Diplomatic Meeting, Jaipur, Federated Commonwealth 3042

Started by Parmenion, January 27, 2015, 11:39:02 AM

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Amer Fort
Jaipur City, Jaipur

Now nearly 60 years of age, Duchess Olivia Fenlon, one of the two Foreign Ministers for the Federated Commonwealth, relaxed in one of the private suites of the Amer Fort complex prior to the meeting with the arriving diplomatic party. 

Her journey to Jaipur from New Avalon had been without incident, and had given her a chance to catch up considerably on the multitude of information briefs, sitreps, foreign correspondence and other government business her aides deemed of sufficient importance to warrant her attention. 

After two days here, she had promised herself that this first trip by her to Jaipur would not be the last, especially after enjoying the spectacular views last night of the twin moons from within the Fort's observation deck. 


The invader class jumpship "PACT Silurian" arrives in the Jaipur system, after a brief verification is exchanged back and forth with planet all goes quite.

A day later another invader jumpship arrives the "Kuiniu"; the two ships communicate back and forth than transfer personnel.

A Seeker dropship and two Leopard CV's detach from the Silurian and make their way in system.

When the ship lands, PACT Marshal Battle Armor and other unknown security teams take up positions. The visiting teams look wearily at the Federated Commonwealth security, eyes dart back and forth - tension is high.

The first to leave the Seeker is a young twenty something women of darker African completion, but with the facial features of an oriental decent. As she neared the gathered dignitaries she was directed to the Duchess, "Duchess Fenlon, we are honored that the Federated Commonwealth could set up this meeting at such short notice."

The Duchess accepted the extended hand, "Welcome to Jaipur and the Federated Commonwealth, Ambassador Centrella. You honor us by your request and visit."

The Ambassador smiled; leaning in slightly, "I understand for formality, but please Ashanti is fine." She then waved to the people behind her; a young man and women, she was carrying a small child, "May I introduce you to Ian Kurita-Calderon; his wife Florimel and their child Francois."


"A pleasure to meet you all."  Moving closer, Olivia Fenlon shook hands with the adults and spent some time enquiring about young Francois Kurita- Calderon, especially on how the baby coped with the journey to Jaipur.  After that, she introduced a couple of her aides including her niece, Andrea Fenlon (a young woman who appeared to be in her early twenties), before suggesting they had spent far too long at the meet and greet while standing on the spaceport tarmac and that it was probably time to get everyone settled in to their accommodation.

Moving across to where the transportation awaited, the Foreign Minister surprised a number of her staffers by suggesting that the PACT party travel in her limousine so that she could personally outline to the visitors the talks scheduled for the morrow.  If that was agreeable to her guests?



Ashanti smiled as the Duchess made her offer, "I would be honored to ride with you," turning to the others.

Ian smiled, "Duchess at this moment our security detail, made up of PACT, Taurian, and Combine operators is more tightly wound than ever should be inflicted upon such people. Myself and my family shall ride with you, we must take these steps to calm down not just those present, but the political leaders in their capitals and the military troops upon the boarders."


... next day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Good morning Ashanti.  Mr Kurita-Calderon," offered Olivia Fenlon as she rose from her chair upon the arrival of the PACT representatives.  "I trust you and your entourages slept well, especially after so long in space, as although this is my first trip to Jaipur, the weather and the views," as she paused to look out the huge French windows at the vast mountain range in the middle distance, "has certainly helped my own disjointed sleep patterns."  Responses offered, and some more neutral exchanges allowed a measure of informality before the start of proceedings.

"So.  The Federated Commonwealth would like to firstly acknowledge the assistance we have received from Crimson City in recent times.  One would expect that any exchange would have been the exact opposite of what has occurred, however this is not the case in this instance and therefore I would like to extend the thanks of my nation to you Ashanti."


"Bonjour, Duchess Fenlon. We are glad that we have something to offer your people. For too long there has been tension between the realms of the Inner Sphere and the Periphery. We all understand history, but wouldn't you agree that instead we need to look forward to the future."

Ian sat back and sipped his coffee, " Duchess that is exactly why my family and I agreed to join Ashanti here in these talks as we travel to her visit her family. The history of our governments is what holds us in bondage to what the future could offer. Now before I get to radical, the people along our boarders still hold grudges and," he added with a tense smile, "at least on of our rulers seems to be against forward looking. But because the Magistrix has made a point that the PACT is no enemy of the Federated Commonwealth, these minds are being held in check."


"From everything I've read from our archives, it would seem that the Federated Suns/Magistracy of Canopus relationship has most often been reasonably amiable.  It is just the distance between the two realms, that has been the main limiting factor but a relationship that has seen improvement in recent times though.  Obviously a different situation with the Taurian Concordant covering a number of centuries which given the times we live in, should be addressed.  But I digress.  Please, Mr Kurita-Calderon, continue."