Clan Star Adder IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:55:45 PM

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Headquarters, 62nd Mechanised Assault
Copperhead Military Training Ground, Addergrad

Mar 3087

"... to summarise, my Khan, I have deployed two conventional supernova's to the Adder worlds of Xagyg and Blue Hole, along with supporting 'Mech and Elemental binaries to continue the training regimes instituted previously.  The other two conventional supernova's remain here on Addergrad with the rest of my command, cycling through the Star Adder units stationed on-planet."

Star Colonel Everard paused for a moment as if to allow his far off commander time to digest what he had stated, before continuing.  "The Star Adder convention troops, and even their battlearmour elements, have come a long way.  It has helped that a sizeable number of ex-Lyran soldiers have filled the ranks of their non-mech forces, bringing with them their experience and knowledge of tank warfare.  I can safely say that within two years Clan Star Adder tank and conventional infantry forces will be trained up to our standard and should, as combat allows, produce fine warriors."

"My next brief details the progress of Star Captain Gerhard Aliychuk.  Since arriving mid last year, he has proven his worth as overall commander of my conventional troops.  Excellent leadership skills, a superior tactican on the field of battle.  I understand that several other warriors of his bloodline are coming into their own now, and if they shape up to be as well rounded as Star Captain Aliychuk, I believe the continued superiority of our Clan in tank warfare is assured."


The vastness around Minderoo was torn asunder by the silent arrival of several Ships, three WarShips accompanied by a half dozen JumpShips, all fully loaded with DropShips. A full score plus half again as more detached, most disgorging Fighters of assorted Classes once they were a safe distance from their transports, the remaining placed themselves between the shielding screen of Fighters and the WarShips.

Once all were settled in their positions, a signal was sent from the largest of the WarShips towards the planet, "This conflict for not only this world, but for all formerly Lyran, now Adder, Systems has gone on long enough.  While our two Nations are engaged in political double talk and negotiations at ending this War, we both know that such dealings could take weeks, if not months at being finalized. Hence I mean to see it end here! Today! Our people have bled long enough for no real gain for any other than undertakers and gravediggers. "

"Thus I, Charlamagne Seiner issue challenge you for all the Systems contested between the Free Worlds League, Clan Star Adder and the Star Adder Commonwealth States. Should you prevail, then you will be able to deliver not only those Systems without further and wasteful bloodshed, but myself as your bondsman. Just as should I prove victorious, the Free Worlds League will withdraw all of its forces from Adder Commonwealth territory, with you becoming my bondsman. A one on one Trial that will settle our leader's respective least for now."

"I know that you are not regular military, instead being mercenary, but after having several dealings with officers of the Free Worlds League Military, I have found them lacking in honor and integrity. Things I believe you have in ample supply, for without such, you would not be able to continue in your chosen profession as none would be able to trust you at your word. And again, while not regular military, you are still a Marik by Birth and Blood, giving you some pull over others."

"What say you Captain Marik, do you wish to end this War, or do you desire to lose more of not only your own Warriors, but those of your brother's as well?"

Kristen Marik was not only surprised at the arrival at such a large Clan force, but of who was addressing her. His tone was one of deadly calm and detachment, a sure indication of the seriousness of the situation. She's fully aware of the bounty that has been placed on his person, she may be a mercenary, but as he said, she's still a Marik and she has more than a few connections in Parliament and elsewhere that keep her informed of events and dealings.

She looked around at her fellow Krushers, like her all were tired, and more than a few wounded to some degree, as for nigh onto eight months they've been squaring off against the Donegal Jaegers and Donegal Guards, and everyone involved has taken a beating, but her foes have refused to call it quits, doing just as they promised, tying her unit in place until Adder reinforcements could arrive, and arrive they did, in force and then some.

As she met the gaze of each of her junior officers present, he or she answered her unasked question in their own way...a shift of the eyes, a tug on an ear, a grimace, etcetera, until she knew what she had to do. For as much as she hated to admit it, that damn Snake was right, neither Realm has accomplished much except deplete their own strength, and the rumormill was rampant with troubles within the League's Military and Political Heirarchy. Of course such was nearly always the case with a Nation such as the Free Worlds League, its histroy is testament to that, but this time, this time there was something that made her believe they were more than just rumor and innuendo.

And even though her and her brother haven't seen eye to eye lately, he's still family, and she has every intention of being by his side to support him by whatever means she is able. Her decision made, she nods her head to her Com Officer, "Not sure what your rank is Charlamagne, last I heard you were some type of junior Khan or somesuch, but if you're here, in person, then I be guessing you are deadly serious about ending this clusterfuck of a War. You've obviously got the juice to see your end of the bargain filled, and you're right, I aint Regular Military, but I got some stroke and favors I can call in to hold up the League's end. So you got yourself a deal Mister."

"However, I'll need at least forty-eight hours to arrange things, seventy-two'd be better. Some people are gonna be harder to contact than others, let alone getting them to agree to this deal, so the more time you can give me, the better. In the meantime, I'll have one of my officers start looking for a location to serve as our Circle, since I believe as the challenged I choose the place."

"Bargained well and done Kristen Marik, you have twenty-four hours," her heart sank when she heard that, "to inform all other League Military Forces within and outside the Star Adder Commonwealth to stay away from this world," she breathed a deep sigh of relief as the Clanner continued, "any that arrive will be fired upon without hesitation, without warning, and without waiting to find out their intent. After that, another twenty four to get all your messages sent, and forty eight for your replies. You have accepted what the Fates have set for you and I, you shall learn much in the years to come."

At that the link was severed, the look on her face matched the expression on those with her...none were sure precisely what he, Charlamagne Steiner, meant by that last comment.


In less than half the allotted time, Kristen gets a reply to one of her messages, the one she sent to her brother, apparently he's been kept better informed than she thought as to what's happening on Minderoo.

The video he sent, a recording apparently of an address to the other Operational Commanders replays at the touch of a button:

"To all FWLM Commanders, Officers and Enlisted personnel, at long last the opportunity to end this War with Clan Star Adder has presented itself. The final outcome will be determined by a one-on-one Trial between Charlamagne Steiner and my sister Kristen Marik on the world of Minderoo."

"As Captain-General of the Free Worlds League, I agree to the terms and conditions, and hereby order all FWLM Commanders to cease all hostile actions within the initial borders of the Steiner Protectorate of the Star Adder Commonwealth States. Should any fail to heed this order, you and your entire unit shall be deemed traitor and pirate, with the full blessing and support of the Free Worlds League given to Clan Star Adder for your destruction."

"The ball is now in your hands Kristen, I wish you luck and fortune in your task. Regardless of the outcome, I expect to see you soon, and know this, you've made me proud every day. Thank you for your loyal service."


......Kristen was thrown against the straps of her command couch as her 'Mech was rocked by several minor head blows from her right flank. Thankfully there weren't any breaches, and the adrenaline hogh she's riding mitigates the worst of the feedback she sustains, and judging from the pain in her mid- to lower-torso, she may have just cracked a rib from being tossed around like a ragdoll by King Kong's bigger and meaner brother. A quick side-step, along with a twist of her machine's torso, brings part of her weapon load to bear on the battered Highlander IIC preferred by Charlamagne, followed a split-second later by her response of megajoules of energy. One of the beams burns a scar into the earth just in front of her opponent, the other slags all but a fraction of the remaining armor shell on the 'Mech's left arm. The fireworks from that shot reveal that something vital had been burned as well, "Hopefully, it'll be that damn Gauss," she mutters, as an earlier hit from that weapon nearly took her left leg off....well, the foot anyways...she's been limping every since, being on par with Charlie's ride, and with his jumping ability, he has the edge overall on mobility.

Gritting her teeth, and wincing from the pain in her torso, actually it's lower than she initially thought, being in the lower right of her abdomen, she manages to get her machine repositioned and weapons locked before Charlie can move again. Her vision blurs as the sweat bursts from her pores as she unloads everything in a desparate, all-or-nothing, gamble. Seconds later, slapping the shut-down overrides as fast as they chirp their alarm at her, she witnesses that her haste wasn't more detrimental that helpful, only two weapons managed to land any hits on the hulking Highlander...a trio of LRM's on the pocked, yet still effective torso armor and a medium laser to the upper right arm, this time though, nothing other than armor was vaporized.

Cursing very proficiently, along with a prayer of thanks, as her 'Mech weathers the heat well enough without a shutdown, and avoids a catastrophic detonation of the stored ammo that would have shattered and spread her machine, along with her DNA, across several hundred square meters of landscape. The dampness, however, she's feeling on her abdomen, pelvis and thighs though worries her...apparently that last blow to her 'Mech's head must've sent some shrapnel into the cockpit. And the stinging-burning sensation from her insides, deep inside, a type of pain she's familar with, tells her cooling vest, while taking the brunt of the blow, wasn't wholly effective, suffering a severing or puncture to one, or more, of the cooling lines within.

Distracted by her thoughts, she barely was aware of Charlamagne's answer to her pathetic onslaught, his more calculated and patient....his right arm raised, and in line with her, the SRM launchers spitting their projectiles in a rippling volley. Charlie's luck, or skill, being stronger than her own, as not a single missile misses its mark...a half dozen shatter armor plates from her chest, two impact her left shoulder, and the final detonates against her already scarred head.

She screams from the feedback this time, or maybe its from the piercing agony in her gut as she's once more thrown forward against the restraining straps, "Yep, something is definitely wrong in there," she whimper-cries...that burning sensation constant, more intense and deeper than a few seconds ago. "Justonemore," she think-prays, "Just one more chance please," she says through clenched teeth, as she lines up for another shot at...nothing...Charlamagne had moved during her moment of inattention, "Dammit, where are you you fuckin' bastard," Kristen yells as a cold chill crawls up her spine, along with spreading, heightening warmth in her gut. She knows she doesn't have much time before she passes out, though if it'll be from blood loss or the heat...well, she wouldn't accept any wagers on which.

Amber lights, and the screeching alarm of a hostile target lock brings her back to semi-alertness, she tries juking her sluggish machine to one side, and while successful, it also puts her closer to her opponent, her instinct failing her this time. The viewscreen shows her all to vividly the Gauss Rifle of the Highlander steady and level, the electric blue glow from its coils pale, yet visible, sends her spirits and hopes plummeting...the milli-second brief glitter of the slug winks into and out of existence just before her 'Mech is hit with several hundred kilos of hyper-sonic metal slamming into the gut of her machine, armor plating splintering into a fine mist of pinky to hand sized flakes.

And the damage doesn't end there, the Gauss Slug found an area that had been savaged earlier, the armor that was left doesn't even slow the projectile, it drives deeper, just as the pain from her own injury burns into her body. The pinging, grinding and spasming of her 'Mech, felt more than heard, tells her that her Gyro is gone, just as the sudden jump in the engine's heat output being pumped into the cockpit evidence of its shielding being destroyed as well.

Kristen knows she's lost, and surprisingly she's ok with that....

".....been four month since we had to place her in a medical coma urKhan," a distant feminine voice says and continues, "The damage was severe, very severe. While the wound was small, it was deep and contaminated with coolant. A thin sliver of cockpit canopy had pierced her abdomen, going all the way through her lower torso. It punctured several lines front and back and acted as a conduit for the fluid into her body and bloodstrea....," the rest goes on unheard as she passes out once more from a new dose of drugs being pumped into her arm via the IV bag hanging above her......