[RP-MM] Turn 2: CBS vs CSA – Zagyg (1908) - Resource Trail [Complete - CSA Win]

Started by Fatebringer, July 18, 2011, 06:15:39 PM

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Iron Mongoose

Adder commander, a true birth warrior of the Sainze bloodline, offers hegira (I don't know how closely anyone follows our RP, but the Adders alow warriors to retire, mainly as a way to atract more Lyrans, but some truebirths take the offer up, and become reserve warriors. such warriors are among thouse facing you today, as well as retired Lyranborn warriors and the usual sort of weekend warriors, though all are trial tested members of the warrior caste, even if they may have just squeeked past relitively toned down trials).


Blood Spirits take their toys and leave.

CBS Loses .5 FP
CSA Loses .25, but gains .5 in Salvage.

Iron Mongoose

Do note that a force offered proper Hegira is permited to recover their own salvage.  So at least a portion of that goes to the Spirits.

Iron Mongoose


Traditionaly, warriors would boldly proclaim their victories after they had been made, and for 80 year old reservest Jose of the Sainzes, traditional ruled his life.  Desping being way, way past the age when most warriors had either given up or managed to get themselves killed, he muddled through because he thought he could still serve the Kindraa.  Out of respect for his service, Heroyuki Sainze (himself only five years younger) took him into his personal star, and they retired together a few years back.

But, at a time when bold proclimations of victory were rare, this one attracted notice from high command, and a message came back down the pipe to Zagyg.

"Honorable Spirits," Jose called out to his defeated foes as they went about their salvage opperations, "I bring an offer from my Clan.  True, some of us were your enemies in the past, but some of us were your friends, and we seek a chance to renue that friendship now.  Perhaps there is a way we can aid you in building upon your might..."


As word of the Adder message floated around the dropship, many of the warriors screamed about going back down to the planet to kill the old man, there were lengthy converstations on how to do just that. Star Colonel Sean Winson had not participated in the trial, none of his commanders bid high enough for him to be included, yet despite this there were promises of challenge for his position when they returned to base for even wasting time trialing against their rivals the Adders.

Sean was a rare breed of Blood Spirit though, a traditionalist without malice or prejudice for the Clans that had done them wrong. A true warrior that survived the inquisition of the Blood Knights, and earned his right to participate in the trials and raids for resources going on across the Inner Sphere by the Hussars. He looked over to Star Commander Mario who was tracking the time until they departed the system was holding the comms unit in his hand away from him. "Do not do it Colonel, do not respond, let us just float away, it is bad enough we lost." He looked around nervously. "for certain the crew will mutiny" Sean looked around, the crew was looking at him expectantly with glares. "It has to start somewhere Mario... do you have the energy to maintain this hate forever?" Mario held tight to the unit for a few more moments in the dim light of space trave, then begrudgingly Mario let go of the handle and let Sean take it. He didn't wait to have the tech set up the system for him. He may have been a warrior but that didn't mean he didn't know how to work a transmitter.

"There is but one image my Clan sees of Clan Star Adder, the day Clan Star Adder joined those honorless Burrock surats in turning on the Blood Spirit Forces was burned into our memories. It was not Blood Spirit that started this fued. It was not Clan Blood Spirit that continued this fued. We thought the day when Clan Star Adder realized they had allied themselves with bandit scum would be the day they purged themselves of that blight. That day has not yet come to pass.

Today, I Star Colonel Sean Winson vow to pass on your message to our Warrior Council for you are an honorable man whose forces also faught with honor. I make no promises on behalf of my Clan other than this." Sean put down the handset and looked the crew in the eyes as if to challenge them to action, when none of them spoke upor moved he nodded his head to Mario and said, "Now, let us depart."