Clan Wolf IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:53:32 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Note: Old Grand Council/-in-Exile threads have been merged into a single thread.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


QuoteFrom: saKhan Bryn Cooper
Subject: Naval Rebuild

Greetings and Salutations,

Sudeten has taken from us, and then taken some more. The Terran Fleet will return and return soon. Other ships have been sighted headed to the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster itself. When the fighting ended on sudeten, several Clans had need for facilities to rebuild with and select clans were chosen to hold these facilities in trust so that rebuilding would go faster.

Now, we need a status report of the Clan Fleet. We can not make plans without knowing the situation. Please report back to me aboard the CSRS Snow Raven with the status of your repairs and where you recieved this assistance. There is no time for delay.

Senior Star Admiral
saKhan Bryn Cooper
Clan Snow Raven


The battle had been intense.  Ivan Kerensky had led his troops, sure of victory.  But, as the Wolves are want to do, the Exiles would not make it easy.  Ivan's forces were soon back peddling and nothing was going his way.  He wondered how he had arrived at this point.  Sure of his path, confident in the corruptness of the bandits he faced, he was surprised when a number of warriors had challenged his galaxy commanders and himself for denying them honorable battle against the Exiles.  They noted it was an opponent willing to fight by the same rules.  To deny them combat was a sign of cowardice.  Ivan had barely won those trials.  However, he could not win in the council.  When the call to attempt to reclaim the Lost Wolves had come forward, a tidal wave had formed.  So, at the will of his council, he had reached out to Marco Hall.  They too had been seeking a way to merge the Wolves.  The greatest issue was how to determine whose path had been correct.  Had Vlad been right or had Phelan been right.  Looking at the ruin of his Alpha Keshik, Ivan could only muse at how wrong his half of the clan had been.  They did not even face the strongest of the Wolves.  No, he had been bested by the saKhan's Spider Keshik.  Their black and red coloring reminding him clearly of Natasha Kerensky.  The outcome was clear long before the last of his mechs fell.  Standing strong over the field of battle were the Lost Wolves.  But, lost they were no more.  In fact, it was his Wolves who had returned to a new home.  He knew there would be a few holdouts.  However, a clan warrior, once accepting a challenge, deals with the results honorably and fully.  Ivan would do no less.

"Craig Fetladral, I acknowledge your victory.  Your Wolves have proven their path.  Let us work to bring forth a reunited and strengthened Wolf clan to face whatever challenges lie ahead."

From the otherside of side of battle, a single mech stepped forward.

"So it is, Bondsman Ivan Kerensky.  Do you accept your position in the unified Wolf clan?"

"Aff.  I hereby relinquish my claim to leadership fo Clan Wolf.  Marco Hall is Khan of the Wolf Clan and has been."

From off the field, two further transmission were received as the saKhan and Loremaster also reliquished their claims.  Soon, a Kuraltai would be held.  Then, word of the Terran fleets arrival reached him.  Craig set his mech into a run to the command center.


Loremaster Tutuola stood on the dias on Tamar.  The assembled warriors on various planets could be seen on various screens.  He stepped up to the podium and removed the ceremonial mask he wore.

"Assembled warriors of Clan Wolf, at the will of this council, we stand united.  As is our ways, trial determined the path we shall follow.  Ivan Kerensky and those who led with him have stepped down from any claim to the positions they held.  In addition, word has reached me this day.  A Wolf now commands the Star League Defense Force.  Marco Hall has been selected by the Star League Council to led the Defense Force.  This is what our father intended for us.  To returned and command the Star League Defense Force against all agressions.  To protect those unable to protect themselves.  This is the honor which we all hold dear.  As tradition dictates, as is done typically with the ilKhan, Marco Hall has relinquished his claim to the Khanship of our clan.  With his victory, saKhan Craig Fetladral has also chosen to step aside that this body may select new leadership."

The election for Khan went quickly.  With his clear victory over Ivan Kerensky, the choice was clear for Craig Fetladral.  However, the debate over the saKhan position was more contentious.  In the end, it was Ivan Kerensky who was elected, showing again the clear power that Blood House Kerensky could wield among the Wolves.  So, with new leadership in place, the time for work had come.


Craig Fetladral and Ivan Kerensky sat in a planning session.  Tension still permiated between the two sides.  But, realization that their side would not survive without the other kept it in check.

"So, intel indicates that the response will be worse than expected, but, not outside of what we can deal with.  There are a few surprises from a couple of the clans.  We will continue to monitor the situation.  We will still have to deal with units with duplicate names.  The warrior council has authorized us to either keep the names and increase the size of those formations or to offer challenges to determine which unit keeps the name.  I believe that we should do both.  A few of the units could use the additional size.  What are your thoughts Khan Fetladral?"

"I would agree.  I believe increasing the size of a couple of the keshiks could be a boon.  Perhaps a little reorganization to make each keshik cluster sized?  We have a challenge by the Blood Spirits for our infrastructure in the home worlds.  They indicate they will honor the trial system.  So, our forces there will have some fights on their hands.  The Spirits indicated they will ensure no one interferes during those trials.  We will see if their clan can honor their word any better than the rest of them, quiaff?"

"Craig, I grow weary of the constant degradations of the Grand Council.  It is the creation of the founder and was his intended way.  You may have defeated us, but that will not change our thoughts overnight.  We are clan warriors.  We are bound by our word and you have proven that you way was the way to go."

"You are right.  You are clan warriors.  But, do not continue to defend the results coming out of the Grand Council.  They have ignored every treaty at any whim.  They have allowed clans to move further and further from the path of honor and protection for the lower castes intended.  They blindly follow old edicts when there is new possibilities.  I do not fully trust these Blood.  But, neither are they the enemy of old.  Further, investigations indicate that the clan targetted may not have committed the crimes for which the annihilation calls for."

Dave Baughman

Clan Wolf Warrior Council
4 November 3069

Marco Hall and Ivan Kerensky stood side by side at the center of the warrior council, waiting for the surrounding warriors - former Exiles and Tamar Wolves alike - to settle. Many of the seats were filled by projected holograms, but several dozen senior warriors had attended in person.

Hall stepped forward and spoke succinctly, "Warriors of Clan Wolf, I am not one for speeches, so I will borrow the words of Ulric Kerensky. The events of which he spoke were different, but the meaning is the same."

"This verse has ended."

"Our destiny is sealed to a once-unthinkable fate. We have found new allies in an ancient foe; and enemies in our siblings. The honor of the Warden way, like a pyre in the blackness of space, has guided us to our home on Terra. Kerensky fortold of this Eden with a promise of deliverance. We will defend it to our deaths."

Ivan Kerensky stepped forward to complete the recitation of the late ilKhan's words, his SLDF General's uniform crisp and spotless, the rampant wolf device on his peaked cap shining with polished gold.

"Let the next verse begin."

MechWarrior 2 - Clan Wolf ending
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.