[RP] Turn 5, Luthien

Started by Dave Baughman, October 02, 2011, 06:09:56 AM

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Dave Baughman

Main Audience Hall
Imperial City, Planet Luthien
Imperial Desmesnes, Draconis Combine
1 September 3091

Kitsune made a millimetric nod of his head towards Akira Tormark, Shogun of Dieron, "Your proposal has merit, Tormark-tai-shu," the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine said slowly, "and there is much glory for our samurai MechWarriors to win on the path you propose. We will consider your plan carefully and in due course render a decision."

Akira Tormark prostrated himself before the Coordinator, "Thank you, Kanji-dono. I am ever your humble servant."

His audience concluded, Tormark backed away respectfully from the throne, as the steward announced the next petitioner, "Daimyo Hayashi Yukio and Tai-sa Hayashi Gendo."

The brothers Hayashi bowed deeply and approached the throne, passing Tormark as he retreated. It took the Shogun a moment to even realize he had seen something was amiss, but this pause was quickly replaced by chilling clarity as he understood exactly what the bulge in Hayashi Gendo's kimono must have been.

But how? Tormark's mind reeled, no arms are permitted in the audience hall and the brothers must have been screened before entering...

Unbidden, his mind revealed the truth. He remembered the assassination attempt on Victor Steiner-Davion - the assassination attempt on the Coordinator's father. An indetectable, perfectly sensor-neutral plastic blade.

"Uragirimono!" roared Tormark as he leapt from his feet to tackle the colonel...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Gunji-no-Kanrei Kiyomori Minamoto snapped into readiness when he heard the muffled cry from the audience chamber, followed a moment later by a crash as an Otomo bodyguard's body was flung through the delicate (but highly noise-absorbant) shoji panels that separated the audience area from the rest of the great hall.

Drawing his katana in a smooth motion he called to the other samurai in the hall, "Protect the coordinator!" he called out as he ran towards the scene of the disurbance.

It was a nightmarish vision. Akira Tormark, bleeding from several wounds, was wrestling with a man in DCMS uniform, trying to wrench away an almost crystal-clear wakisashi from the soldier. Closer to the throne, a trio of Otomo soldiers in ceremonial o-yoroi dueled against a single man in the shredded vestments of a provincial noble. Not only was it shocking that one man, seemingly unarmed, was holding at bay three hardened samurai armed with vibrokatanas, but the glint of metal within the bloodless sword cut to the man's neck said something terribly unnatural was afoot here.

At that moment, the lights blacked out, except for the dim glow of the oil lamps hanging tastefully from some of the beams. Seconds later, a series of rumbling thunderclaps - or explosions - passed over the palace.

Then the air-raid sirens started to howl.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Command Deck, Iijima Maru
Aquaduct-class Liquid Fuel Carrier
En route to Imperial City Spaceport

"Say again, Luthien Control, we are on final landing approach. Unable to abort within safe thrust margin."

"Iijima Maru, deviation from safe thrus margins authorized. Immediately engage full throttle and rise to fifty kilometers. Aerospace fighers will meet you and escort you to a new landing zone."

"Damn it," muttered Captain Reynolds, "affimative Luthien control. Iijima Maru now going to maximum thrust."

Shilone TM-3031
Approaching Imperial City Airspace

The fuel carrier, rising on a pillar of fire, was easy to spot.

"Control, this is Taka One. We have the transport in sight now."

"Affirmative, Taka One. Assume escort position and protect the carrier until it reaches the new designated landing zone."

"Ryokai, control. Blake eleison."

"Say again, Taka One?!"

Taka One's first heavy gauss slug tore into Iijima Maru's flank and was quickly followed by a torrent of laser pulses. Taka Two reacted quickly, and the rogue Shilone never got off a second volley, but the damage was done. Its thrusters wrecks, and a fiery gout of its fuel oil cargo roaring from a breached holding tank, the DropShip began to spin out of control, falling rapidly towards Imperial City...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Imperial Palace

With an audible crunch, the cyborg's kick sent another Otomo bodyguard reeling backwards as his armored forearm deflected a sword stroke with contemptuous ease. The remaining two warriors braced themselves for a moment before continuing their attack - they were all that stood between the Coordinator and certain death.

Meanwhile, Akira Tormark cried out in agony as Gendo Hayashi twisted the crystalplast wakisashi in his shoulder. Eyes burning with depraved fire, Hayashi growled, "You should have left when you could, itansha. Now I will make sure you live long enough to see your beloved Davion dog die."

Tormark could feel the strength leaving his body as the blood loss from his wounds slowly sapped his energy. If only I had my blade, he thought, Hayashi Gendo would be a headless corpse. On the verge of despair he fought weakly for his life, but Hayashi's strength was too much for him to break free.

Suddenly, the pressure on his chest abated and the air before him sang with the clash of steel. Agony burned in his shoulder as the rogue tai-sa withdrew the blade. Hayashi's DCMS uniform - and the skin of his chest - was laid open by the expert sword strike, revealing undulating myomer cables.

Flanked by half a dozen armed samurai, Kiyomori Miyamoto advanced into the audience chamber with katana drawn as the air raid sirens screamed and the the red glow of fire swept over the room. The entire Imperial Palace shook with the shockwave of a massive explosion, but the fighters stood their ground.

Grabbing the last Otomo bodyguard with his massive hands, Yukio Hayashi crushed the man's skull into paste. Discarding the body, he turned his eyes to the throne. Kitsune Kurita stared back.

"You have failed, Hayashi Yukio," Kurita said slowly, "kill yourself now, and I will consider sparing your family."

The elder Hayashi's face, its skin split almost down the middle by a vibrosword cut, screwed up into an insane smile, "Failed? No, you perverted Davion monster, we have not failed. Your lackeys may have come to save you, but I will erase your miserable existence before they can reach me. I may die, but you are coming with me."

There was a long moment of silence as the men locked eyes. Far-away flames flickered through the windows and the only sound were the distant cries of sirens... and the steady whomp-whomp-whomp of a VTOL's rotors.

Then the battle armor came through the ceiling.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.