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[RP/MM] KAMU Tournament

Started by Fatebringer, January 06, 2011, 11:32:24 PM

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FS vs RA

Winner: RA by Surrender


Winner is: TEAM #1

Fatebringer: 4666 BV remaining (from 5376 initially) 0 BV fled
FedSuns: 3432 BV remaining (from 5626 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Lineholder KW1-LH8 "Linebreaker" (FedSuns)
Pilot : Owa Lokelani [4/5]
Kills : 0

Dervish DV-8D (FedSuns)
Pilot : Liawini Lum [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Orion ON1-K (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Kalia Miklosko [4/5]
Kills : 1

Watchman WTC-4M (FedSuns)
Pilot : Jamal Holeksa [4/5] ( 3 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0

Griffin GRF-2N (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Fabrício Soranzo [4/5]
Kills : 0

Phoenix Hawk PXH-3K (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Kayî Guney [4/5]
Kills : 0

Whitworth WTH-1 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Cheng-hao Tsui [4/5]
Kills : 0

The following units are in retreat:
MechWarrior Ulrika  Kolberg (FedSuns)
Gunnery Skill : Ulrika  Kolberg [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Rifleman RFL-6X (FedSuns)
Pilot : Ulrika  Kolberg [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Orion ON1-K (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt

Another Brutal match between some of the reserve from the Fed Sun's Davion Assault Guard and the L.A.S.'s B-Team in the Circle of Equals arena prepared ahead of time for the saKhan matches. Many a fine match has been fought in this arena since it's inception, today's was no different.

This match unfortunately seemed to have been settled in the first volley, when the Orion's missiles found a spot in the Rifleman's armor, depriving the mech of half of it's firepower, an aggressive rush from the All Stars after that nearly cost them the Pheonixhawk. Once there, the Watchman proved what a good design it was as it stood and delivered. The Trebuchet and Lineholder doing what they do best, adding their damage in from a distance, they pecked away at the P-Hawk, Griffin and Orion dropping the P-Hawk to the ground twice before it was able to scramble for some cover. The L.A.S. Whitworth was a silent but solid contributor from the heavy woods, once it was in position, there were two salvos going downrange at all times, stripping armor and throwing in some Mediums when the best shots presented themselves. The end result, the Rifleman got to it's feet and was tag teamed by the Griffin and Orion, the Griffin taking off the Left Torso, the Orion, the right. As they finished and the Rifleman fell to the ground for the last time, the Watchmen, not the only quarry in reach, had it's leg removed by the big boot of the Orion. With the mech crippled and the full lance of damaged All Stars coming for them, the Davion Guard withdrew from the battle.


I know i was absent all day today, but I'm availible all day tommarow, and I would really like to try and get atleast a single game in tommarow. If i can get more in, cool.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Roger that, I know a lot of people want to play tonight, I've knocked out 2 RA games, and still have WiE games to play + whatever else comes our way. ;) I was playing dual games most of the night between S7 and KAMU, it was quite fun.


Double post, sorry.


O-A vs TC.

Win for the OA

Winner is: TEAM #1

Oriente: 5428 BV remaining (from 7452 initially)
Pepe: 0 BV remaining (from 6216 initially)

Survivors are:
Griffin GRF-5M (Oriente)
Pilot : John Johnston [3/4]
Kills : 0

Phoenix Hawk PXH-3M (Oriente)
Pilot : Jim Neighbors [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Griffin GRF-3M (Oriente)
Pilot : Charles Schwab [3/4]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Unnamed (Pepe)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Unnamed (Pepe)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Ohren Hatch (Oriente)
Gunnery Skill : Ohren Hatch [3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Unnamed (Pepe)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Blackjack BJ-1 (Pepe)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Trebuchet TBT-7M (Oriente)

Hunchback HBK-4P (Pepe)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Trebuchet TBT-7M (Oriente)
Pilot : Ohren Hatch [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Dervish DV-6M (Pepe)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Griffin GRF-1N (Pepe)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Phoenix Hawk PXH-3M (Oriente)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt

The Oriente Andurien team from the Marik Militia's took on the national team from the Taurian Concordat in a fight that showed off both team's understanding of teamwork and maneuver warfare.

The hard fought but honorable contest came to an end when the Taurian Dervish surrendered with three battle scarred but victorious Marik Mechs still on the field.

The Dervish which had accounted for much of the damage throughout the contest was awarded the MVP (Most Valuable Pilot) award for this contest.

Lets have a round of applause fight fans.


Huzzah! A match I wasn't in! XD

Good to hear. I was reaaally tired last night, and hope to get some more matches in today for the Exiles ;) They're not as tough in their 3rd rank as the RA is so Chaos may tie it up tonight :)


 I will try to be at home at 1 AM (-3 GTM). If someone is online at that time, i will be avaible for a quick game.


That's 10 PM Central Time, I'll keep an eye out. ;)


I'm in the hospital, but my system can't handle MegaMek, thanks to it being old, and also thanks to the Childen's hospital firewall/server.

Would anyone want to be super awesome and run a match or two??? I know its kinda a bit to ask, but I'd be super appreciaive if someone wouldn't mind losing the time to play a match for their facton, just to help me geta handful of game.

Thanks to anyone who can help a buddie out!
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on January 23, 2011, 02:08:15 AM
I'm in the hospital, but my system can't handle MegaMek, thanks to it being old, and also thanks to the Childen's hospital firewall/server.

Would anyone want to be super awesome and run a match or two??? I know its kinda a bit to ask, but I'd be super appreciaive if someone wouldn't mind losing the time to play a match for their facton, just to help me geta handful of game.

Thanks to anyone who can help a buddie out!

I can, but i suck at MM. :P


TC vs CWiE

Winner: TC by Surrender

After a very good fight, the WiE warriors surrender. A very tought fight, the O2-M died a ignomious death by falling after a lot of damage, and getting a 12 on a TC crit! Again, it appears that my luck is with the medium mechs, and the Pillager almost hit nothing. Special mention to the Lucust to manage to survive. A very brave Solahmato fight in a Locust.

QuoteWinner is: TEAM #2

Fatebringer: 2832 BV remaining (from 5282 initially) 0 BV fled
Taurian Concordat: 3840 BV remaining (from 6713 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Mongoose MON-67 (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Maemi Varzaru [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Shadow Hawk SHD-7M (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Umair bin Anis [4/5]
Kills : 0

Pillager PLG-3Z (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Ballard Hamal [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Locust LCT-1V (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Cameron Prisk [4/5]
Kills : 0

Griffin GRF-1N (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Garm Patrianakos [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Marauder C (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Tron Vu [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Zeus ZEU-6S (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Brassal Lasseter [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

The following units are in retreat:
MechWarrior Ilori� Matu (Taurian Concordat)
Gunnery Skill : Ilori� Matu [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Orion ON2-M (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Ilori� Matu [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


If I could have just gotten some LRM's or something to go into that whole I put in the Pillager's back :P Anywho, my poor Maurader C :P I didn't know it gave me a veteran pilot, but at least it made the game a little more even ;) This is what he looked like, in the end. :P

Model: Marauder - C
Pilot: Tron Vu (3/4)
--- Armor: 54/184-------------------------------------------
--- Internal: 60/114----------------------------------------
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
      .../ 9\...           .../**\...            .../ 3\...
     /xx| 16 |xx\         /xx| 10 | 8\          /xx| 23 | 4\
    (xx). -- .(xx)       (   |    |   )        (xx). -- .(xx)
       /  /\  \             /      \              /  /\  \
      /xx.\/.11\           /        \            /14.\/.16\

Head        : Life Support,Sensors,Standard Cockpit,Sensors,Life Support
Center Torso: Engine,Engine,Engine,Standard Gyro,Standard Gyro,Standard Gyro
              Standard Gyro,Engine,Engine,Engine
Right Torso : *Ultra AC/5,***Ultra AC/5,*Ultra AC/5
Left Torso  : ***Ultra AC/5 Ammo (0),*CASE
Right Arm   : *Shoulder,*Upper Arm,*Lower Arm,**Large Pulse Laser,**Large Pulse Laser,**Medium Laser
Left Arm    : *Shoulder,*Upper Arm,*Lower Arm,**Large Pulse Laser,**Large Pulse Laser,**Medium Laser
Right Leg   : Hip,Upper Leg,Lower Leg,Foot,Heat Sink,Heat Sink
Left Leg    : Hip,Upper Leg,*Lower Leg,Foot,Heat Sink,Heat Sink
Ultra AC/5 Ammo: 0


TC vs DC

Winner: TC by Surrender

It was a bloodbath. Ok corral was nothing compared to this. AC/20 rounds, lasers, missiles flying all around while kicks and punches were gifted to all the participants. In the end, a lone Hunchback versus a lone Dervish, a game of cat and mouse. Lady Fortune smiled the bold and lucky.  ;D


Winner is: TEAM #1

Taurian Concordat: 1660 BV remaining (from 4677 initially) 0 BV fled
Fatebringer: 1494 BV remaining (from 4573 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Hunchback HBK-4G (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Janneth Gooderston [4/5] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Dervish DV-6M (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Edward Matacena [4/5]
Kills : 0

Warhammer WHM-6R (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Jun-hyuk Mustafa [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Shadow Hawk SHD-2H (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Christina Yamamoto [4/5] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Hunchback HBK-4G (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Sato Bjorn [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Hunchback HBK-4G #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Udesh Raji [4/5]
Kills : 0

The following units are in retreat:
MechWarrior Masano Shimazu (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : Masano Shimazu [4] ( 5 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Heather Lodder (Taurian Concordat)
Gunnery Skill : Heather Lodder [4]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Grasshopper GHR-5H (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Masano Shimazu [4/5] ( 5 hit(s)   )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Hunchback HBK-4G (Taurian Concordat)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Trebuchet TBT-5N (Taurian Concordat)
Pilot : Heather Lodder [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Grasshopper GHR-5H (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


Seriously, "dropping like flies" is how it started off though. I proxied for the DC, and lost due to lack of mobility.

Round 1, the Grasshopper gets popped in the head, round 2, A pair of hunchbacks start chewing away at the Warhammer, a round later, it's missing an arm and leg. Two turns later, the DC team calls the Shadow Hawk out to save the pilot who was unconscious with a Hunchback standing over her. Following turn was the bloodiest of all, Hunchy finishes off the Grasshoppers head with Medium Laser, the Trebuchet blows up from an ammo hit and as the TC Hunchback hit the ground, it critted it's AC20.

The TC Hunchie made a difference in the turns it had left after that. Following turn, it fell again, and got shot up, would have lost the AC20 even if it didn't crit it itself, but the following turn when it went down for good due to lost leg and torso, it did grouped damage to the DC hunchie that allowed the Dervish to get at the AC20 and knock it out two turns into cat and mouse.

Literally, if the Hunchback would have been 1 speed faster it would have been a hugely different game of cat and mouse, but the Dervishes mobility before the Hunchie made it to well covered terrain was what doomed him. When the AC20 went, he limped behind cover and shed his armor turn after turn, trying to keep up with the Dervish, several rounds into cat and mouse, it seemed he might actually wither the leg enough to make the TC pilot tap out, but the longer things went, the more weapons he lost, the more armor until the point where ever SRM 2 that hit was a sledgehammer to his longevity.

Last round, the fires only encompassed a Med Laser and pair of SRMs hitting the Hunchie, but every shot was red, red, and more red! Then the Physicals, both mechs standing on one good leg and one toothpick, both legs had less then 5 Internal, the Dervish nails the Left leg, the Hunchie the right. Only the Dervishes right leg wasn't the toothpick and his left was. Down went Raji! Down went Raji! The surrender flare followed the Hunchie hitting the pavement of the Colloseum, a very close and hard fought match that could have gone either way in the last seconds. The crowd loved the match.  ;D