Taurian Concordat IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:51:45 PM

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Area 51
Bermuda Islands
Taurian Concordat

Sometimes it takes a person some consider mad to make an intuitive leap and bring brilliant ideas into the light of day. Of more common origin, sometimes necessity really IS the mother of invention, the need propelling the birth of an idea into the universe. More common still, sometimes just meticulous, detailed and iterative effort can burn away the dross and reveal a gem of an idea. Almost hilariously, the most common method for an idea to come about is effectively random chance - one is trying to put something together, can't get the "right" parts and just slaps a bunch of junk that happens to be around and hopes for the best.

In many ways, the Concordat's efforts so far had gone through a few of these ways for an idea to germinate. They'd had a few strikes of mad brilliance - absolute brilliance, but it wasn't exactly a steady source of advancement. They'd a grave need, and in desperation had begun a program with little to lead their way - in a sense the heavy handed meeting with the Protector had been trying to stimulate more advancements via re-exposing the teams to this reality. They'd also systematically gone and built huge numbers of parts and tested them - initially the method had been a bit destructive, but even so it had lead them forward.

However this WAS a major program for the Taurian Concordat, so in many ways there was no way other than a silly accident to happen for the most common method for discovery occur. In fact their very meticulousness had worked against that. True there had been important and powerful people in the lab, but those events too were heavily controlled for accidents to reasonably happen...


Since the "class" and their "professors" had been all called for a VERY important mission, Post-Inspector Cousteau Jacque had expected to be with them. However due to some odd mix-up with the orders, he'd instead been sent to check out the status of what was probably one of the 3 most important projects in the Concordat right now. Prestigious of course, but he couldn't help but wish he was out in the field. Josephina Calderon had met him and introduced him to her team: Wing, Mouse and Levi had all stared at him throughout the introduction and whispered quickly to Josephina afterward (suspicious to the Post-Inspector's mind) and had been keeping an eye on him even after Josephina went over the rules for the place again, and how he wasn't supposed to get within 3 meters of any tools, even if he WAS in an certified environmental-clean suit.

Which was why the Post-Inspector was in one of those suits, rubber-necking and trying to make heads or tails of what the scientists, engineers and technicians were doing. The folks had to ramp up, however due to the war with the Dark, they'd actually had some of their supplies accidentally shipped out and were having to make due with what they had for this experiment. Something to do with intentional parallelism or something like that – very dangerous stuff he gathered – was about to be tested and the "locals" were nervous. Paying close attention to the floor, and trying to pay attention to anything no one else was watching, the very-out-of-place man saw a shiny speck of something on a worktable. He walked over and attempted to pick it up, but he failed since he was in the suit, which was more made to keep the room safe from the dirt of a human, aid the human all that much. Pressing down harder in order to force the tiny crystal into a crease and thus pick it up, the Post-Inspector accidentally sent the crystal instead flying towards the off-limits zone where the experiment was just about to go off......


Quote from: Jeyar on June 02, 2010, 03:42:07 AM
Official Public Meeting Room
Samantha City
Taurian Concordat Space

The very worried Protector of the Taurian Concordat had requested the one who called himself "Vincente Orloff" to come back to meet to look over the counter-proposal. The Protector admitted that the new plan had little in detail the same as the one sent to the Concordat, however he also now had data that suggested that this was going to have to be the case, at least for now. On the other hand, the official intent of the initial proposal was being preserved, if at a reduced level of involvement. Yet either way, Grover was a bit uncomfortable due to his having forgotten to get back to them sooner.

Grover was seated already when the invited man entered. Grover may have directed efforts at fighting one war (and also hurriedly prevented starting another), but he figured that he at least owed this individual and the Captain General he represented (in theory at least) his own personal time. Giving the man time to choose if to seat himself or remain standing (the second chair was clearly set aside for him should he wish to use it). That taken care of with a polite nod, Grover then started off: "Thank you for meeting with me, and for sending the reminder. With the war heating up against the so-called "Dark", I must admit that I forgot to get back with you sooner." Grover picked up the folder that he'd brought with him and gave it to the other man. "First off, I must admit that this proposal has little in common with what you had given me in details. Let me say that this isn't because we didn't appreciate your offer, but because we've come across information that has suggested that some of those elements wouldn't perform as what was indicated as desired within the proposal."

Leaning back, Grover continued: "The elements that included the Taurian Concordat turning over worlds to the Free Worlds League, which I think we can both agree were to the Free Worlds League the most important part, are out for now. Not only has our exploratory elections suggested this is not the right time for this activity, but also potentially the wrong direction as well. We expected a high independence movement there, with a high pro-Taurian element as well, an element I fully admit that both I and my Far Looker allies have tried to make come about, but we also expected a pro-Canopus element in spite of our efforts in helping people out there move to places they would find more comfortable, an element that has been lacking well beyond our expectations. What HASN'T been lacking was the stunning revelation of a large Pro-Clan feeling on those worlds. In addition we've seen nearly non-existent support for the League. All in all, it suggests that efforts need to be stepped up to make the local powers look better to the people there. Treating them as poker chips doesn't seem the way to do that."

"Due to that lack in the proposal, I don't think that asking the League for a Naval and Expeditionary Task Force to deal with the Dark is reasonable, no matter who is in charge of them. Nor would the League paying for Mercenaries do something similar but under Taurian Concordat control. However I believe that this effort was in part offered to aid the Taurian Concordat against the Dark. It may have been also offered to indirectly aid the Magistracy of Canopus, however I am reasonably sure that they have been somehow making huge quantities of military supplies on Kossandra's Memory, so much that they are probably better protected than any other nation in the region – if the Dark hit that nation, they will die. In any case, proceeding on the idea that the offer was intended to aid the Concordat, I had my people craft a plan closer to meeting our needs. It is much more passive, but it does help the Concordat, but it ALSO will help the League, if only to the most minor degree."

[OOC] In essence, it is almost same as offered to other nations. The TC isn't rich, but we like what we like.

1)Any MF or SY that isn't needed by the FWL be administered by Concordat as a Guest Facility.
2)The FWL yanks all their secret info (I don't want the TC have to protect the FWL's secrets – should be a free action).
3)The TC can't move any Guest Facility (protection for the FWL).
4)The TC will not only pay a rent equal to the RP production of those facilities, but an additional 5% rounded to what seems reasonable (so the FWL still gets something out of the deal).
5)The FWL can use half the space in those facilities so long as they give the TC 5 days notice before the orders are to be sent in so long as over 15 "slots" are being administered by the TC (makes sure the FWL doesn't get messed over in this way either).
6)The FWL can cancel the agreement if they give half a month's notice – the Taurian administrators get sent back home comfortably (protects the FWL, and the Taurian citizens). Penalty for later cancellation is the same amount as the extra that the TC is paying beyond straight rent.
7)Don't ask where the TC is getting the money to pay for this, nor ask what exactly the TC is using that production for (I don't want the TC to lose their secrets either).

"Well Protector as it was ever the Captain Generals intent to render these worlds a strong independent state after they came under our purview we are glad to hear of the results of the recent election. Especially the strong minority that found favor in joining the Free Worlds League perhaps one day upon their becoming independent they might petition for membership, but ... that is a matter for another time."

pausing for a second.

"But should you render these worlds a viable nation I hope you won't bar them from trade with their neighbors or prevent any nation building efforts that private or state sponsored entities might undertake. Provided the people are interested in such help of course. Neither of us are Davions or Marians to dictate to the people their fates and clap them in irons for utilizing their civil liberties."

"The Captain-General will be delighted that you feel our task force will be unnecessary to facilitate the deliverance of the Taurian State in this time if great peril. Truly this bastion of civilization is safe against the predations of the barbarians if you are that sure in your defenses."

"As to your proposal? Could...this not be better executed by establishing a trade agreement where by a certain number of our factories are set aside for Taurian use. In addition such production would have the benefit of the technology which stopped the initial Clan invasion. No offense to your own scientists but I'm sure licensing deals can be arranged for any technologies you wish to see included."

"We are glad that your finances are in such a state that you need no financing plan for your increased defense spending and Free Worlds Industry is prepared to play the role of arsenal of civilization to the Taurian Concordat."

"So....Protector how many Awesome's can we put you down for?"
1) I make the maps so I would never voluntarily put myself through your proposal. All those little G's everywhere. Just...no.
2) FWL will set aside a to be agreed number of MF's a turn (depends how many you want to rent). No on the shipyards.
3) 5% above what it is possible to construct a turn at the MF's in RP to be given to the FWL each turn.
4) All non-standard technologies you want to construct there are to be provided to the FWL ( Which in my mind is like what Rocket Launchers and...well nothing else I can think of that I don't have unless the Taurians are running around with iC3 networks.
5) We not only won't ask where the money comes from as long as your paying up front we also don't care.


[OOC] Since I don't want this being at the same time as the meeting on Fronc, this started first, so it should end first... [/OOC]

Grover looked at the details of the proposed agreement and then had to say: "No, this isn't along the path we are looking for at this time. I am hopeful in the future, and perhaps in that future I will even beg for a deal like this. But at this time, that doesn't seem to be the direction the Concordat wants to go. I do thank you for your time however, and hope we can come up with ideas in the future where our nations can aid one another."


How come the Captain-General never gives me any easy assignments like leading an assault on Tharkad with a Jump Infantry Regiment.

"I have a message for the Protector from the Captain-General. It is for his ears only, I assure he will no thank you for having this conveyed before the ears of others."


[OOC] Please note that this has to be before Grover leaves to the CoPS meeting. [/OOC]

Grover wasn't so far gone as to imagine he could take the man before him, but he did figure that the guards could make sure he was fine before the man was allowed to leave. As such, he waved the 2 in the room with him out and looked back to the man from the League once the door closed.


Golden Outer Park
Stanford Toroid Prime
1143 Odysseus
Spartan Asteroid Cluster
Terra System
Core Alliance

Chaos Pan had managed to get off Terra itself, however she had ended up even further "back" from her objective of returning to the Taurian Concordat. The plus side, she was proving just how valuable having a wide range of skills was in just the wrong place. She had an actual job right now, working as a professional Topiary maintenance gardener. Since she was living below the Toroid, she was making sure to keep up with the osteophilic corrector medication, but it was just a temporary job.

Curiously the local administrators were actually aiding her effort in leaving the system entirely. It probably was a case of them having some dark secret, so she spent extra care not to accidentally find out what it was: she didn't care about some local corruption, her mission in a way was just to go home. If some future date someone wanted to look harder into this, they were welcome to.

Presently her days were a full shift at the Park (12.25 hours), sleeping (average of 8.5 hours lately), an average of 1 hours of getting supplies or food in as open and public a manor as possible, one hour on average getting ready for the day and the remaining 1 and a quarter hours she made sure to do nothing that could get her in trouble – which she used to work out. It wasn't necessary for health reasons, the medicine did that well enough, but it was better than going stir crazy. Or getting in trouble.

As a bonus of the locals trying to help her on her way, plus her working what amounted to over 85 hours a week, she was likely to earn enough to pay her way out of this place in just 4 more weeks. She was targeting a 3 jump trip into the Federated Suns. Then using a pre-existing cover there, make her way super quickly to New Syrtis. After that using a second cover, make her way home.


Dropship Elilieh Hoillli
Jump Point
Woogi system
Taurian Concordat

Mindy Schmitz had received a request from the government to return to Taurus. Since she was a independent person, she had thought about saying no, but if the government thought somehow she may be of some use, well, with those monstrous Dark running around, she couldn't see how she could refuse. At least it would be a quick trip...


Shadow Bay
Sparta Orbital Facility
Argos Planetary System
Taurian Concordat Space

Gullis Klass had been disappointed when one of the rumors hadn't worked out, however he did notice that many people were pretty nervous around here. The Dark seemed amazingly skilled at getting naval and aerospace forces. It was almost like they had more naval assets than the Outworlds Alliance and the Snow Ravens combined, pretty impressive for a people that were supposedly without a home-world, without a training facility, without any known rational method to gain the supplies they had been consistently gathering.

All Gullis did know was that with the massive destruction lately that had been visited on the Concordat that whatever was being planned had been pushed back. On the other hand, files still seemed to be flowing into the area, as well as strange, mysterious gear that had to be floated in with lots of grunts. Wonder what it is for.

[OOC] Yeah, I could have been munchkin. I even was leading up to certain events, but I have a reflex against certain actions like that. This is to explain why I zigged when I know it would have been better to zag. ;D [/OOC]


"To Mr. Grover Sharplen to be read by our ambassador to Taurus, preferably in private to spare Mr. Sharplen further public embarrassment, but should he insist oblige him. "

"Mr. Sharplen Sir Paul Masters, is a friend to me, a long time friend with a deep history of loyalty, integrity, honor and courage. It is not the fact that you voted against him that has caused this rift between our two states. It is that you voted against him without so much as a reason and without even the diplomatic justification of a trumped up objectionable excuse to pass him over for selection."

"In short I am offended both as Captain-General, as his liege lord and as his friend. While he is a good enough man to over look such offense I find myself as his Lord I can not and will not. As such as of this moment until such time as you make a sufficient private or public apology to the honor of Sir Paul you may consider yourself and your realm to be no friend to the Free Worlds League."

"Being specific sir I say no friend not an enemy but also not a friend or ally, we shall not move in any particular to your aid you. No FWLM force bearing SLDF colors or otherwise shall assist in the defense of Concordat Space. No force shall transit FWL space to assist the Concordat in anyway save humanitarian assistance. No non-profit or for profit agency shall do buisness with the concordat save in humantarian and nation building aid."

"And should you have need to purchase military equipment such will be at a premium up front payable in m-bills, or gold not that laughable toilet paper you insist on calling funds. + a 30% markup above market price."

" Further the Honorable Ambassador Orloff will be on the next Jumpship off of Taurus and his staff has already done so. I suggest you make expeditious travel arrangements for your own emissary to Atreus as if he is not off Atreus within one week he shall be declared persona non grata. I understand your finances are rather stretched at this time but for his own personal dignity if not that of your state I implore you pay the premium and get him off my world."

" If I seem to be insulting you sir, I assure you it is completely intentional. Much as I must assume your calculated offense towards the Free Worlds League in regards to your actions towards the honorable Sir Paul were a intentional insult directed towards myself. Rest assured should you take any action against the Free Worlds League or the person of Ambassador Orloff do to your own impotence and anger...we are prepared to retaliate a thousand fold.



Captain-General Thomas Marik, Duke of Atreus, Duke of Marik Defender of the Free Worlds and Warder of the Periphery Defenses."

Yes...only the easy tasks does he give me, thought Orloff.

"Well it seems that's self-explanatory enough. I would ask if you have any reply to the Captain-General but I dare say its quite clear he simply does not care what you have to say. As such I take my leave of you Mr. Sharplen and I honestly do wish you well...I have lived on Taurus a long time...and quite frankly it is rare for a man who has angered as many Council Lords as you have to come to a good end. Or their people for that matter."

"However I assure you while I doubt there is much I can do for the sake of the friends I have made here.  I will speak to the Captain-General and try and turn his rage away from you. Your people need to much help and hold to much in common with our own to be cut off just because you made a political mis-step."


Grover was a bit surprised, but curiously calculating when he said: "Well, I wish you a safe journey. I even wish your state well. I even wish your leadership well. I even thank him for his willingness to spare me" he glances down quick and continues: "public embarrassment. Hopefully, when the next election runs around we won't have such a controversy surrounding Sir Paul Masters, or at least a situation that a controversial figure can be easier to adopt, and then the Free Worlds League will turn around and call us friend".

"Fortuitously, there aren't any Taurian officials in the Free Worlds League right now, they were called back... hmmm... I think 2 months ago. I can flat out that I didn't mean any disrespect to Sir Paul Masters, however I wanted a candidate elected as fast as possible who would have fewer powerful groups objecting to him, as I am right now very interested in... having my nation survive, so taking time with an explanation saying such in the middle of the voting, seemed more like whining to me than anything else, especially as I'm not there to give it. You may even quote me to Sir Paul Masters that I meant no offense - I don't want to bother your Captain-General until he's had a time to... reflect. I like however that he is so passionate in supporting a friend, and do expect to do something public in the future to try and smooth ruffled feathers. But not right now."

"Now to the other elements, if he really must think me insulted, please let him think so, at least until he's had a chance to calm a bit and just before he has the least bit of chagrin, inform him that I am otherwise. Yet for now, so as to make sure his ire is assuaged, consider which of these comments will make him feel best, if none, then just leave this part out: the Concordat's money is quite fine but it being named the bull DOES make for many jokes even children can't help but come up with, my place is right here, and I do think that banning not-for profit interactions between our nations is harsh. That all said, I wish to say to YOU: please take your time and leave in good order, I can't imagine any reason that there is any reason for concern. Have a good... life I suppose if I never see you again."