[RP/MM] Turn 39: CSR vs FS - ToP - Lum 2438 *Complete*

Started by Fatebringer, May 10, 2010, 04:22:58 AM

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<<what's happened so far>>


When the Alexander Davion Battle Group made the final jump with the guidance of the Raven navigators, they were greeted by the site of a world with a massive amount of infrastructure in the skies. A veritable city with as many spacecraft in the sky as there were hover cars in Avalon City. When they were still a good distance out, a veritable floatilla of shuttles approached.

"Alexander Davion Battle Group this is the Lum Space Authority here to shuttle your crews to out facilities for your tour." the voice was a calm even toned female navigator, but somehow there was a coldness about it, like the coldness of space had infected the blood of the people.


On the port side of their ship, the crew of the Alexander Davion could see the smaller Vincent Mk 42 make for the Naval Yards where several other ships were positioned in a defensive perimeter. All but one of them was smaller then the Vincent, and that one was an old Naga design, one of them was barely larger then some of the standard jumpships on station with their sails out collecting rays from the nearby sun. It was easily surmised that the bulk of the Lum defenders had been sent to deal with them personally. Several shuttles disembarked from the Vincent and headed towards the yards as extra shuttles ferried across to the Alexander Davion and Intrepid.

Lord Harlock

Admiral Louis Tourville looked at his uniform as he waited for the arrival of the Raven Shuttle. They were trying to amaze them with the sights of Lum. It was no Galax. There was no floating citadel. None of the spender of the world of a billion free souls. Tourville shook his head. Vice-Admiral Kate Sommerville refused to leave the bridge of the Alexander Davion. She was going to commit suicide if he lost in the simulation. Someone had already put together suicide pills.

Half the crew already had one, but Tourville had refused it. If he and the crew that he had selected fail in the simulated trial. He will live his days in shame till the Writer of the Unfinished Book takes him away to his heavenly rewards or eternal damnation. He kept a smile on his face, but Tourville knew the odds were against him.


The shuttles took little time ferrying the crews across the bled to the station. This time, when they saw Lynn McKenna, she was in full Khan trappings with a Raven Skull mask and a robe of white feathers. There was enough gravity on the deck to keep the cloak from floating. Waiting along sider her was a different indivual. The tall woman had her brown hair pulled back in a bun, a scar crossing her left brow was clearly visible at they approached. The blue uniform was accented by the double diamond rank in black, the same as Asif's. The shorter woman appeared as calm and confident as when she had been aboard their ship. She made a show of looking around as the Fed Suns crew approached. "Admiral Touville, this is Star Admiral Lydia Sukhanov. She is the commander of the Mountbatten. She will be joining us on our tour of the facilities...you seem to be missing some of your crew."

Lord Harlock

"Khan McKenna, Vice Admiral Kate Summerville has decided to leave the simulated battle to me. She wished to be left on board till it was decided one way or another. All that remains on board is a skeleton crew to keep the Alexander running till the full turn over. All of my marines are here with me and disarmed, and as well, your marines have already accounted for all weapons on board the Alexander and Intrepid. I apologized if you took offense, but she is fond of the Alexander." Tourville answered. Then he worried. "And she has been worried sick about losing her. She felt that she would have been a libality in the simulator as well. She figured it would be better to be there to coordinate the skeleton crew left on the Alexander."

Louis Tourville then looked and nodded at Lydia Sukhanov. "Star Admiral Sukhanov, it is a pleasure to meet you," said Louis Tourville as he offered his hand.


The Federated Suns officers did not appear to be impressed with Lum facilities. They were not elaborately decorated, the only part that appeared to impress them at all was the efficiency with which the clanners lived their lives. On a world were five million people lived in space, there the people did what the people had to do first, then relaxed, like a hive of ants returning with their spoils. The tour ended with a visit to the galley where the chow was everything Lynn had promised it would be, filling, nutritious, and that's it.

There were two giant screens at the ends of the chow hall. They had been playing the local news with sporadic updates when the special bulletin appeared. The boarders of the screen were bright Red. The reporter gave way to a video stream sent from the Inner Sphere, markers had the image coming from Sudeten. The announcements of new Blood Named warriors yielded to cheer as Blood House representatives welcomed their new members with feathered capes representing their Families. The ceremony went split screen revealing video of the Bismark's sinking. Vendetta.gif

At the head table, Khan Mckenna stood up and let out a loud caw. The thunderous response to their Khan's blessing bounced off the walls of the immense room. The din was enormous, but after many seconds faded, but before they died out completely Lynn nodded to Admiral Touville, "Those are worthy warriors Admiral. We shall see what you are made of soon. I have affairs that I must attend to, but rest assured, I shall be watching."


The techs were busy showing the Federated Suns crews around their designated simulation CIC's. Per Clan tradition, the choice of rooms was left to the challenger like choosing pistols in an old Terran Duel. The crews checked and rechecked that all the data was set up correctly for their crafts capabilities, then the Raven techs made sure they knew where their space suits were. In the case of actual hull breach, the room would be vacuumed out. Once Admiral Touval gave the all clear, he was greeted by a salute from Star Admiral Lydia Sukhanov. After that the clearplaz walls became dark, and the crews could no longer see each other. Several Fed Suns observers had joined the Ravens in the overlooking viewing room where they could see all the data was on the up and up.


There was a mild shaking of the floorboards in the simulated CIC for the CSRS Mountbatten. Star Admiral Sukhanov steadied herself on the holotank. "Status", "All weapons stern are out of commission.", the Star Captain at the helm shouted out. "Shall we roll?" Lydia looked at her status update in the holotank, they hadn't even begun to harrass the Avalon yet because the Fox had been holding out with some impressive manuevering and ECM screening. "We do not. Keep firing the weapons we have to starboard." While she had chosen to eliminate the Avalon's escort craft first, the Alexander Davion's Battle Group focused on the Battleship. Just slightly less armored then the Texas, the missle broadsides from the Fed Suns craft had already taken out three of their weapon systems without coming close to breaching hull. "Star Captain I need a better line of sight on their ships. If you can not work out their ECM, then I shall come over there myself and you will be piloting a dropship for deliveries to Circe!" The Star Captain gave a loud Aff and gave the techs new instructions. The picture of the Fox was not as clear as the Avalon, but this was not the time to change strategies. "Advise me when we have a firing solution!" Seconds ticked off. "We have it!" Lydia gave the command to fire. What remained of their broadside mixed with the fire from the other ships, was enough to severely cripple the Fox. "Star Admiral, the Alexander Davion is moving away from the Intrepid. Shall we pursue?" Lydia looked at her navigator. "Aff, change coarse for new intercept. Star Captair Marcus, finish the intrepid. Fire at will..."


Without the extra ECM provided by the Fox warship, the picture of the Avalon got a little bit clearer.


Winner is: TEAM #1

Fatebringer: 336799 BV remaining (from 369397 initially) 0 BV fled
LittleH13: 0 BV remaining (from 356121 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Texas Clan (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSRS Mountbatten [2/3]
Kills : 2

Kimagure 0 (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSRS Fionavon [4/5]
Kills : 0

Vincent Mk 42 (Fatebringer)
Driver : CSRS Munnin [2/3]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Fox 0 (LittleH13)
Driver : Intrepid [2/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Texas Clan (Fatebringer)

Avalon 0 (LittleH13)
Driver : Alexander Davion [2/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Texas Clan (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt

OOC: Simulated Mission - No actual damage occurred - I don't think the BV properly represents the damage the Texas took with a 1/3 of it's armor gone and 1/6th of it's weapons.

Lord Harlock

On board the Alexander Davion

Father Y. Webber stat about preparing the Chapel onboard the vessel. There was a feeling of dread in the air. And no doubt he would be told that he was useless if the Snow Raven won the trial. The Cobras had use for religion, but he had overheard the Ravens talking about the fact that the Cobras were somehow traitors to the Clans. That would probably put any end to him even being accepted in any higher caste. It was not like the Clans had a scholar caste. The Scientists were not for the most part looking into questions of history or theology.

Dealing with mysteries of the flesh was not something that Webber had ever enjoyed. And with quiet humility, he had accepted his fate ordained by God for duties in the labor caste. As he put away a copy of the third volume of the Unfinished Book, he finally heard someone in one of the pews. He turned around to face Kate Summerville who looked upset. "Vice-Admiral?"

She had never really attended any of the services that he had done. The only time that he recalled ever seeing her was when he was serving in sickbay trying to help check marines for infection from the plague that had struck that world in the Hansestic League. As a nurse as well as a military chaplain with the AFFS, he did not make many command decisions.

But here was a command level person crying, he went to her. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he tried to comfort her. But she was cold. "Vice-Admiral, you are deftly cold." Her eyes full of tears. "Promise, me something Father?" she pleaded as he voice became weaker. "Please tell me that I might see my sons again someday."

The Father checked her pulse; it was fading rapidly. And he knew that Summerville was healthy as a horse. And then he realized an unthinkable thought. She had taken poison. Father Webber knew that some of the crew still on board the Alexander Davion and Intrepid were considering it if Admiral Tourville failed to free the vessels in the Clan Trial.

But witnessing her failing body, he knew it was true. "Admiral, can you still hear me?" Her eyes fluttered as she started to spasm. So Webber began to do the last rites of the New Avalon Catholic Church. "In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. For in truth, there are no unforgivable sins as long as you ask for forgiveness . . .," Webber stopped.

The Vice-Admiral did not live long enough to hear of the salvation offered her. And many others were now dead. So, Webber went back to his altar, and he did the only thing that he could at that moment. Cupping his hands, he made a prayer to Writer of the Unfinished Book or God. Too often he thought his colleagues in the church embraced that nomenclature, but he knew that it was just another name for the truth.

But he prayed for the souls of those that had taken their lives till the Ravens came in. It would probably be his last service as chaplain, but he would do his duty till the end and beyond. For he would always be a minister of the Lord High God regardless of Coordinators, Khans, or even a tyrannical Prince.

On both the Alexander Davion and Intrepid, the remaining crews of the two vessels started to disappear. Some were found dead in closets or their rooms. Others visited the chapels or other places before taking their pills. The DMI officers destroyed records in the computer such as last known ship deployments in the Inner Sphere, and then they drink spiked martinis for that was their duty.

But in all cases of those that took their lives, they could not live in Clan society either because it was so alien to them or it was the different concepts of freedom. Those still aboard went about their duties till the Ravens came to take totally possession of the vessels built at Kathil and Galax.    


The loremaster was not in a hurry to reach the vessels. The reports about the Davion Crews taking their own lives were responded to as quickly as possible by the medical technicians. However, as the ranking warrior on the docks, he had confered with the Khan and medical attention for those that were dying ceased. It seemed a waste, the crews were not offered Bondref because they were part of Admirl Touvilles bid, yet they opted for it anyway. Only two of the warriors were supposed to be offered Bondsref. Touville and Summerville. As he stepped into the chapel, he had to duck his head. The ports on the Inner Sphere designs were not accommadating to Elementals, almost on purpose. "Is this her?" the med tech stood up. "The DNA matches her medical files and her ID." Klaus Harper looked around the room at the expensive care given to the room. Gilded ornaments and real wood adorned the surfaces of chamber. Looking at Father Webber the Loremaster asked, "What is the purpose of this room?"

Lord Harlock

"This is a chapel, Loremater. All Federated Sun vessels have a chapel of the New Avalon Catholic Church on them." Webber thought for a moment. "Though this is larger than most of the jumpship chapels." And then Webber nodded. "As for its purpose, it is a place of prayer Just as there is a place for the men and women on board to deal with their hungry for food and entertainment. This is where they come to be fed of the Spirit."


"I see. Unfortunately, your people that did not decide to kill themselves will have to make due without this chapel. With so much of this ship's design dedicated to Fuel Tanks and Armor mooring, the actual storage facility were created to be wholy inadaquate. We can not afford to utilize such a large space on a Chapel." A patrol of Aerie Battle Armor stopped outside the hall. "ovKhan, with your permission the laborers are here for the bodies." Klaus looked over Father Webber. "Continue with the reclaimation. Priest, you will have time on your hands. Come with me. In order for us integrate your people successfully, we must understand them. Grab what essentials you will need to be a councilor."


From the bays, Admiral Touville could see the ships were covered with laborers, the stripping of components and restocking took up a portion of the bay, while other laborers were busy directing paint sprayers. The docks were a flurry of activity, each bay stacked with marines and crews. The displaced men and women stood on the deck with all of their possessions while they were quickly sorted into new divisions. Flocks of other crews, Raven crews unloaded themselves quickly from shuttles before the Elementals directed the crews to their shuttles.

A large figure without a suite stepped up to a portion of mixed crew from the Intrepid and Alexander Davion. At his side was man he recognized, Star Admiral Asif Cole. The smaller man made a motion to the Elemental who began to shout. "I am Point Commander Dean! You are new to the Clan! If you do not adapt, you will find out that it was better that you had! Punishment is swift where the Raven's eyes gaze! We run a tight ship! The Scabbard one of the best in the fleet! It is a reflection on those that run her! When you do well, we do well! When you do poorly, we do poorly! You will learn our ways and the first lesson you will learn is that you are not part of the Warrior Caste! I am a warrior! I was bred for combat and it is my duty to fight to my death to protect you! Even from yourselves..."

Admiral Touville could see how his crew was scattered. It was a sound decision used for centuries to avoid conquerored people from mounting a rebellion. He looked around at the faces trying to remember them all when he noticed another face watching him. The way she was dressed, it was quite easy to miss Lynn Mckenna in the crowd. She was just so ordinary, but despite the vast amount of people on the docks, her eyes drew his attention to her. She sauntered over wearing a pair of coveralls with her rank on them. "Bondman Louis, you look like a man with a lot on his mind. If I did not know better I would say that is the look of regret. Do you regret  your actions?"