts agaisnt our enemies in the comming months.  I trust you will find we have not lost a step in our new incarnation.

Khan Amy Lynn


In her assigned quarters on Lum, Snow Raven ilChi Bri McFadden was woken from her light slumber by the sound of the communicator mounted in her room.  The call, which originated from the ranking Snow Raven administrator on Lum, instructed Bri that a priority message from the Blood Spirit Khan had arrived via HPG, and was being transmitted directly to her quarters' computer.

Rousing herself to wakefulness and moving to sit at her desk, Bri accepted the transmission and played the message from her Khan.  After several long minutes of thought after the message had concluded, Bri stood up from her desk and began to gather her belongings.  With a heavy heart, she and her small retinue of warriors departed the Raven enclave to return to the Spirits' own enclave on Lum's secondary continent.

Any transmissions or inquiries beamcast to the Spirits' enclave went unanswered, and the warriors assigned to the enclave took up defensive positions, severing lower-caste traffic and becoming, for all intents and purposes, a fortress of solitude.


CSRS Treachery
Tamar Space

Medtech Ned knew the down sides to The recovery team reached the ship they found bodies everywhere. Normally a Potemkin would have about five hundred crew fully staffed, however like most of the ships the Ravens fly, the Troop Cruiser was used more as a Carrier despite the range of Dropships that were normally staffed bringing the total crew that rotated into the massive structure slightly higher. Medtech Ned had a feeling there was little for him to do here. Either they would find an intact air pocket with survivors due to some fluke, or everyone was dead, As the team crept thru the halls they had to use their power armor to clear some of the debris. Ned may have been assigned to the Medical corps, but just from his general knowledge in the field, he could see the ship would never fly again. What the nuke didn't take out, left most of the walls bent from where the ship's structure buckled. Space was a an unforgiving lover and once the structures buckled, it would be easier scrap it and build a new one then to rebuild with weakened materials.


CSRS Snow Raven
Tamar Space

Hours later,  Medtech Ned had been raced over to the remains of the CSRS Snow Raven, a heavy trauma specialist, he'd worked on the sakhan for fourty straight minutes in Zero-G conditions before he would okay moving him. The team completed moving saKhan with his the anti-grav gurney. He could only hear out of one ear, his eyes were bloodied, there was internal hemoraging, and it was too late to save his arm, but Bryn Cooper would live, as he took on air, he painfully shoved the mask away and grabbed the medtechs collar.. " to...the Dreadnaught!" The tech stunned that the man was still alive less with such vigor quickly nodded his head. "Aff my Khan!" Looking about the tech quickly shouted, "Point Commander....!"