[RP/MM] Turn 38: ToP MoC (SLDF) vs RD - Thule 2909 **Completed**

Started by Parmenion, April 16, 2010, 02:58:25 PM

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Nadir Jumppoint, Thule System
Rasalhague Dominion

The jumpship's appearance at Thule's nadir jumppoint was not unexpected, given that the movements of the vessel had been previously transmitted by HPG from Damian.  Nor was unexpected, the message beamed out from the vessel a few short minutes after it's arrival.

"This is Major Isilde Le Bosco of the 302nd Hussars, Magistracy Armed Forces.  The quality of the equipments designed and built by the Dominion is well known, and my command has travelled far to be allowed the opportunity to meet the warriors of the Rasalhague Dominion on the field of battle.  I challenge you today for the specifications of the Tyr Infantry Support Tank and a working sample of he design.  With what bid do you deny my claim with?"

(ooc:  MAF forces is the 3rd Battalion, 302nd Hussars.  Veteran/Reliable  4.85FP)



"Greetings, Major Le Bosco. My name is Lars Kangas.

Please pardon the tardiness of my response, Major. I have been in consultation with my superiors and with my Ghost Bear advisors, and I regret that this has taken some time. The good news for you is that I have been assured that I am authorized to honor your 'battle challenge' and further that I have been encouraged to do so. The bad news is that I have no Tyr Infantry Support tanks under my command. If you win, you will have to wait for one to be shipped in from Alshain. Will this be acceptable?"

"Should you choose to proceed with your challenge, I am advised to tell you that you have been granted 'safe conduct' -- our aerospace forces will not oppose your landing. Once you arrive, you will the 25th and 26th Drakons Clusters. At the advice of my Ghost Bear comrades and with the approval of my superiors, I am uploading their rosters for your perusal."

(25th and 26th Drakon Clusters. Regular/Reliable 35.3FP)


"Commander Kangas.  Your defensive bid of two clusters for the specifications to the Tyr is most surprising in its strength.  The forces I have under my command, equalling a battalion of Inner Sphere mechs, would in no way be able to offer your warriors an opportunity to gain honour on the field of battle, and therefore unless you have of a mind to reduce your bid commensurate to what I am able to field, I will be forced to withdrawal my batchall."


"I understand, and that is somewhat regrettable. My Ghost Bear advisors asked me to forward a message to you: Never underestimate the value of the prize you seek. Please do come back if you can bring a more appropriate force."