Fan Council '62 Signup & Registration Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, February 24, 2010, 10:42:17 PM

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By my accounts, here is the current layout. There are several second and third controlled factions that players have as well. The factions of the New Dominion are one faction, so I'm not running three factions :P I'm not up on my current situation with the Lyran Cluster of Claimants so bear with me if some of my findings are off. I went with what the Map name for them was.

Clans of Kerensky

Clan Blood Spirit  - Active - Tassa Kay
Clan Diamond Shark - Active - GM Controlled - No Player
Clan Ghost Bear  - Active - Part of the New Dominion - Fatebringer
Clan Hell's Horse - Active - Part of the Horse Alliance - Parmenion (But everyone calls it the Hell's Alliance ;) )
Clan Ice Hellion - Active - Marlin
Clan Jade Falcon  - Active - Daemonknight
Clan Nova Cat  / Clan Spirit Cat - Active - Marlin
Clan Snow Raven  - Active - Part of the New Dominion - Fatebringer
Clan Star Adder  - Active - Disgruntled / Graegor (Putting them down here while they reconsider), Iron Mongoose
Clan Steel Viper  - Active - Chaosxtreme

Clan Coyote - Abjured - Last Location Unknown - GM Controlled
Clan Goliath Scorpion  - Active / Abjured - GM Controlled - The faction is out there somewhere, and has not answered the questions before it by the Grand Council.
Clan Smoke Jaguar - Annihilated / The Dark - Those that were not destroyed have been seen in the SW quadrant as The Dark. - GM Controlled
Clan Wolf-in-Exile - Joined with the Star League after the Absorption of the rest of the Wolves to for, Clan Wolf of the Star League. - NVA
Clan [Not Named]  - Annihilated / The Blood (TH) - GM Controlled

Clan Burrock  - Absorbed by Clan Star Adder
Clan Cloud Cobra  - Absorbed / Abjured - Several Clusters were absorbed into the Wolves-in-Exile and are now Star League and those that were not abjured for their part in the Scientist Conspiracy were absorbed into Clan Star Adder
Clan Fire Mandril - Abjured / Clan Camel - Absorbed - Those that participated in the Scientist Conspiracy were Abjured and hunted down, those that were loyal became Clan Camel which didn't last long. Eventually the different Kindraa's were absorbed by different Clans in a series of Trials until they were all gone.
Clan Mongoose - Absorbed by Clan moke Jaguar.
Clan Widowmaker - Absorbed by Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf - Abjured - The remaining Wolves were absorbed into the Wolves-in-Exile who are Abjured.

Terran Hegemony - GM Controlled

Great Houses

Capellan Empire - Cannonshop
Draconis Combine - GM Controlled - No Player
Federated Suns - Daemonknight
Free Worlds League - Chaosxtreme
Lyan Alliance - splintered into several factions
- Chalemaign Steiner's Supporters - Adder and Friends
- Federation of Skye - Buddied up with FWL
- Lyran Arc Royal Estates General -  August
- Lyrans Recognizing no Archon Claimants
- Union of Independant Worlds - Cannonshop

The Coalition of Periphery States - CoPS - I'm not sure which factions run what, but there were several Players.
- Taurian Concorat - Jeyar

Horse Alliance - Is a combination of the Outworld Alliance and Clan Hell's Horse - Parmenion
Magistracy of Canopus - Parmenion
Rim Worlds Republic - DXM?
The New Dominion - Is a combination of the old Free Rasalhague Republic, Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Snow Raven. - Fatebringer

There are also seperate positions for...


ilKhan Diana Pryde - Daemonknight
Grand Loremaster Laurie Tseng - Fatebringer
SSA - Senior Star Admiral of the Clans Bryn Cooper - Fatebringer
ICW - Interclan Watch - Deamonknight

Inner Sphere

SLDF - Commanding General -  NVA
Wolf's Dragoons
- Alpha - Daemonknight
- Beta - Chaosxtreme


Thanks for that, Fate, however the Vipers are led by Chaosxtreme now.

And Iron Mongoose, you have 2 choices, the FWL is clear for you. But now: CIH or Star Adders. :)


Quote from: Elrad on February 08, 2011, 03:57:12 PM
Hello everyone,

Someone (I won't mention any names, but you know who you are :P) has decided to recruit me back into the game. As I understand it, every faction could use players and some are playerless at the moment. While I do have my own favourite Factions, before I write down any, maybe someone could tell me which ones are the most in need of a player. (That is, if you'll want me :P)

The Combine needs a player badly.


QuoteThanks for that, Fate, however the Vipers are led by Chaosxtreme now.


Iron Mongoose

We'll see how things shake out.  If for example the Adders and FWL remain blood enemies, with fighting along a common bourder, then it would be hard to play both Kimmy Cha and Amy Lynn (who if she lived would be in her early 50s.  she was never a great warrior though, so chances are she would have either died fighting, having to keep her high command, or else retired to be a blood house leader or something like that behind the sceens).  Plus, we'll see who's still alive, and what each faction is up to, and who needs the most help and who the least.

And once the other game takes off, how much will be asked of me for that.

Avatar Zero

Quote from: Deathrider6 on February 08, 2011, 08:27:48 PM
Quote from: Elrad on February 08, 2011, 03:57:12 PM
Hello everyone,

Someone (I won't mention any names, but you know who you are :P) has decided to recruit me back into the game. As I understand it, every faction could use players and some are playerless at the moment. While I do have my own favourite Factions, before I write down any, maybe someone could tell me which ones are the most in need of a player. (That is, if you'll want me :P)

The Combine needs a player badly.

Now that really tempts me to jump in right now (CS can attest to my preference for Dracs).

HOWEVER, I honestly don't feel I'm up to that ATM.  Rather, I figure on backing up an existing Faction Head once my personal schedule stabilizes a bit, most likely some time around Turn 47 or 48.


Quote from: Avatar Zero on February 10, 2011, 04:37:13 AM
Quote from: Deathrider6 on February 08, 2011, 08:27:48 PM
Quote from: Elrad on February 08, 2011, 03:57:12 PM
Hello everyone,

Someone (I won't mention any names, but you know who you are :P) has decided to recruit me back into the game. As I understand it, every faction could use players and some are playerless at the moment. While I do have my own favourite Factions, before I write down any, maybe someone could tell me which ones are the most in need of a player. (That is, if you'll want me :P)

The Combine needs a player badly.

Now that really tempts me to jump in right now (CS can attest to my preference for Dracs).

HOWEVER, I honestly don't feel I'm up to that ATM.  Rather, I figure on backing up an existing Faction Head once my personal schedule stabilizes a bit, most likely some time around Turn 47 or 48.

PM me