[RP/MM] Turn 4: Steel Viper vs Star Adders ToP 1806 Von Strang's World[COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, September 07, 2011, 02:48:54 PM

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I am SaKhan Topanga Breen!

It is the will of my Khan that this world be claimed in the name of the Steel Viper I bring forth Alpha Galaxy to enforce the Khan's will and request safcon so that we may face each other as warriors in single combat!

Triasch Keshik   Transported   Elite   Fanatical   20.5
1st Viper Guards   Transported   Elite   Fanatical   17.5
2nd Viper Guards   Transported   Elite   Fanatical   16.5
400th Assault Cluster   Transported   Veteran   Fanatical   13
Alpha Newt Trinary   Transported   Green   Fanatical   3
Alpha Solahma Cluster   Transported   Regular   Fanatical   10

Clan Steel Viper   3rd Viper Aero Galaxy      Independent Wing   Transported   Veteran   Reliable      128.5
      1st Viper Jaegers Aero Auxilia   Independent Wing   Mobile   Regular   Reliable      8.5

OOC: Note I am declaring my force's involved this is not my bid. My bid will be based on the defender bid.

Dave Baughman

"First the Blood Spirits, and now a saKhan? Do the other Clans truly lust for this cursed world, so loved by the Usurper, so much that they come like waves to the sea to attack it? I am of half a mind to just give you this place of darkness, but honor demands I resist your advances."

1 star (mixed heavy & medium 2nd line 'Mechs) from the VSW Citizen's Cluster will oppose you.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



Vipers Win


Winner is: TEAM #1

ObviousLie: 25644 BV remaining (from 29179 initially) 0 BV fled
TF1: 1397 BV remaining (from 14185 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Supernova 2 (ObviousLie)
Pilot : Susan [1/2]
Kills : 0

Masakari (Warhawk) C (ObviousLie)
Pilot : SaKhan Topanga Breen [1/2]
Kills : 0

Cauldron-Born (Ebon Jaguar) D (ObviousLie)
Pilot : Anne [1/2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Thor (Summoner) E (ObviousLie)
Pilot : Carol  [1/2] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) Pryde (TF1)
Pilot : Diana Omesh [3/4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Vulture (Mad Dog) D (ObviousLie)
Pilot : Dristi [1/2]
Kills : 2

MechWarrior Billy Kyrle (TF1)
Gunnery Skill : Billy Kyrle [3] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Hellhound (Conjurer) (TF1)
Pilot : Billy Kyrle [3/4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Hellhound (Conjurer) #2 (TF1)
Pilot : Khalid MacGlashan [3/4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Vulture (Mad Dog) D (ObviousLie)

Griffin IIC (TF1)
Pilot : Martina Curva [3/4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Vulture (Mad Dog) D (ObviousLie)

Thor (Summoner) A (TF1)
Pilot : Gary Layland [3/4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

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