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[RP/Combat Ops] Hex 3541 - Spitz [Complete]

Started by Mekorig, February 15, 2011, 01:19:45 AM

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 The Taurian blockade to the system just get reinforced when a considerable number of jumpships began to jump in, all bearing the sign of the Concordat. Dropships began to deatach and fighters began to form CAP around the fleet, that burned into the system while other part keep a watch in the jump points. A brief message wes beamed to the planet: "We want to meet your representatives".

Taurian Concordat
Operational Turn  2

Blockade Orders

121th Cluster Patrol Fleet - Patrol Division - CA

Invasion Orders
4th Taurian Air Division - 2x Heavy ASF Wing
Taurian Guard - Heavy Mech Regiment - HW
321th Transport Fleet - Transport Division

Taurian Legion - Light Mech Regiment
311th Transport Fleet - Transport Division

Initiative roll
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7


Link info from continued therads when you start a new thread.

"Theeeeey're heeeere."

"What about support from Carthage?"

"Nothin yet. The message didn't get out remember?"

"Oh yeah... hey, get Mikey in here."

"Hey guy's what's shakin"


"Ooooh boy, looks like we've got company."

"Uh huh, whatcha gonna do about it?"

"You're kidding right?"

"Come on Mikey, your in charge of the Militia."

"Yeah, I got half a dozen old Goblins and my busted Blackjack. Whatchoo expect me to do? Stand under them and pray have a conscious and don't land on me?"

"Come on Mikey, you can do it?"

"You want me to do something?"


"Fine, you're both under arrest."


"Maybe I can keep my job if I hand you over."


"Hey, them's the brakes. I doubt they'll want you, but we'll see..."

The Militia stands down and offers up the rabble rousers on Spitz. The small settlement has nothing else in the way of defense.


The Taurian forces land and the Taurian Guards Marshall and a small security routine meets with the planetary leaders to ensure a smooth transition.


Spitz leans to do the Taurian's latest dance, "The Stampede" s many of them headed to the hills Those that stayed behind are showing the troops the ropes and charging more then triple normal rates for local wares. ;)


The Taurians expected no less. All the Taurian soldiers will behave well with their "again" conationals. even the Taurian Legion will  behave (or they go to death row again).  ;D