Vote for Ur Cruinne's future.

Started by Jeyar, May 27, 2010, 11:04:16 PM

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As a resident of Ur Cruinne, who would you vote for?

1 (10%)
Capellan Empire
0 (0%)
Federated Suns
0 (0%)
Free Worlds League
1 (10%)
2 (20%)
Magistracy of Canopus
0 (0%)
Taurian Concordat
1 (10%)
(U) Clan Star Adder
5 (50%)
Write in
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: May 30, 2010, 11:04:16 PM


This poll is much like the others I've posted. Half way there!

The vote is (sort of) for the future of Ur Cruinne (a world that the TC took over).

However the results are not one to one. Not every vote is of equal impact - there are reasons why. First, since this vote is open to everyone on this site. I'd love people to view themselves as Fronc residents, and keep in mind the details I've added below, but it is a vote. The second, I don't want to make everyone "know" what is happening outright, even me. There are others as well, but look below for what I was thinking...

So, a vote for the "big 3" nations get a 1d3 (each vote is a 1d3 count): CE, FWL and FS. The reason for this is that Fronc has no real history for any of those nations. Each vote for Independent gets 2d4-1. The reason for this is that the TC has spent a few months shipping off people that wanted to live elsewhere, but this would have impacted the independent sorts the least. Star Adders get 1d2 (even more history-lacking of a case than the Great Houses) – the U means that the TC has no idea how the clan will react (i.e. - Unknown), and "write-in" sorts get a flat vote and you have to post who that that vote is for - that one is the only which isn't secret – but you can make a case for your vote then (it may get a bigger possible range), which is a bonus.

Now the independent people are the most effective block that resists the TC's manipulation. They have no real reason to leave (nowhere to go in order to BE independent), however this world was long under control of the MoC. The Taurian Concordat wants to win this vote (with independent being second most liked), so they've actively been courting MoC loyal folks to leave, and they have been actively bringing in Taurian citizens (actually they've recruited for EVERYONE to leave that wasn't willing to be either loyal to the TC or apathetic – but it wasn't forceful). As such this has a sort of bias there as well. As such, each MoC vote has 1d6-1 (they had great medical care and have long been in control, but they did squash local government and have canon plus and minus reasons to like them) and each Taurian vote gets 2d4 PLUS they've stacked the deck by importing a lot of people (it changes on the number of total votes). The reason for all this is role playing input. Does the TC have to follow the results? No, but it gives the TC an "idea" of how big a problem the TC has. Also I MAY request the GM's to look into revolts in the future (using a set of rules I've been working on by myself), which could be fun for us all. I actually no longer know what to expect in this vote, but hope to win (well, other than a lot of clans will vote). Which means I better toss in some pro-TC reasons to vote. Well, we did initially support their independence until it was proved as unfeasible with their neighbors being as they are, we brought in lots of RP for them to build up their economy (some before and some after the take over), the TC has been importing THEIR own version of enhanced medical technology (the bacta-tanks), colonized in a way such that there is a jumpship connection to improve the economy, plus invited others to help in making sure the area was secure. The TC's paid for oversized local militia and paid attention to the area (local RP and Grover's visit). Plus their canon pro and con reasons.

This vote will also have another element from before – Apathetic. Those that have played the game "Nation States" know how sometimes a vote comes up about such things, so I figured I better add that to at least a third of the worlds – and is somewhat expensive, even when you look at the result of MoC winning. It is a flat 2d3 in "value" - more than many factions.

Anyway, I await the results with fear (and a small, small dash of hope).


[blockquote]Rolled 2d3 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]

Free Worlds League
[blockquote]Rolled 1d3 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 4d4-2 : 2, 2, 4, 3 - 2, total 9[/blockquote]

Taurian Concordat
[blockquote]Rolled 2d4+6 : 1, 1 + 6, total 8[/blockquote]

Clan Star Adder
[blockquote]Rolled 5d2 : 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, total 7[/blockquote]


Okay, this isn't even guessed at. Star Adders have a strong clan voting block I'm guessing.  ;D

Independent won, then the TC, then the Star Adders. Since the TC did get over 25% that at least is in a bucket, but with the MoC getting no votes and Apathetic getting over 16%, that means the TC can't do 2 things that I planned on when in that bucket - or it will cost more. I just noticed that the set-up odds were actually in the TC's favor but the die rolls didn't go that way. Oh well.  :)


A mob of Independents start to celebrate their just victory.



Hey now, I didn't say they'd up and get their independence outright - in fact I pretty much said the opposite in the first note.

HOWEVER I do have to make some decisions, based on a lot of inputs. All the while in a war with the nation with more warships than the TC, and due to the rules, probably nearly as many NKs.

IC one problem is that presently they are way too pro Clan votes - which is very odd on the face of things. I didn't say it was OOC, I said it was odd, which means I will have to figure out what to do.

Another is that the MoC had already conquered them once, and the CE at one time in the last 5 years had military adventures out here (plus took Herotitus), so they wouldn't exactly be safe - and setting up a government to fail isn't all that fun. Or at least not fun for how I'm playing the TC. Don't forget, the TC sees about half of the worlds involved as being Taurian, but is willing to see them go their own way, so long as they get their own path. That and not have an instant civil war...

One OOC problem is the lack of players - I wish that for example there were full time players for all the factions already in play and THEN maybe tempt a player away from one of the big factions to spring loose a new faction. If Addasar had fallen I'll admit that I might have pushed for breaking them loose anyway, but they didn't, so there was no reason to ask the CoPS help in setting up a new nation.

Actually I didn't expect the SL to stop us so fast, so I actually DID push for a new nation, because I had reason to feel that Addasar and a few other worlds were going to fall (never mind why). On the other hand, I also wanted the MoC to be reformed (no slavery, missing quite a few worlds and some other minor changes), but that didn't happen, and with all the staggering stuff Kossandra's Memory has been pumping out (Guests with Benefits), even if I wasn't fighting the Dark, I don't think that would happen anyway now (well, Addasar would fall I expect, but the kickback would be messy and probably militarily regain most if not all of the region).

Even if I wanted to keep the world(s), since I am following my own rules, this option going to be expensive in some ways. However I have to at least consider it, as the TC won outright Spencer and is in first place – but not an outright win - with my rules on Cygnus (which means I have to consider trying to keep Fronc as well since they share a hex, which is the world I most didn't want to have to consider keeping).

Since the popularity of the polls went down (and since only the clans seem to assemble a voting block of players) I may have to change the next half of voting anyway from the first set of rules I set up, or do something big enough in the region to justify my putting off the elections for a while...


Hey, I didnt say they would know whats coming to them. Right now they just party hard. :)

Reality will get them soon enough.


it's the Curse of the Star Adders....rarely the first, but always in the Top 5 (or in this case, Top 3)

though I kinda look at your Polls this way...the people in that area of the Periphery have been fought over by the same Nations over and over and over again. Now with The Dark making serious inroads, and wiping out entire populations, while the Ruling Powers seemingly unable, or in the minds of a more than a few, unwilling to stop them, they may be thinking..."Gee, if noone else can do anything, maybe someone new can, and only the Adders have expressed any interest in this part of the the Universe...they probably cant do, or be, any worse than what we're used to, maybe it's time for a change?"

At least that's my insight to the minds of the citizens, and while they may not be a majority, theyre proving to be a rather powerful and vocal minority that none will be able to ignore for long if things continue as they have over the last couple of turns.

And I cant say why people are voting for the Adders (other than myself and possibly Dis and IM, so that's 3 out of the total Adder votes), and without knowing who is voting precisely, let alone why (face it, if the Clan Players are voting IC-ly, the Adders really dont have any really close allies or friends...two or three at best, that still leaves a fair chunk of the Clan player base anti-Adder at worse, or anti-Periph/IS at best, preferring to see any Clan gain influence rather than continue with the same ol', same ol')

Iron Mongoose

I actualy have not voted Adder here or Fronc (I think I did the other one).  When I voted MoC, it was a sort of acnolagment that yes, something difrent was needed, and that the MoC's willingless to work with the Adders was a sign that they could work with others well, and the war on them was not so much a just was, but an attempt to discredit their success.  When I voted independant, I was a sense of the periphery mentailty comming through, that all the nation states are going to drag the worlds into war, and so better not to be a part of it.


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on May 31, 2010, 08:01:39 PM
I actualy have not voted Adder here or Fronc (I think I did the other one).

ok, then I really have no freaking clue who's been voting Adder other than myself, though I will say to those that have, "Thank you for your support"


Quote from: GraeGor on May 31, 2010, 07:43:45 PM
it's the Curse of the Star Adders....rarely the first, but always in the Top 5 (or in this case, Top 3)

though I kinda look at your Polls this way...the people in that area of the Periphery have been fought over by the same Nations over and over and over again. Now with The Dark making serious inroads, and wiping out entire populations, while the Ruling Powers seemingly unable, or in the minds of a more than a few, unwilling to stop them, they may be thinking..."Gee, if noone else can do anything, maybe someone new can, and only the Adders have expressed any interest in this part of the the Universe...they probably cant do, or be, any worse than what we're used to, maybe it's time for a change?"

At least that's my insight to the minds of the citizens, and while they may not be a majority, theyre proving to be a rather powerful and vocal minority that none will be able to ignore for long if things continue as they have over the last couple of turns.

And I cant say why people are voting for the Adders (other than myself and possibly Dis and IM, so that's 3 out of the total Adder votes), and without knowing who is voting precisely, let alone why (face it, if the Clan Players are voting IC-ly, the Adders really dont have any really close allies or friends...two or three at best, that still leaves a fair chunk of the Clan player base anti-Adder at worse, or anti-Periph/IS at best, preferring to see any Clan gain influence rather than continue with the same ol', same ol')

I know, who voted for you (and for the FWL that would be me). But the point is people voted for whom they believed could aid these worlds or provcide good RP, That is the key. Not because they know you etc etc.

People getting bent out of shape one way or another isn't going to help anything.

If the Adders end up with the worlds it opens up some good chances for Role Play. Or Mega Mek if they are dead set on being poor neighbors. But considering my Canopian Comrades have thus far had good relations and to my knowledge they have not engaged in any un-clanlike attacks I've got no intrinsic problem with them becoming neighbors.

Provided they are good neighbors mind you. Bad neighbors, threatening the FWL, attacking the Capellans, attacking the MoC. Well that I might have to take umbrage with.
