Just a thought

Started by Valjean, March 03, 2015, 02:08:12 AM

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I see our game getting quite. I know we are a busy crew, but I would like to try to get us woken up. I also want to see if I can get some more people interested in our little side of BattleTech.

To that end I have been looking around how to advertise, build interest, and wake us up. I don't want to spam the BattleTech Forum so I was thinking how to get our game out there with out spamming.

Have any of you played http://www.battletech-mercenaries.com/
I did along time ago and liked it. I was thinking if we made a unit there and used Intelser as the forum (sort of volunteering your board Deamon ;D) than we might wake up and others may get interested in what we are doing here.

The other day I was playing at making a mixed company with Aero, Armor, and Battle Armor with about a lance of heavy assault mechs. I really don't mind doing all the admin stuff and not being a mech jock, if you all were willing to join me in writing. A Company needs to write about 6000 words a month, for about 4-6 people that is only 1000-1500 words a month.

Is anyone interested?


i actually ran a unit there once, and Fate had a Clan unit for awhile. I would be down to boss a mech lance and upgrade it over time as part of the game. I just could never get other people into the game to join me in doing the writing. I would easily be able to contribute time and effort to the game.

The thing about that game is that the #words depends on the contract your unit takes. Each contract has a minimum required word count, and your unit basiclly gets paid based on the number of words in your final transcript(which you send to the GMs at the end of the contract duration, usually 1-3 months for a small unit to start, before you can get into the bigger contracts with large units).

I have always really wanted to get a solid group going for that game, I've always wanted to run my own unit...just never had the interest of others :P if we have a core of 3-4 people who can contribute(myself included of course), I would absolutely LOVE to run(or partake if you prefer to run it Val) a unit in there gameworld.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Totally give command over to you, or who ever wants to lead, I don't mind being the guy over in the corner.

This is what I came up with for the money we would get
(now I was just trying to get a mixed Assault unit with the highest BV for dollar amount. TOTALLY do not care if this is picked apart)

Unit fits in a Union Drop Ship with space left over. Mechs are not done and can cost less if more are wanted. I just did 4 high cost for assault

Battle Armor                  
Oni Battle Armor [MRR]   BA Squad   387   4   $2,192,000.00      
Oni Battle Armor [MRR]   BA Squad   387   4   $2,192,000.00      
Oni Battle Armor [MRR]   BA Squad   387   4   $2,192,000.00      
Void BA Squad (Standard)   BA Squad   136   4   $2,658,000.00      
Armor, Heavy (BA Transport)               
Trajan Assault Infantry Fighting Vehicle   (ICE)   1,043   85   $2,257,463.00      
Trajan Assault Infantry Fighting Vehicle   (ICE)   1,043   85   $2,257,463.00      
Armor, Light (Scout and Void BA Transport)               
Pegasus Scout Hovertank   (Sensors)   489   35   $808,775.00      
Blizzard Hover Transport   Std.   157   25   $333,125.00   
Aero Space                  
Lucifer III   LCR-3   2,356   65   $7,386,411.00      
Lucifer III   LCR-3   2,356   65   $7,386,411.00      


Things I loved about the game:

Detailed Setting, Check. Good Rules Set, Check. GM's worked with you to create your story, Check.

Things I did not love about the game:

No limitations, you could basically just type I win, I win, I win without ever doing a challenge. Sure you can pick your losses too, but the rules set took me a while to put together and other then fitting your story into the objective, there were no limits. The site is a good spot for people who just want to write a story about a personal unit or use their guidelines to run a local game and just update what they do there.

Couldn't keep players, even more so then here it was hard to keep players interested in a game that didn't require you to play a game. I tried to come up with scenarios for my group, but after a while a lot of the work was becoming last minute to get things done and ... well, not fun. I don't need a quote of writing to have fun playing.

It seemed to me that they're better off reducing the number of active units available and focusing on the ones they already have.

We had a good plot and a good unit, but it's so time intensive to write what you really want to write. I have a GF now and definately don't have the time to get back into that malarkey.

Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.