[RP/MM] T43 CIH vs LA independent 2116 Dustball/Koniz Invasion [complete]

Started by Marlin, October 10, 2010, 08:12:28 PM

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Militia Crit possible..


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote] for the crit, thanks to the +1


Finally the Milita is taken down, while inflicting another .5 FP of damage. (the crit is negligible)

19 FP of CIH remains.

Koniz Salvage pool: 2+1+1 and a dead Commander.

Salvage: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+15 : 6, 5 + 15, total 26[/blockquote]

Dustball Salvage Pool: 1.5 FP and a dead Commander

Salvage: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+15 : 3, 5 + 15, total 23[/blockquote]




Star Colonel Marina Jadav of the 33rd Striker Irregulars shook her head in disbelief. That Militia was like devils. Like an ancient Nemesis that had appeared to chastise and punish her.

When the two Clusters landed, they expected this to be a cakewalk, however, Star Colonel Gavin Norizuchi fell when he entered a supposed clear path of Volcano landscape. When the mines and Warheads went up, he sunk into a sea of Magma. Marina was thinking of the Klondike Operation. However here the Ravens were wise enough to stay with their Warships.

In the ensuing chaos, the Militia trapped some Binaries into a pit and flooded them with Magma from the nearby volcano. That took roughly ten percent of the whole force out. Of course, when Marina took over Command, enraged, they finally crushed them. Still they were incredible in the face of her forces. Struck her from unexpected angles and taking out more machines than she had thought possible.

Those horrible losses. Not even the Giftake could be taken from Gavin. If that Commander was still alive, she would want him as Bondsman. He was gifted, no doubt about that.

But she vowed never again to underestimate the enemy.

And now she had to inform the populace, free the Warriors that had been trapped and prepare a report to high Command. Would they let her keep her Cluster?


Having underestimated the temperature of Dustball, many Omnis of the Hellions simply refused to work correctly, shutdowns were the norm, allowing The Militia to take out more Machines than normal. The Heatshinks of the Mechs had been overtaxed and when the Militia forces hit Star Colonel Karlo Zeira's Mech hard enough, he ejected, dying a painful death under the sun. Obviously, it was hazardous to go out unprotected. Finally, Star Colonel Jaina Pogue rallied the Clusters and squashed the Militia, with New Monaco, the Capital under a huge dome, surrendered.

What the Ice Hellions knew, however, was, that the Malthus Family had established a realm of Pleasure industry and Criminal Cabal on the Planet. It was time to get that out of Clan Society for good.

With the incorporation of Kooken's Pleasure Pit, they now had both of those competitors under their thumb.

Only the Canopians would rival with this market power. One would see where it would go.

The Loremaster would visit Dustball and start cleanup of the most bizarre and perverse businesses. If the Malthus Family behaved, they could still run this show, perhaps.