Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Three are gathered in the directorate council hall in the former duchal residence on Arc-Royal. The room is modestly furnished, all Lyran fittings - they are new and speak little ostentation. Agnes Eszterhazi sits in a brown leather chair, her gaze focused on the door, tapping her fingers lightly. Franz-Georg Numen paces the length of the rectangular table, back and forth, his gaze passing to one of the others, and the next and back again. In contrast to Esterhazi's stoic countenance, his features are mastered by a light scowl, his brown eyes bearing an unvoiced question. The third, newly appointed General of the Armies of the CLP, is Paul Kloesterig. He stands, his posture immaculate, facing opposite Agnes, surveying the snow drifts gradually building on the landscape outside.

Numens speaks first, as he must. "What is going on with Donegal? Did Tanuyama bring this on somehow?"

Esterhazi: "I spoke with him this morning. He claimed ignorance."

Numens, sharply: "And you believe him? I strain to believe that his agenda is entirely our own."

Kloesterig: "Numens, he is likely listening to us right now."

Numens stops pacing. "And what of it? He is already too confident. It's not as if we don't have assets other than his bloodthirsty rabble. If he really were as surprised as we, he would be here with us now."

Kloesterig: "Would you really grant him the priviledge of attending Directorate Council meetings? He has his place, and has conveyed what he knows. Let it rest. There is nothing to be gained by speculating into the void."

E: "In any case, his input is necessary. If the Donegal force has declared its allegiance to the Martyrs, we cannot hope to negotate without his presence being felt."

N: "Even so, he cannot be allowed to lead whatever talks we can initiate. If we can initiate them."

K: "Agreed. We remain in control by presenting ourselves as in control."

"Then it will be you who asks the Donegal leadership what their intentions are?"


"And our approach?"

"We must be open with them - show them that we can afford to grant allowances in the interest of reunification, if that is their aim. We cannot risk rejection; it could easily cause a schism amongst our own."

"Easier said than done, perhaps. They will be bold."

"And we have no right to be? Did we not just rout the nobles?"

"Did we? Tharkad is Tharkad and will continue to be so. Don't forget that there are still holdouts even here."

"Why are you standing by the window then?"

"Why not? They will fear to shoot me if I show that I do not fear to be shot."

"Your popular psychologizing borders on foolishess."


"And you know nothing of the empty gesture that says everything that needs be said?"

"Nihilistic prattle."

"Gentlemen, enough."

"Who shall we send?"

"Not one of us. Someone disposable. One of the Delegates - the woman from Wroclaw. After our address, they should feel like they're being honored."

"If they read it. If anyone did. Sometimes I think we overestimate the effectiveness of the noise machine."

"Is there anything else?"

"This debate is going nowhere."

"Very well then. We send Wroclaw with a delegation of Martyr officers, and one or two of our own people. And Tanuyama stays in the loop. If he hadn't already decided something else, that is."

"If Tanuyama decides anything, it is likely not our concern. Are we prepared? I need to attend to the matter of the land redistribution. And Numens, will you see to the Delegates? Make sure that they know their tasks for the moment."


Planetary Governor's Residence

Lyran Commonwealth

As Kit deSummersVille strode in through the opened doors of the planetary governor he shrugged off his coat and passed the wet clothing over to a waiting aide.   'A miserable day for a miserable day," he thought to himself.  Allowing to be escorted through by a earnest young aide-de-camp, he was ushered into the Governor's presence.

"Good morning General.  I see you got caught in it," the Governor stated as Kit approached.

"Indeed Governor Verzeletti.  And from the weather sats, it is only going to get worse.  Local flooding down along the Tiberius.  Or so they say."

"True General.  If it's one place that floods, it's the Tiberius.  Half a bucket of water, and you have evacuations.  However, the wet weather is obviously not what brought you hear today."

"No it is not Governor.  To be blunt, with what is coming out of Donegal and even Tharkad, in which direction do you intend to lead your people and this planet?"







> open security/prisons/prisoner_records


> search active records


> Mulcahy, Sharon



Planetary Governor's Residence

Lyran Commonwealth

March 3071

With General Kit de SummersVille rotating home to command the 149th Battlemech, William Sangrey, now General William Sangrey, had the enviable task of commanding the Magistracy Expenditionary Force garrisoning the world, but at the same time, the unenviable task of juggling the whole box and dice that came with it.  Pirate raids and the occasional Clan probe notwithstanding, the revolving door of Archons controlling the various rump parts of the old Lyran Commonwealth made determining who was actually in charge of the state, a forlorn hope.   

He knew that Kit had fired off more than one message to Daniel Russell however the silence eminating from Tharkad, Skye or even Donegal, was deafening.  But with the momentum with the forces loyal to the Kelswa-Steiner, perhaps it was time to try again, as he jotted his name down alongside that of Maria Verzeletti, Governor and Planetary Leader of Caldarium on a message to Skye and it's leader.


Message Source:
Old Connaught, Arc Royal, class-A HPG

From: Marcus Steiner, Senior Ambassador of Archon Robert Kelswa-Steiner
To: Govorner Maria Verzeletti, Genereal William Sangrey

Govorner Verzeletti, Genereal Sangrey,

I have been informed that a missive was recieved from your HPG station, although I have not personally seen it. We are still in the process of organizing ourselves now that Arc Royal has fallen. I am glad to know that certin worlds of the Commonwealth have yet to be snapped up by dissidents or the Clans.

I understand that there are questions concerning the state of the Lyran Commonwealth, especially given the considerablly weakened state we now find ourselves in. However, the Archon himself has vowed that all worlds of the Commonwealth willing to be a part of his new Alliance will be welcomed with open arms, and that only militant bodies shall meet the same fate as the CLP. Currently we will be making our headquarters within the city limits of Old Connaught. There is the business of the War Crimes Tribunal to attend to, and he has remained firm that he will not move on Tharkad untill the core of the CLP has stood trial for their crimes. He hopes that seeing the fate of the Association of Tharkad Martyrs, the forces currently holding Tharkad hostage will think twice about attempting to keep him from the planet. He hopes for a peaceful surrender, so that more Lyran blood will not be spilled.

If you have specific querries for me, I will attempt to answer them as efficently and quickly as possible. Please direct all inquires to me personally, and I will ensure they are handled promptly. As we currently do not have any offical standing within the Star Leauge, for some unknowable reason, we have not had any offical contact with outside nations, aside from the Union of Independant Worlds, and the Clans. It is the Archon's wish, and mine, that the Lyran Commonwealth regain contact with the other nations, especially the other Great Houses.

For the time being,
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


From: Governor Maria Verzeletti, Caldarium
To: Marcus Steiner, Senior Ambassador of Archon Robert Kelswa-Steiner

Your Grace.  As you would understand from Caldarium's location, we are surrounded by Clan occupation zones, namely the Spirit Cats and Star Adders.  So far, the defending Magistracy forces have successfully fended off Clan style Trials of Possessions for my world, however as they say, the Clans only have to win once, to win.

I need acknowledgement from the Lyran central authorities as to whether or not LCAF regular forces are able to garrison my world in strength, as I cannot expect General Sangrey and his periphery troops to remain indefinitely.  Failing that, should I make the best deal I possibly can for my people and treat with one of the bordering Clans about the fate of my world?

I wish you the joy of the day.

Maria Verzeletti, Governor