Draconis Combine IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by tassa_kay, April 12, 2010, 07:36:23 PM

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"You say you need friends but even by your accounts the Dragon has been your friend, I just do not see what you require of us. As far as the losses at Tamar, we have all lost significant numbers even on worlds that are not our own."


"I know about the issues at Coventry.  And, that is exactly the type of problem I am referring to.  The FWL using the fall of the Lyran state to expand its own territory, then not commiting enough force to deal with its own objective at Coventry.  Rather than having a united front, planning to deal with the clans, we end up with the quagmire you are stuck in.  Meanwhile, the FWL uses its troops to take neutral worlds, even attacking other Star League member states militaries.  Now, I am not here to debate the good or bad of these plans.  Instead, how about a single, unified plan to deal with Conventry.  Because, I can tell you, the clans are going heavily into Coventry still.  Enough so that some of our forces are able to slip through their territory, returning to our lines, without real challenge.  There are similar envoys going to other states.  The goal is to get a single coalition force together.  Perhaps the first mission should be to either take or extract from Coventry.  But, its purpose is not to claim Coventry for any particular state.  Make it a protectorate world for now.  Once we have dealt with the clans and figured out the Lyran situation,  then we can determine what to do with Coventry.  But, what cannot exist anymore, at least not if we are to be successful, is multiple 'overall' commanders.  Thomas Marik's actions essentially made his goals the goals of the Star League.  Unless you believe losing more troops to expand his nation is what we should be doing, then, we need a united front from ALL member states.  That is the purpose of the SLDF, to provide that united front and that united command structure.  You have trusted us in the past.  I am asking that you trust us again and allow us to command the forces and be the united face of all the member states.  Allow us the opportunity and the means to regain that trust and to show the clans that the Star League is not a farce and can face them head on."


"Just because the SLDF is not in command of the opperation does not make it any less a united front the SLDF, as far as i know plans are already in motion to deal with the Coventry situation and again just because the SLDF is not incharge does not make it any less of a joint opperation."

"I can tell you this much Admiral, Coventry has done more for a joint front than any diplomat or SL Council, the FWL is now fully commited to the cause eventhough all they want is territory."


"Well, we are frankly not concerned with who is in command of an operation.  But, if this is how the Dragon wishes it, so be it.  I will not argue with a friend.  The SLDF will continue to do what we can to support the causes of the Star League.  Perhaps you can pass along the information of more clan forces heading to Coventry to the other states operating at Coventry?  We encountered some and received some messages indicating more heading that way at Miquelon."


"So you are telling me the SLDF has intel on more clan forces headed to Coventry as just now tells someone? I would have thought that information would be relayed at the earliest possible moment, not here."


"This is the earliest possible moment.  The intel came, as I just stated, from some of our forces passing through Miquelon recently.  I believe the intel is also being reported to Terra.  I simply know how it applied to my mission here.  But, given what I know, expect more naval and possibly more ground forces.  Clan Star Adder, even with their hatred of us, was unwilling or unable to stop our forces, in fact stating that their forces were too busy going to deal with Coventry."


"Hmm," replied Mr. Grey.

"Well if the SLDF would like to join the relief of Coventry even if not under SLDF control, I am sure i can point you to the right person to coordinate."


"I believe that, given a true allied commander, we would be prepared for that.  But, it must truly be a joint operation for the Star League, not serving any individual states purpose.  This is what has made the clan different in their mission.  A common purpose."


"Because the Adder forces at Coventry are of course serving in the best interest of the Clans. Their are no joint operations of the Star League, they all serve and individuals purpose, take for example why everyones troops are dying in the Lyran theater, defending even those who actively work with the Clans."

"Right now the Adders are isolated from the other Clans, especially the Raven navy and it would seem to me a perfect place to smash them. If it helps the FWL so be it, but the operation does have a common purpose."


"The problem is, where are the Terrans?  Why is the FWL using forces to take neutral worlds and attack WoB troops?  We need joint operations.  Marco Hall has sent out other senior commanders, like myself, to work towards this goal.  So, who would I talk to in regards to the Dragon's understanding of what is needed for Coventry?"


"Why are the Terrans needed in all places? As far as the FWL's attacks on neutral worlds it is a matter for the SL council to address not the SLDF, I believe that you forget your place. Please provide me a list of forces that can can be deployed to Coventry and their estimated time of arrival and i will pass it on to the High Command."


"Mr Grey, you will forgive me.  Given I don't know exactly your role in the Kuritan government and the risk to operation security of not being careful with that information, I will be happy to provide it to high command myself.  If you wish to convey to them our goal and desire, I would most appreciate it.  Also, due to the use of Orbital Bombardment against Coventry, the SLDF is unable to operate under a FWL commander.  So, we will need to coordinate in a different manner."


Imperial City, Luthien
Kagoshima Prefecture, Pesht Military Disctrict
18. November, 3070

Tai-shu Andre Takeda took a moment to examine his form in the full length mirror. His uniform was tailored perfectly to his tall, broad-shouldered frame. Andre only had the barest hints of an almond shape to his eyes to indicate any Japanese heritage. Hazel eyes contrasted sharply with his dark hair. But his eyes went to the green katakana Five on his collar. Just this morning Takeda was officially promoted to Tai-shu after taking over responsibilities when Tai-shu Kote suffered a massive stroke. With Kote's retirement, Takeda was selected to become the new Warlord of the Pesht Military District.

A slight rap on the door caused Andre to start and look at the clock, 0820. "Enter".  A Tai-i opened the dorr and bowed. "The car is ready Tai-shu.

"Excellent. Thank you Tai-i. Lead on." Following the Tai-i out of the room, Takeda was instantly handed a noteputer by a faceless Chu-i. Reading the noteputer as he walked, he acknowledged congratulations only half-minded. After entering an elevator to go to the basement level, Andre exited the elevator and got into the back of a plain black aircar. After a brief acknowledgment by the driver, the aircar sped off. Tai-shu Takeda was not staying at the palace itself, but at a hotel that specializes in catering to dignitaries. The reason for this was that although Andre was completely dedicated to the Combine, at times he felt as if he did not exactly fit the Combine. Andre Takeda was tall and broad-shouldered, a physique that was a stark contrast to the palace's Japanese-inspired architecture and construction. It almost feels as if my presence would crush the fragile appearance of the palace. I wonder if there is some deeper meaning behind the feeling?

Takeda gave a slight laugh at his self-reflection. "Everything okay sir?" The driver asked looking at Andre through the rear view mirror.

Takeda smiled even bigger. "I was ju---"

Shattering glass, twisting metal, and the jet whine of the air car's engine cut off Andre's response while the accompanying massive impact sent the car spinning. Both men in the car were helpless as centrifugal forces pulled them in multiple directions, all at the same time. Andre could feel the vehicle spin along its vertical axis, as well as horizontal. After a seeming eternity, two more impacts wracked the car. Andre was finally aware of relative silence. His vision swam, and he could feel a growing pain spread through his body. He tried to move, but found he could not do so. Am I paralyzed? What the hell happened? Andre fought against rising fear and panic, as he could sense an increasing blackness nibbling away at the edges of his consciousness. Andre could now hear muffled voices coming from his left. Turning his head as much as he could, he cast his eyes towards the source of the voices. Takeda could see feet through the broken window. But something was off about them. After a second he realized that they wre upside down. No.. I am upside down in the car fool. A second later he could see a head poke into the window. The man was saying that help was on its way, and to be calm and still.

Andre tried to speak, but nothing came out but a gargled whisper. The man's head disappeared and Andre could see the boots typically worn by first responders arrive. Again, Andre could hear voices, but answering was impossible. A new noise began to eminate from outside, and Andre Takeda could see small slices of light emerge from outside. They are cutting their way in. We will be safe in moments. Andre smiled, but before genuine peace could enter his mind, his consciousness was overtaken by the Black.


Undisclosed Location
20. November, 3070

Slowly, ever so slowly, the Black lightened to gray; and the empty void of silence grew louder. The unconscious state slowly became conscious. As Tai-shu Andre Takeda awoke from his coma, his subconscious mind panicked. He could feel his legs kick feebly, but were quickly restrained. Takeda tried to move his arms, his right arm felt stiff, but move it did. The moment his left arm began to move, a searing pain caused Andre's eyes to tear up. I can move, I can hear. I am alive. Andre tried to speak but his tongue was thick, and he was becoming aware of a sharp pain coming from his chest, and his breathing was labored. The Tai-shu knew those injuries well. Several years back he suffered similar injuries after ejecting from his stricken Avatar. I have been heavily medicated. I have fractured several ribs, and I have a collapsed lung.

Takeda had still not attempted to open his eyes, but the narcotic fog was slowly lifting and he could hear several voices in the room, few of them he recognized. "Easy Tai-shu. We had to sedate you. I am administering a counter-agent now. Please remain calm and still." It was a female voice, calm,yet stern. Takeda could feel his senses sharpening quickly as the medication neutralized the anesthesia. Someone, probably a nurse, was elevating the bed Takeda was on, allowing him to sit up. Finally, Takeda was able to begin to open his eyes slowly, allowing his pupils to adjust to the light. "Where am I, and what happened?"

A gruff male voice with a staccato tone answered. "You are in a safe location Tai-shu. You were in an accident. You were lucky."

Takeda laughed, which he instantly regretted as his busted ribs lanced fire up his side. His eyes focused on the man. His appearance matched his voice. His face was stern, his gray hair cut close to his scalp. His uniform was disheveled and he wore an ISF pin. This is not good. Why is the ISF here? "How am I lucky?"

The Combine spymaster simply looked at the small tri-vid player mounted on the wall. Within his right hand he held a remote which he used to turn up the volume. Andre looked at him, and to the doctor who was watching the screen intently. Following her eyes to the screen, Takeda looked at the screen. The video showed several buildings either on fire, or extinguished but still smoking. There was something familiar about some of the structures, but Takeda could not place them. He began reading the subtitles as they scrolled by on the bottom of the screen. "No..." Andre shook his head, trying to clear it. He opened his eyes and read it again. "It can not be true.."

But true it was. Tai-shu Andre Takeda was looking at the the Imperial Palace, on fire and in ruins..

With his stomach in knots, and fighting back bile and nausea, Takeda spoke in the barest of whispers. "What in the Christian God's name has happened?"


Undisclosed Location
20. November, 3070

"What happened Tai-shu Andre Takeda is that you are now the senior Warlord, No, let me correct that. You are the most senior member remaining of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery High Command. In the Entire Draconis Combine for that matter.  And I am apparently the new Director of the ISF."

The shock could not be kept from Takeda's face. But anger started to creep into his voice. "If that is so, then answer my question. What has happened?"

The ISF Director smiled darkly. "The meeting between the Coordinator and his High Command was the target of series of bombs and hit squads. The agents also set up secondary attacks targeting first-responders, and even tertiary attacks to attack the next wave of emergency personnel. The perpetrators planned this attack well, and its execution was efficient to say the least. Before you ask who did this, I do not know.. Yet."

The Warlord took it all in. After a moment he spoke. "You say the High Command is dead. What of the Coordinator's family? Do the Kuritas live?"

Without rancor, fear, sadness, or any emotion, the ISF agent reported. "Minoru is dead, apparently he was one of the first to die. Omi Kurita is dead as well. A hit team was sent after both. I believe they were the real targets. Everyone else were secondary targets."

"Are you certain of this? It appears to me several of the buildings are also part of the Control, Command, and Communications nerve center of the Combine. Yes, the loss of the Coordinator is a blow, but the High Command and all the C3 equipment? This is not over. It is just beginning."

The ISF Director rubbed his chin while considering the Tai-shu. Finally he smiled ever so slightly. "Hai. Good analysis Tai-shu. Their plan was nearly perfectly executed then." Looking at the puzzled look on Takeda's face, he continued. "The conspirator's assumed you would be staying at the palace. If it was not for the truck running the traffic signal, you would have been present when they struck. Secondly, all the targets amongst the Kuritas were not successfully neutralized." From a small table, the Director lifted a small folder. From within, he presented Andre with a picture of a young boy, maybe ten or eleven years old.

Looking at the picture, Takeda shook his head as he looked at the picture. "I do not recognize him. Who is he?

"That is Omi Kurita's son, Kitsune."

Surprise shown clearly on his face. "Omi Kurita had a child? With whom?"

A wry smile presented itself. "Hai. Omi Kurita had a child with Victor Steiner-Davion."

"And he was targeted as well?"

"Hai. His guards were able to dispatch the assailants."

His mind raced as he attempted to piece together what had happened, what is happening, and what is to happen. A plan started to form in his mind. Looking at the ISF Director, he asked the man his name.

"My name is Hisashi Ichikawa Tai-shu."

"Well Ichikawa-san, we have much work to do."