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[Roleplaying] Hex 1430 - Ashburton (Independent)

Started by Parmenion, February 20, 2011, 01:14:39 PM

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Zenith Jumppoint, Ashburton
Merchant class Jumpship "Phar Lap"

September 3091

The single jumpship which emerged at Ashburton' zenith point bore Duchy of Tamarind markings.  On board, Anthony Brett-Marik, son of the current Duke Photon Brett-Marik, sat waiting.  And wondering if this mission would be more successful than his last to Bowang.  Finally, he got the chance to find out.

"Greetings from the Duchy of Tamarind and the Free Worlds League.  I am Anthony Brett-Marik, and I come today on behalf of Duke Photon Brett-Marik to extend a hand in friendship to your world.  It is known that you labour under the ever present threat of extreme toxic conditions.  This is a situation that all too many of us in the Free Worlds League lived under also.  However our recovery following the Blakist Jihad has reached a stage where the vast majority of our worlds are free of the toxic elements that has plagued so many of us.  Years of effort and vast sums of money spent have reformed our worlds to much like they were before the Jihad."

"But without the funding and technology to rid your world of this menace my father fears that your people will suffer in never ending ill-health and sickness.  To be blunt, Duke Photon can garauntee that work will start within six months to clear the toxicity levels of Bowang however in return, Bowang must join with the Duchy of Tamarind and by extension, the Free Worlds League.  How do you say?"



The brief response received from the planet had Anthony Brett-Marik transferring to an attached dropship for a trip to the planetary surface.  Once there he was able to see first hand the ravages the Blakist scum had inflicted upon Ashburton.  As not only had several of the larger population centres been reduced to slag, the entire world suffered from toxicity levels that inhibited food production and tainted the air.  Personal breathing apparatuses was the norm here.

Within the hour he had made the journey to what passed as the planetary Governor's residence.  And it was there, with no standing army of note, with no ability to scrub clean her own world, and with little prospect of ensuring a better life for her people without the assistance from foreign sources, that Governor Patricia Keppler signed the decree passing governance and responsibility of Ashburton across to Duke Photon Brett-Marik of the Duchy of Tamarind, and therefore by extension, to Captain-General Corrine Marik of the Free Worlds League.