Free Worlds League IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:52:43 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


OOC: Not sure if this should go in the Star League Thread or not.

FWL Embassy
Geneva, Terra

"How long are they going to keep us cooling our heels here?" came from the exasperated Captain Patrick Solice of V.I.N.H..

Captain General Thomas Marik seated in a white leather chair near a roaring fire place rolled his snifter of brandy before replynig.

"Be at peace Patrick. They are just trying to rattle us. If they were going to invade the Free Worlds League they would have done so by now, and even with their control of communications we would have heard so here on Terra. *sigh* No this is just them driving home just how damaging to the to a Successor State an interdiction is. With their defeat at Sudeten it's their main card, and they need to remind us and the rest of the Great Houses. Besides they need friends well...I doubt we will ever be friends, Co-beligerents at the very least what with the Clans once more on the move."

"Captain General it is my understanding that we can expect....representatives from the Blood in the near future to commence negotiations." Chimed Ambassador Connor MacLear.

"That is outra..." Began the V.I.N.H. captain spittle flying from his lips.

"That is acceptable. What gentlemen? Even my father Janos Marik recognized the benefits of allowing bionics into use to replace battlefield losses. Also when you get around to it. It is just another tactic to try and unnerve us. We will not be unnerved because what we do here is for the good of the Free Worlds. Focus gentlemen there are those who are dedicated to keeping us weak. It is our duty here to try to peacefully end this interdiction."

" ANd if the machine men don't let us?" replied Patrick.

"Well I suspect since we are on Terra we will be overwhelmed and killed as I have no intention of being taken alive. Then the neccesity of conducting the war shall fall squarely on my brother Pauls shoulders. He has done good work within V.I.N.H., I only hope that if it comes to it he is as underestimated by the Terrans as he was by so many of our siblings in years past."


FWL Embassy
Geneva, Terra

"Captain General, there has been an informal request from back channel's within the Federated Suns to try and establish a meeting between yourself and the First Prince since you are both currently attending to business on Terra."

Thomas turned and stared out the window for a few seconds before turning back to Captain Wilson

"Tell them yes, lets try and get it arranged quickly, let's see where diplomacy gets us I shan't be selling out the Capellans or any other staunch allies by hearing what she has to say. Here at our embassy, there at hers, or in one of the conference rooms they maintain at the Star League Court I'm rather indifferent. Just try to arrange it as quickly as possible I need to be getting back to Atreus to start dealing with the fallout from the events of the last few months. The lights are starting to comeback on and Im sure more then a few people are going to have a problem with what I've done to bring them back on."


This just in. Retired Speaker of Parliament Lefty Eastwick caught in a candid moment with his personal assistant.

..All I'm saying is that if the Clan's were invading the Lyran Commonwealth it is right and proper to speak a good word before Parliament for the Devil."

"Paraphrasing Winston Churchill Lord Eastwick?"

"No you daft fool. I'm saying that all the Steiner Archon's are the worst sort of tyrant's, terrorists and traitors to the true First Lord, but at least they are an evil we know... yes better that pack a decadent bultures, than one we are not so familiar with."

The office of the Captain-General "Refused to comment on hearsay and rumor."

Speaker of Parliament Eduardo Stuart had this to say.

" That old man warhorse given more to the Free Worlds League than any man outside and before inside a uniform than any I can name. If he wants to give some more my government can find a place for him whatever his views. If he just wants to just speak his mind as a free citizen, he's not only earned it but spent the better part of a century insuring all the people of the Free Worlds League would have that same right too. I guess what I'm saying is...



And while your at it try reporting real news for a living hermano."


FWL Embassy
Geneva, Terra

A limousine pulled up at the front gate and deposited its passengers as it sat idle. They were five very large men, obviously elementals to any who knew the phenotype, in exquisitely tailored suits. The sixth man, though he lacked their sheer bulk was far more imposing, for he owned the internationally recognized visage of the Iron Jarl, Tor Miraborg.

Walking up to the front, Miraborg addressed one of the guards.

"I should like to see the Ambassador, please. I realise we are not expected, but we have business of some small import."


FWL Embassy

Well this is interesting, Connor get's a promotion, and an opportunity opens up with the Dominion, mayhaps, Connor made a mistake leaving Terra so soon, Ill surpass him in the Captain-Generals eyes yet.

"Greetings, I am Ambassador Eduardo Stewart, and The Free Worlds League always has time for the concerns of our friends and allies."

"How can we be of assistance to the Rasalhague Dominion at this time?"


Miraborg held up a hand while one of his escorts pulled out a flashlight-sized device and waved it around the private conference room the discussion had moved to. After a few minutes of this, the massive man nodded and the Iron Jarl lowered his hand and resumed speaking.

"Forgive me. I had to make sure the room was secure. Terrans are notorious for spying on their embassies, and it's bad enough that they know I met with you. I know something you should know, something I don't want them to know. Specifically, Ambassador, we have a common enemy."

"This Terran Hegemony has gone out of its way to provoke us. Previous administrations have tried to stay neutral in their conflict with the Grand Council, and the Terrans therefore believe they have cowed us. They have not. We have a new Khan and the Ghost Bears are pressuring the Elected Prince to end that neutrality. We know you have had your own problems with the Terrans. What I'm looking for is a way we can use this common enmity to our advantage."

"We have several things you might find to be of value. Hyperpulse technology. Advantaced weapons. Considerable construction capacity. No doubt the Free Worlds League has things of its own to offer to such an alliance."

"With that, I'll open the floor to your proposals."


OOC Note: When I started writing this...I was imagining this the Ambassador was Inoga Montoya from the Princess Bride, Halfway through he began archetype uperclass noble twit....about the time I got to the vote counting part he became Alan Shore from Boston Legal. I think he pretty much stayed Alan Shore if you read this and find yourself wanting to punch this guy in the face...its a normal reaction."


"No task undertaken lightly. No task left undone. I am told this is a truth of your Ghost Bears yes."

"Three times have we gone against the Terran Hegemony to right old wrongs. Three times have they targeted our HPG system, bombarded worlds and conducted themselves as cowards and thieves.

"What you are talking about Jarl Miraborg will lead to war. Mayhaps not tomorrow, mayhaps not the next day but eventually."

"So let me be clear the will to war is there in our people. Provided matters of mutual support can be arranged between our states we would stand with you in war against the Terrans."

"I do not mean offense but what we are discussing is proper war yes?"

"A war appropriate for gentlemen warriors such as you and I and are principles your Prince and my Lord the Captain-General to conduct.

"I have studied the history of your Ghost Bear citizens and as a scion of the noble House of Stewart I know well the draw of blood vengeance for wrongs done against children of your blood.

But the cowards who perpetrated these crimes are long dead, and such payments for crime's should be material...though material gain can never truly compensate for a lost child. Much as my Lord Captain-General took our vengeance in 3057 against the Federated Commonwealth."

"I do not mean offense but the auspices of my office require that I ask. I trust you take these words in the spirit in which they are meant."

"There is no doubt in my mind that men of Honor such as you and myself can come to an accord that both our Principals can be proud of...though naturally given where we are I believe direct delivery of such missives between My Lord and yours are in order."

"I propose we begin by expanding the ties of our own nations beyond the bonds of alliance through the Star League, to direct alliance.

"A Mutual Defense Pact perhaps 'The Terran Accords perhaps in-which we establish for the mutual benefit of both our people strengthened economic ties, an agreement for mutual defense, sharing of defense and civilian technologies. Also I think a series of War Games in your Terran Corridor or the Leagues between our forces would be well placed."

"Also I believe the Captain-General would be well served if his esteemed contemporary and dearest friend your Elected-Prince could use his good offices to calm elements with in the Wolves in Exile Merchant Caste specifically the kaFactor currently residing in Dominion space. I'm certain that with your extensive business dealings with this sub group of the Merchant Caste the addition of your voice to ours in support of the measures between the Free Worlds and the Wolves will calm their fears of being overtaken by elements of the Wolves in Exile Merchant Caste residing in the Free Worlds League.

" I have spoken a great deal of what the Free Worlds would like you to do for us so let me speak about what the Free Worlds could do for your Dominion."

"Your immediate issues with the invasion of your space...were we allies? This immediate issue with the Terrans in your space?  Could be solved most swiftly, in council."

"Your vote plus ours is two. "

"The Wolves are allies to us both that makes three."

" The Combine has long had a strong relationship with the Dominion that Makes four. "

"Peter Steiner still owes Thomas for our assistance at Butler he will either make good his debts or he will be known for what he is THAT makes five."

"The Federated Suns and the late Khan of Ghost Bears have had a long history of friendship. The Terrans have thus far sent the Suns no help against the Dark and Thomas Marik has an offer on the table to them to provide support. I assure you should they vote against us on this. That offer will.




, that makes six."

"Empress Kuan-Yin while her own monarch in such matters is a valued friend to the Captain-General and has ever sided with the side of the righteousness in such things in council. That makes seven."

"Also I'm sure Kell-Avelar appreciates General Kilpatrick strict neutrality at Arc Royal last year preventing the Lyrans from calling some 5 Combined Arms Brigades and a large FWL I mean SLDF Aerospace Task-force into the Elsie blockade. I'm sure he appreciates even more the strict interpretation of of SLDF orders of defending the world from outside attack that General Killpatrick quietly informed Duke Kell..and that my good man would make eight."

"More votes then we need Jarl Miraborg to censure the Terran Hegemony and force them from Dominion space without a shot fired I would think. After all I'm sure would rather the chastisement of the Terries, not start on your own worlds."

"As you share the benefits of your science with us so shall we the benefits of ours with you. Let the opening of our Universities and the fruits of our Research Labs flow both ways in this alliance"

"And I know for a fact the Captain-General would be of a mind to build you a Thera Class Super Carrier or a pair Atreus Class Battleships for one of your wonderful Leviathan II's. Proud ships those. Something to be proud of.

Oh and lastly...if it is not war that you seek but merely the protection of your proper rights and the safety of your people. This something the Free Worlds likewise seeks. Though to be honest with how the Terrans have conducted themselves...either way I think it best to prepare for war.

"They rather dislike being reminded they continue to exist as a state upon the sufferance of their betters."

" I shall arrange for a command circuit through League space. However this goes I believe that what we have discussed...and will discuss over the next few weeks must be facilitated to the ears of my principal without delay...and without the prying eyes of Comstar."

"Oh,dear a poor host have I been, Might I offer you some tea or perhaps a glass of Ouso?"

Main Points We Seek for negotiations.
- The Rasalhague Dominion immediately help the Free Worlds League establish a viable independent HPG Network (either under the WiE, Rasalhague Dominion or FWL control or a mixture of all three) much as they have setup for themselves in the Rasalhague Dominion.

- In the event of war with the Terran Hegemony. Neither state shall seek a separate peace with the Terran Hegemony.

- Rasalhague Dominion help calm concerns among the WiE Merchant Caste centered in the Rasalhague Dominion about overtures between WiE and the FWL. Also providing appropriate diplomatic support to this effort.

- Mutual technology sharing both ways.

- Mutual intelligence sharing on foreign states.

- Mutual Defense Pact any attack on one power to be viewed as an act of war upon both. Neither side power will seek a separate peace treaty.

- FWL Provide RD with a Thera or 2 Atreus BB's for one Leviathan II. RD's choice.

- FWL will assist the RD in bringing the breach of their territory before the Star League Council. FWL will call in diplomatic favors to get it past (Note...everything above is real...but obviously I can't make people vote how I want).


"All fascinating ideas, Ambassador. I will think on them and get back to you. Little news reaches us from the Free Worlds League these days. Do you have a secure system by which messages could reach your Captain-General from my Elected Prince? Otherwise, if you wish to arrange a meeting, we would be pleased to host the Captain-General or if you prefer we may be able to make arrangements for a state visit by the Elected Prince. Meanwhile, I will remain on Terra and you can contact our government through my offices here."

"I have other business to attend to today, specifically I have a letter to deliver on a matter which we discussed. If you should wish to bring that matter before the Star League on our behalf we should very much appreciate it, though we do not find ourselves welcomed in that august body at this time."

"Make no mistake, though." and at this Miraborg's expression hardened into the terrifying visage for which he had become widely known "We mean nothing short of a proper war against Terra carried to its full and natural conclusion. For what they have done to us, they must pay in fire and blood. If such a will also exists in the Free Worlds League, I expect we shall find great benefits in setting our course together."

-On the point of hyperpulse, as far as I know the RasDom is at present only a secondary provider. This limits the size of the network we can support to (as I read it) our own hexes plus an equal number of additional hexes. This makes the FWL as a whole somewhat too large for us to administer, as a secondary provider.

Depending on what provider status the FWL has at present, we can consider long-term options for administering the entire network. I think the cheapest/quickest would be getting the FWL to Tertiary Provider status and letting the RasDom maintain any IC facilities.

-I don't know the details of the FWL's infrastructure, but the RasDom has far more manufacturing capacity than we need or have an immediate use for. If the FWL has RPs to spare, I can build stuff with it (at a reasonable and wholly negotiable fee.) Clantech Stuff if you prefer (at I should say likely a somewhat steeper fee.)

-I can, for cultural reasons, not hand over the actual technical specifications for any Clan technology without an appropriate Trial. IS stuff we have from the old FRR and elsewhere is up for grabs.

-I am not fully interested in the Leviathan/Thera|Atreus trade. I have no specific need for a Thera (it fills no missing role in the hulls I can build and is technically inferior to hulls I can build with similar roles,) and the Atreus would be seen in the Dominion as something akin to a pre-dreadnought in WWII: an ancient design which is wholly and hopelessly obsolete no matter how proud it was when first launched. No number or combination of such vessels would truly justify a trade for one of our rare super-battleship/carriers. Plus those take a while to build. If you're interested in other Clan or old SLDF vessels to fill the FWL's fleet deficiencies (whatever those may be -- I don't really know) we may be able to work something out.

-A full MDP like you're proposing binds both our hands too much. I should prefer something with weaker and more specific wording that would allow us to fulfill other obligations while maintaining a focus on the TH.

-I would very much appreciate League diplomatic help in getting Terran fleets out of my space.


From: Star League Defence Force Admiralty, Admiral Andrew Cunningham

To: The Free Worlds League Navy, Transportation Division Commanding Admiral

Subject: Lift Capability

With the operational tempo stemming from the Clan attacks rising, is the FWLN in a position to supply the SLDF 200MP per cycle on an ongoing basis?   The SLDF is not in a position to be able to provide lift capability to all it's ground troops, and is thus seeking assistance from member states.

Admiral Andrew Cunningham

Star League Defence Force Admiralty


Atreus City Spaceport...

Cara Diem stepped off the drop-ship.  "Welcome to Atreus, do you have anything to declare?" the Port officer asked.

She drew out her Identicard and passport, handing them over to the port official.

He scanned them with the typical boredom...until it popped on-screen. 

"You're...a diplomat, you shouldn't be in the standard passenger que." he said, "Let me call my supervisor, Madame Diem."

"Thank you." Cara said, "It's a long trip from Arluna, longer from Kowloon, and I was not entirely certain of my...reception."


Kirsten's Krusher's  Biovac
Location Classified

"Alright, Kristen its time."

"I won't have it. I won't take special favors from my brother. I won't go back to the Free Worlds League on my knee's begging my big brother Thomas to bail me out. We break contract now we will never work outside the Free Worlds again. We might as well be a Federal Regiment then."

"This isn't special treatment Kristen, look when you made the call to stick with Steiner through Parliament's war I had your back, when you made the decision to stick on after the dancing cavalcade of new Mercenary Liaisons as Archon's rose and fell I backed you. This isn't special treatment this is a legitimate contract offer from the Free Worlds. Tommies got the message he's offering us no more then he's offered half a dozen Elsie unit's hell Kristen HOUSE unit's are taking his offer."

"You say your a merc then act like it and put your family issues to the way side. Thomas has put a damn good offer on the table and the simple fact to be made there is no more money to be made here."


"Alright, you've convinced me but by all that is just in this universe if he tries to make us a parade unit on Atreus..."

"We'll take the easy garrison contract until he wises up."

They stared hard at each other for a moment before Kristen relented.

"Your damn right we will."


Clan Snord Biovac

Chauncey Maivia walked briskly to the Command Vehicle before a shrill grating tone called from behind him.

"Hey Chickenhawk, you here to tell us your Marik Boys are going to try launching an actual attack on the Clan's for once."

Chauncey turned and took in a red haired woman in a Tan full body cooling outfit.

"Pardon me 'Khan' Snord I was under the impression that you WERE clan. Would you like me to tell my Hussar's to start shooting. Such can be arranged at your request any time." You evil old biddy.

"You sure you want that? Not that me and my boys wouldn't mind spanking that tight ass of yours and your 4th Regulan Hussars besides, but your boytoy Eduardo might get a touch jealous and I hear he's the dueling type. You wouldn't be trying to get me in trouble now would ya?"

I may not kill her. I may not kill. I may not kill her...yet

"I'd thank you for keeping it professional but I doubt eitheir of us have time for you to learn the meaning of the word. In short Im here about a job for you and yours Snord. Shall we just get down to brass tacks? You may enjoy the view but I assure you you have nothing I want."

"Save your breath Chickenhawk we take our coin from the Archon or barring no Archon Im sure Daphne's got one jinkys of an offer waiting for us on Bolan."

"Really, yes money...but there is more then money nicht wahr?"

"...what are you getting at dandy?"

"Well hag what I am getting at is your Museum on Clinton well to be frank its getting passé' been simply years since you had any new show pieces...

"Why you arrogant son of a Sian, it's one of the grandest collections in the Inner Sphere who the hell are you...

"And has had absolutely nothing of late of the level of Ewan Marik's Scepter."
Rhonda Snord mouth gaped open shocked at the thought of acquiring that artifact for the museum on Clinton.
"Ewan Marik's scepter? Tommie Boy is offering us Ewan Marik's scepter? How long we got to work that off? We're familiar with Mariks company store policies."
"Scepter's a signing bonus for a two year agreement standard payment, all command rights devolve to the Captain-General and yes you get both Ewan Marik's Scepter for your own and access to his Library for your scholars to view his private writings on matters directly relating to certain historic Star League votes and....."

"I want all access to his Library."

Chauncey Maivia deftly swept one contract up into his bag and pulled out a second one."

"Done. Three Year year contract, standard pay, all command rights devolve to the Captain-General and yes you get both Ewan Marik's Scepter for your own and full access to his Library. But note Khan Snord you don't want to steal from us."

"Course not, your the client now. Well Dandy seems you just hired yourself Clan Snord."

"I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that 'Khan' Snord."


Zenith Jump Point, Atreus
Marik Commonwealth, Free Worlds League

Atreus' busy zenith jump point got a little more crowded with the arrival of the RRS Nimbus, a simple Merchant-class JumpShip that didn't even have a DropShip attached to it.

"Atreus Orbital Control, this is the Rim Republic Ship Nimbus, entering jump point holding pattern.  Requesting flight path for consular shuttle, over."