Wolf's Dragoons Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, September 07, 2010, 08:35:13 AM

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Thread is for the various Wolf's Dragoons Combat Command RPing.

To keep things squared away, each entry must start with the unit's name, current location, and employer.

Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command
Outreach, Terran Hegemony
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command
Alpha Command HQ, Outreach

The MRBC had needed barely any time to re-instate the Dragoons' Rating, and cleared them for new contracts. Colonel Maeve Wolf had wasted no time in preparing Alpha Command for combat ops, although the brigade-rated unit was currently under strength for her taste. She knew that there was an SLDF officer here to work out a deal with the Dragoons, potentially the whole unit, but Maeve knew it would be weeks, maybe months, before all Commands were operational. It was only because 80% of Outreach's garrison was Alpha soldiers, that the unit was activated so quickly.

She had signed over 200 orders, requisitions, movement chits, payment stubs, recruitment contracts, and probably a dozen or so other administrative orders in the past 48 hours. She knew that the number would probably double in the same timeframe, as contracts came in. She was hopeful that one of the Steiner claimiants would come foreward seeking a contract, preferablly not directly in the path of the Clans just yet. The Dragoons could use a few skirmishes, just to sharpen their skills, before taking the Clan juggernaught head on.

She noticed that the LED next to Alpha-Maj Stark went from red to green, indicating that the recording equipment was active. That only happened when the Major was having a talk with a potential employer, the SLDF Colonel she assumed. She supposed that she would recieve a call soon enough, as she liked to be present personally, if possible, when units were deployed. Searching the stack of un-signed papers, she pulled the half dozen concerning spacelifts, and immediatly cleared the dropships to start transfering the mechs and armor to the waiting jumpships. It would behoove them to move quickly once a contract was signed.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The young Star Captain waited in a meeting room untill the Dragoons captain arrived in it.

"Good morning Sir." He rose and offered a handshake that was taken with some hesitation
"You are wondering why a Clansman is adressing you. Well we are not stupid enough to think that you will actually work for uns." He smiled
"But there are still some matters of importance to discuss!"
Taking a datapad out of one of his sidebag he said "Maybe you want to take a look at this?"
With theese words he handed the datapad to the somewhat concerned man.


Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command/Free Worlds League Contract:

Article I: Command Authority
Wolf's Dragoons to maintain Strategic and Tactical Command.

Article II: Transportation
Dragoons to provide their own transport assets.

Article III: Target
Dragoon's to choose their own targets.

Article IV: Salvage rights
Dragoons to claim 60% of salvage rights. Payable in material or cash. Except for all Naval or Aerospace Asset's all salvageable or captured naval and aerospace asset's are the property of the FWL as employer.

Article V/a: Payment
2 RP/month(4 RP/turn) for minimum maintenance

V/b: Combat Bonuses
2 RP for every 5 FP of Adder Com Forces destroyed.
5 RP for every Adder Com World conquered and turned over to Free Worlds Control.
1 RP for every MF/SY/PF on conquered worlds turned over to FWL
3 RP for every Adder Com Officer captured as bondsmen and turned over to Free Worlds Control of Star Colonel/General rank (not applicable to non-battlearmor infantry commanders)*
25 RP should The Dragoons successfully capture Star Colonel Charlemange Steiner and turn him over to FWL control

*Star Colonels of Clan Star Adder, Generals of the Adder Commonwealth(ex-Lyran): Cluster or Regimental commanders respectivly

Article VI: Escape Clause
Wolf's Dragoons reserve the right to terminate this contract if it is deemed by the Command staff, that orders received from Employer(FWLM) are placing the Dragoons in a disproportionately dangerous assignment. Wolf's Dragoons would then retreat to a 'safe zone', to either renegotiate the contract, or else nullify the contract in whole, and return to Outreach.

Article VII: Emergency Transportation
In the event that Wolf's Dragoons integrated transport assets are lost due to combat situations, the Employer(FWLM) will immediately transport all surviving elements of Wolf's Dragoons back to Outreach, at no cost to the Dragoons, and the contract will be legally terminated, at no loss to either the Dragoons or their Employer(FWLM).

Article VIII: Support
Tactical and Strategic support elements, including naval support, will be agreed upon as-needed. FWLN will provide naval support at FWLN Theater Commander's discretion, at no cost to Wolf's Dragoons. Wolf's Dragoons naval assets will provide naval support to any FWLN units within operating sector(hex) as requested, provided it does not undermine ongoing Alpha Command mission.

Article IX: Refit/Resupply
The FWL will designate planets/facilities for Alpha Command to refit/resupply as needed, and provide said services at cost to Alpha Command for the duration of this contract.

Colonel Maeve Wolf, Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command
Major Benjamin Stark, Wolf's Dragoons Contracts Department
Alyssa Reading, MRBC Contracts Department
Colonel Marcus Garibaldi, FWLM Mercenary Relations Department

**This is now an officially sanctioned contract, binding both parties, and accepting MRBC oversight of any and all disputes between said parties.**

((OOC: Note that this is not broadcast in any way, an should NOT be treated as general IC knowledge. The contract exists only in the archives of the MRBC, Wolf's Dragoons, and FWLM, and any knowledge of it must be obtained through IC situations.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command/Free Worlds League Contract:

Article I: Command Authority
Wolf's Dragoons to maintain Strategic and Tactical Command.

Article II: Transportation
Dragoons to provide their own transport assets. If a target is beyond the Dragoons' own transportation abilities, the FWL will make transport assets availible to the Dragoons for no charge(MPs).

Article III: Target
Dragoon's to choose their own targets.

Article IV: Salvage rights
Dragoons to claim 60% of salvage rights, Payable in material or cash. All Warship hulls remain the property of the FWL. If the Dragoons wish to acquire Aerospace Fighter salvage, they may do so in exchange for 20% of available ground salvage(ie- Dragoons get ASF salvage + 40% of ground salvage, instead of just 60% of ground salvage).

Article V/a: Payment
2 RP/month(4 RP/turn) for minimum maintenance

V/b: Combat Bonuses
2 RP for every 5 FP of Hostile Forces
5 RP for every Adder Com World conquered and turned over to Free Worlds Control
*Special Note- Member Worlds are worth .25RP, to be paid ONLY in 1 RP incriments at the END of a contract
1 RP for every MF/RS on conquered worlds turned over to FWL
2 RP for every IC/SY on conquered worlds turned over to FWL
3 RP for every PF on conquered worlds turn over to FWL
3 RP for every Stiner Protectorate/Adder Officer captured  and turned over to Free Worlds Control of at least Star Colonel/General rank (not applicable to non-battlearmor infantry commanders)*
25 RP should The Dragoons successfully capture Star Colonel Charlemagne Steiner and turn him over to FWL control

V/c: End of Contract Bonuses
4 Control Worlds retained for FWL: 10 RP bonus
8 Controls Worlds retained for FWL: 25 RP bonus(paid over 3 turns)
75 FP of hostile forces destroyed: 10 FP bonus
Do not request FWLN assistance: 5 RP bonus

*Star Colonels of Clan Star Adder, Generals of the Adder Commonwealth(ex-Lyran): Cluster or Regimental commanders respectively

Article VI: Escape Clause
Wolf's Dragoons reserve the right to terminate this contract if it is deemed by the Command staff, that orders received from Employer(FWLM) are placing the Dragoons in a disproportionately dangerous assignment. Wolf's Dragoons would then retreat to a 'safe zone', to either renegotiate the contract, or else nullify the contract in whole, and return to Outreach.

Article VII: Emergency Transportation
In the event that Wolf's Dragoons integrated transport assets are lost due to combat situations, the Employer(FWLM) will immediately transport all surviving elements of Wolf's Dragoons back to Outreach, at no cost to the Dragoons, and the contract will be legally terminated, at no loss to either the Dragoons or their Employer(FWLM).

Article VIII: Support
Tactical and Strategic support elements, including naval support, will be agreed upon as-needed. FWLN will provide naval support at FWLN Theater Commander's discretion, at no cost to Wolf's Dragoons. Wolf's Dragoons naval assets will provide naval support to any FWLN units within operating sector(hex) as requested, provided it does not undermine ongoing Alpha Command mission.

Article IX: Refit/Resupply
The FWL will designate planets/facilities for Alpha Command to refit/resupply as needed, and provide said services at cost to Alpha Command for the duration of this contract.

Article X/a: Inactive Credit
If the Dragoons are required/requested to move their theater of operations and the new theatre is more than 2 months(1 turn) of travel, the Free Worlds Leauge will acrue credit against the monthly salary, to be charged against future combat bonuses.

Article X/b: Non-Combat Movement
If the distance to be traveled for a change of AoO is greated than 360 light years(2 turns of movement at 6 hexes/turn), the time taken to traverse the distance is NOT counted against the contracted time.

Colonel Maeve Wolf, Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Command
Major Benjamin Stark, Wolf's Dragoons Contracts Department
Alyssa Reading, MRBC Contracts Department
Colonel Marcus Garibaldi, FWLM Mercenary Relations Department

**This is now an officially sanctioned contract, binding both parties, and accepting MRBC oversight of any and all disputes between said parties.**

((OOC: Note that this is not broadcast in any way, an should NOT be treated as general IC knowledge. The contract exists only in the archives of the MRBC, Wolf's Dragoons, and FWLM, and any knowledge of it must be obtained through IC situations.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade