[RP/MM] Raid Federated Suns vs. Clan Diamond Sharks Babylon 2803- Complete

Started by Lord Harlock, April 11, 2010, 03:12:41 AM

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Lord Harlock

FSS Nahoni- Tramp Class Jumpship

Commodore Nathaniel Godwinson sweep back his reddish hair. It seemed to float infront of him. "By now, the Clans have noticed our bright red jumpship and the trio of dropship."

He rose from his command chair. "Give the order to the Scipio Africanus and Tarquitius to head to raid the Diamond Shark's shipyards." He then gave a hand signal to a communications tech. "Open a channel to the Sharks, it's time to make them aware that only in the second time in the history of the Clans since their founding by the idle brained son of a coward that they are under attack by a Inner Sphere power." And then he added. "Then again this is only a raid."

The tech signaled Godwinson. He smiled. "This is Commodore Nathaniel Godwinson of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns. I've come all the way from the Inner Sphere to raid Clan Diamond Shark's shipyards with the men and woman of my escort fleet. Who defends them?"

[Alexander Davion Near Escort Fleet- Elite- 8 Naval FP and the Alexander Davion Battlegroup marines- Regular- 2 Naval FP are raiding the shipyards for resources. Operation Wales is in full bloom.]


[Init roll [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3[/blockquote]


[Stuff was moving out and with a 3, doubt i move before you, but please roll your init.]

Lord Harlock

Init roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


Lord Harlock

OOC: No on the pirate insertion because while I figure that the AFFS Navigator already is working overtime. The poor man is probably at the moment in a corner just trying to relax before the Commodore tells him to enter the codes to jump to some other system that he has never visited before. Also, I just don't trust pirate points sometimes, and it would have defeated the real reason for Operation Wales to have the jumpship go visit the chicken people.

As for the transit roll, let's get that over with.

Transit Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]

Lord Harlock

[OOC] Okay, it was a 7. Okay, here is my question: does this count under planet or hex raid tables?


[Ok so 8 FP of Elite ASF and 2FP Regular Marines have failed there Raid Transit roll against the CDS SYs at HW hex 2042, now question is do the FedSun forces retreat or continue on their way for the raid, after failing their transit roll.]

Lord Harlock

OOC: After much thought on the subject, I believe the best course of action is retreat.

FSS Nahoni

Looking at the projections on his console, the Commodore bite his tongue. The chances of survival had gotten to a level so low and colorless that Black Luthien was colorful in comparison. Balling his fists, he finally gave the order. "Signal a retreat to the fleet. We have already achieved our objective by being noticed." It was just so pitiful to come all the way to the home of the Clans only to retreat and show nothing for it.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Lord Harlock on April 11, 2010, 08:52:01 PM
[OOC] Okay, it was a 7. Okay, here is my question: does this count under planet or hex raid tables?

OOC - the seperate planet and hex raid charts were quietly taken out back and put out oftheir misery during the recent streamlining of the rules (the staff weren't using the hex raid table any more anyway). There is now a single "Raid Transit Table," located in this chapter of the rulebook. Pirate raids still use the pirate table.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.