Investigation of Alphard Warcrimes[Under Investigation]

Started by GI Journalist, October 04, 2011, 09:58:48 PM

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GI Journalist

On behalf of the citizens of Alphard, Sulla Logan-O'Reilly is requesting an MRBC investigation into warcrimes allegedly committed by the mercenary companies BattleMagic and Clan Snord. Witnesses on Alphard claim that while these mercenaries were under a contract with the FWL to provide peacekeepers, they attacked and murdered the planetary militia and thereafter attempted to remove the duly elected government of the planet.

Sulla asks that the MRBC investigate the validity of the allegations and either take disciplinary action or correct the record. In his words, "It is unfortunate that the people of Alphard blame the Free Worlds League for these needless deaths. It would be highly unfortunate if the actions of these mercenaries were unjustly represented. I trust the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation. I will abide by their decision and the Marian people will abide by mine."


Dave Baughman

The MRBC Contract Mediation Department has agreed to investigate the Marian Hegemony's allegations. To this end, a mediation committee consisting of the following members has been established:

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wolf, Wolf Dragoons (presiding)
Major Daniel Cameron, Wolf Dragoons
Precentor Luisa Aldebot, ComStar
Major Ferdinand Drake, Lone Wolves
Captain Noriko Shiori, Kokuryu-no-Kai

All parties to the conflict are requested to provide evidence pertinent to the case no later than 14 September 3091 for review by the committee.

(OOC note: you are free to lie, but unless you back it up with a Disseminate Disinformation order, you do so at your own risk).
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

GI Journalist

What follows is a transcript of transmissions between Alphard and the landing mercenaries:

BattleMagic Commander: "Attention Alphard control. Per the request of the Marian Hegemony Star League representative to stabilize former Spirit Cat Occupied Area's. And per the outcome's of the trial entered into by the Free Worlds League and Spirit Cat's I and my force's are landing to re-establish order. At this time local governance will continue with civillian Free World's oversight until such time as a final dispensation of this world is arranged."

Alphard Control: ""Invasores, senatus salutare. Please relay the Senate's thanks to your paymasters for ending the Spirit Cat invasion; however, order has already been restored on Alphard and there is no need to dispatch any overseers - civilian or otherwise. You are welcome to land to refuel and grant your personnel shore leave, but we cannot authorize the deployment of military equipment at this time and... you should warn your personnel that the moans of the Clan collaborators crucified near the starport may be distressing to them."

BattleMagic Commander: "Senator according to the intelligence I have been shown you serve neither Caeser nor the Captain-General. I assure you, you will have a chance to state your case. In the Captain-General's Court!"

After this transmission, the mercenaries executed a combat drop upon the planet and destroyed Alphard's militia of infantry and vehicles. Casualties were extremely high, as the poorly outfitted militia faced BattleMechs. The militia, which resisted because they believed they were facing another invasion, was not offered an opportunity to surrender. While Clan Snord marched upon Nova Roma, BattleMagic secured the planet's military industrial complexes. Once this was accomplished, local citizens were conscripted to conduct recovery operations. The mercenaries then ousted the provisional senate and arrested the Marian Consul protemps on charges of collaboration with Clan Spirit Cat. Members of the provisional senate claim that in their place, the mercenaries attempted to install a puppet government of Free Worlds League supporters. Furthermore, ComStar Precentor Lupin later alleged that during this time Free Worlds League technicians occupied his HPG station, but Lupin's claim has yet to be verified.

At this point, Major Generasl Alexi Borodin arrived at the head of the SLDF flotilla that had defended Pompey from the second wave of the Spirit Cat invasion. The Marian Hegemony calls upon Borodin to testify concerning subsequent events and the negotiation for the return of the planet to Marian control.

It is the contention of the Marian Hegemony that with these acts, BattleMagic and Clan Snord not only violated their contracted roles as Star League peacekeepers, but also committed an attrocity by killing the citizens of the planet they were contracted to protect. Furthermore, while it pales in comparison to the deaths of the militia men and women, the conscription of labor is a violation of the Marian Hegemony's anti-slavery laws, enacted over 20 years ago. Therefore, in addition to the families of the slain militia, the citizens of Alphard tasked by the mercenaries during their occupation have also registered their complaint and demanded compensation.



In response to the Marian Hegemony's request, Major General Alexi Borodin(AFFS) will be made available to the MRBC for this hearing.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

The board has reviewed the evidence provided as well as General Borodin's affidavit. The board notes with some surprise the lack of a statement from the Free Worlds League regarding the allegations.

Barring the presentation of new evidence by the FWL authorities, this board will render is judgement no later than the end of October 3091.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.