Postring on behalf of Fatebringer

Started by Hugin, October 14, 2014, 03:47:55 PM

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everyone - this is too big to do via PM and too big to hide IC anyway - so we will do this openly in this thread please! :)

QuoteLadies and Gentlemen of all the assembled Houses and whoever else can receive this message,

By now you should already have some indication that Comstar has more than turned against us, they have betrayed us. They have flimsily denied their actions on Northwind which cannot be ignored. When the Highlanders stood up against them, they bravely tried to unite us with their declaration of an Inner Sphere Defense Force and revealed a secret they have long held dear, the existence of the venerable Black Watch hidden among their ranks, the Honor Guard for the Star Lord of the now defunct Star League.

I as Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation ordered over a dozen regiments, naval aid and support units to the front lines to assist them in the name of the ISDF.  Our house of scions signed off on the largest aid package in the history of the Confederation and I know other houses sent them their support as well. We built massive bunkers to protect their families, that is, before the planet of Northwind was blasted to rubble from space and every man woman and child hunted down like dogs by the ComGuard.

The sudden revelation that Comstar had at its disposal massive troops and naval forces directed at seizing the core region of the galaxy has of now effectively ended the fighting between us. The catalyst for their actions appears to lie in their numerous secrets. I could only fathom at what else they wished to hide besides what happened to the forces that Alexander Kerensky took with him when he and the SLDF disappeared.

Our latest reports indicated doubts as to where the League's loyalties lie. They have questioned why we are fighting Comstar. Now they have the answer to that question. With the knowledge that Comstar is willing to decimate our worlds in violation of the Ares Convention, I say to you Captain General, you cannot side with them. None of us can! There can no longer be an option of indifference for anyone who has to look their people in the face after seeing the devastation of Northwind and say there was anything that could justify Comstar's actions. We did not become the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere by submitting to pressure. We became the Great Houses by excelling despite it!

The Precentors claimed that their Primus ordered the assassination of my Sister, who was the Chancellor at the time of her Death, and that it was a rogue action. Who can they, who will they, blame this upon? The ComGuard is formidable and at one time I thought their resources were limited, but as more and more information comes to light, it appears that they are prepared to dominate more than the few worlds in the small arena we thought they would claim. We have spent centuries building up our forces, challenging each other and becoming the better for it. The further they spread out from Terra, the more diluted their forces will become, but as they push out they will have access to their hidden supply bases to build off of.

More pressing than the ComGuard Regiments though are two major obstacles. One, the impending blackouts that will arise once a House officially declares forces against them. Interdiction is not a possibility, it is a certainty. I suspect however that they will not open with this option as they will not want to ostracize everyone at once. They will want to keep income coming in any way they can until they move officially against us. Because of this, we must either all declare against them or fight a delaying war waiting for Kerensky's people to come back and pray that we can sway them to our cause. None of my people were present at the Conference on Terra for obvious reasons, but if they seem to think Kerensky's peoples return is a certainty and fear it, there is a chance that we can count on them to reclaim the posts they once held as the Galaxy's protectorate.

The second obstacle is the naval blockades that they can bring to bear. With the truce in place, we can discuss more openly the plans started by the Draconis Combine, who was a clear leader in the Concord of Kaptyen which helped to preserve my own realm and better the lives of our people in more than just one way. They have found that the Comstar fleet is not yet as mighty as it could be. They still have ships in storage that they can rearm and bring to bear against us and hidden stations with massive docks that can keep producing more. Thanks to the foresight of my ancestors, a fully functioning mobile shipyard has been reactivated to service a small fleet of antiquated vessels we've been able to recover from the pages of history, and Comstar's own stockpiles. While they are serviceable, they would not stand up against a determined Comstar Fleet. There is no other cause at this point with more urgency than this. I ask that all leaders of the Inner Sphere be prepared to commit any ships they have uncovered as well.

Because none of my people were present on Terra, I did not know where the real threat lay, which is why I have been relying heavily on the missives that the Coordinator has been providing us. To date, he has not steered us wrong. It is our proposal then to try and halt Comstar's ability to rearm their fleet and to commandeer as many of their ships as we can from their stockpiles. Unless another plan is brought forth, acting swiftly to consolidation of resources seems to be the only way I can see this working and would be necessary in order to stop Comstar

I know little good has ever been said of the General Kerensky's decision to abandon us in our time of need. His people's absence and indecision to commit to a new leader allowed the succession wars to become what they were, but if his people's return can herald the rise of a new Star League, it might be better than the panic and anarchy that will spread if Comstar shuts us all down and we face a Galaxy gone silent from a complete interdiction. If they have their way, there will be a new Dark Age.

The ISDF seeded itself out of necessity. I was preparing to propose that we feed their forces with our own.  As I stated, we began earmarking forces for use by the ad hoc ISDF created by the Highlanders. Ships, men, resources, all have been sent core ward to further the idea. The Coordinator sent out the call to meet and set up structure for the ISDF. We have a united purpose for the first time in a long, long time. While, the mere of thought having to say this escalates my hopes, I knew that we could not claim to be a new Star League without the League's support or a definitive leader.

I was ready to propose at the St. Ives convention that from within our own houses we could create Temporary Leadership in support of the ISDF with Coordinator Theodore Kurita at the head for his acts of leadership. The Coordinator was the first one to come to mind as he has been stingy with neither resources, manpower or information and has proved the willingness to assisted his allies as well as recognized the threats to his realm as well as our galaxy while still having the time to better his people and other abroad, but as of today I cannot support his bid for leadership anymore then the continued pursuit of the expansion of the ISDF, because I was wrong, because as of this day, we DO have a chance to rebuild the Star League.

I beseech for all that would have supported the ISDF to instead support the rebirth of the Star League. Even the Captain General cannot deny the need for it and as of this moment we can avoid all of the succession claims that have prevented us from naming a successor to date. We can rebuild the Star League, not with one of us at its head but with a true genuine heir of Cameron Legacy because as of today it is my honor to report to you all that the ship carrying Amanda Cameron and her mother Elise Graham-Cameron has been found, lost in the recesses of space! Floating in Cryo-sleep for centuries in her arms of her mother, the retinue of guards that protected them until their dying breaths floating about them, the wife and daughter of Richard Cameron ... are alive.

I have not spoken to them personally, but I can confirm that both of them have so far survived the resuscitation process and are in as good of health as someone awaking nearly three centuries of sleep can be. I am hopeful that they will both recover fully and ask that for the aforementioned reasons that we recreate the Star League and reinstate High Council to guide Elise Cameron as Regent. As long as we can keep them safe Elise has vowed that she is willing to accept the mantle of leadership until her daughter is of age.

Amanda's right to succession is unquestionable! So if you support her right to rule as I do, we can put past us these wasteful succession wars and enter a new Era of Rebirth before Comstar can bring us to total darkness. To make it official, let it be known that I, Candace Allard-Liao, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation on behalf of my people, do hereby acknowledge the right of Amanda Cameron to succeed her family as the rightful heir of the Star League. I also promise that we shall assist in the defense of the ideals of the Star League in order to maintain galactic peace and security for all.


Reply from New Avalon

  I rather doubt this is the genesis of a reformation of the Star League that Primus Waterly was entertaining amidst her mad, fantasies of a new SL with her at the lead. From my own conversation with Precentor  New Avalon prior to her murder I was told that we likely face a lunatic, who thought to use the revelation of the fate of the Exodus to launch herself to higher levels of power,and that she may well be a pawn.

  The Blood which apparently the name the descendants of Clan Wolverine who fled back to the IS and allied it self with Comstar, she believed was supporting the Primus for their own purposes and that she was of the impression they would rather see the whole of the IS go up in flames to deny it to the Clans. After the most recent actions taken by the ComGuard forces under their command I can not doubt that we are dealing with a  evil, the likes we have not seen in many generations.

  Your Sister, Lord Kurita, my own cousin, Archon Melissa narrowly missed by a sniper's bullet within days of each other, all prior to the conference on Terra? The Primus's forces were already in motion before our representatives at that conference voiced their first concerns about her demanded action to deal with the existence of the Clans.

  It can not be understated that we, the Great Houses must put aside our age old squabbles if we wish to see the immediate threat posed by Waterly and her minions ended, let alone look to being able to stand up to these Descendant's of Kerensky when and if they return.

  Your news about the finding of Lady Cameron is not something any of us would have imagined and I look forward to hearing the full details of how she came to escape Amaris's clutches. Much work lays ahead of all of us, not only amongst those of us who are already working together against Waterly's ambitions.

  I hope that the FWL will not allow it's self to become a puppet and thus an accomplice of the Primus's crimes. It's quite clear that the Primus seeks to sway the League to her side, hence the lack of attacks on former Hegemony world's presently in League hands. Nor are her efforts solely aimed at the FWL, I have no doubt her minions are busy inciting the Periphery States to foolish actions while we are distracted by the fighting around the Terran system.

  It's high time we all dealt with the states of the Periphery as they deserve, and that is as independent, sovereign states, worthy of our respect and not a collection of back wood bumpkins. Our ancestors and the Cameron's made the mistake of condescending to them and it was  the Pollux Proclamation and the following conflict to drag them into the SL against their will that in my opinion lost that body it's legitimacy.

  The recent conflict between the FWL and the Periphery Pact members has ROM's finger prints all over it namely I believe ComGuard troops disguised at Canopians invading a number of border system then vanishing into thin air. Coupled with the FWL's recent conquest of the Circinus Federation, someone is trying hard to see us at one anther's throats, you can also look at the recent accusations from the Protector against the Fed Com.

  We need to engage the Periphery as equals or our common enemy will happily whisper into their ears about the Davion Boogeyman, or the crusading Leaguers or those sneaky back stabbing Capellans and how we're coming for them. Build bridges with them that bring understanding and advancement for both sides, not simply drag them into our quarrels just to gain and advantage over someone else.

  I believe that my fellow Regent will agree, and if she doesn't I certainly hear about it, the the FedCom will be sending representatives to the meeting on St. Ives. There is much to discuss in order to get the nuts and bolts of a combined effort ironed out and we have not the luxury of a great deal of time.

Duke William Townshed-Davion






The Estates General has debated the information arising from the Confederation in regards the discovery of the vessel carrying Elise Graham-Cameron and her daughter.  It is the intent of the Lyran State Command to wait until further information is received and this is confirmed by independent sources, before adopting a position on this.

It is the intent of my Regency to ensure the survivability of the Federated Commonwealth in order to allow my daughter, or her successors, to rule.

As recent events has shown, this may only be achieved through an increased military presence, strong enough to deter those who seek to do the Federated Commonwealth and her people ill.  That is the priority of the Estates General and therefore of the Lyran State Command.  As it is clear that Comstar is not the only force whose desire it is to destroy the Federated Commonwealth.


From the Periphery PACT,

We shall not support the reestablishment of the oppressive regime that was the Star League. If this is the ruse that was said to be a ISDF council meeting our representatives will stay home and our military forces will begin to deploy.

To us this once more shows the colonial attitude and short sightedness of so many people in the Inner Sphere. You continue to look only towards yourselves for leadership and direction instead of the whole of human kind.


From Liao,

If you wish to see things change from the old, it cannot be done without your presence and input. The Capellan Confederation has been trying to contact our neighbors in the outer sphere for some time, but our ambassadors have not been received. It has only been through the intermediary of the Combine's efforts that we have even been able to just now have any form of communication. We have much to discuss. Please reconsider your position and know that even in the days of Richard Cameron, it is said that Elise Graham-Cameron, was the voice of reason.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


OOC: FWL will be attending and sending a Ministry level official