[RP] Turn 41: Special Broadcast

Started by Daemonknight, July 02, 2010, 03:00:03 PM

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The following message is broadcast across all of Clan space: in the homeworlds, and the Inner Sphere Occupation Zone, and throughout the Ghost Bear Dominion. It is broadcast from every ground-based HPG, and relayed by every Clan warship under the authority of the ilKhan, to every world that has any affiliation to the Clans.

The broadcast is a holovid with audio. The image of a physiclly powerful, obviously Clan warrior woman comes on the screen. She is atired in the full dress uniform of a Khan of the Clans; her uniform is emerald green, with gold highlights and piping. The metal is polished to a high sheen. She is backed by 2 Clan Elementals in the colors of the elite Turkina Keshik, and standing behind them is a Star of Jade Falcon assault mechs in a perfect line, also in the colors of the Keshik.

The Khan has the ceremonial Khan's mask in the crook of her right arm, and is standing in front of a podium. The camera pans around, and displays 2 full Galaxies of hardened Jade Falcon warriors, their mechs drawn up in perfect ranks, the mechwarriors and mech crews standing at attention at the feet of their machines. The camera pulls back to the Khan.

"My fellow Clansmen, and most especially, those of Clan Wolf, hear me. We have been fighting this war of ours, for quite some time, a war against the most insidious of foes, a war against our brothers who betrayed us in ages past. We have done our best to uphold the traditions of our past, and although we sometimes falter, we have never deviated from the paths that define us as Clan: honor, duty, and sacrifice for the good of the Clan, and all the Clans. However, at the end of the invasion, something happened. An order was given to a group of warriors from Clan Wolf, and they left the Clans. They declared themselves Clan Wolf-in-Exile. They said that they were the true Clan Wolf, the defenders of all that Kerensky held dear. However, the recent events on Tamar have show the truth of that falsehood.

The Exiles are a subversive group, ever endevouring to block the path of honor, to face a foe on the battlefields as a true warrior does. Instead, they fabricate a hoax of a Trial to dupe the honorable Clan Wolf Khan into thinking he could bring the split halves of the Wolves together as the Clan they were meant to be, a strong example of what it means to be Clan: once, the Wolves were the leaders of us all, Kerensky himself chose the Wolves as his Clan of choice. And now, the Exiled half has stooped to false-Trials to reclaim the honorable half that it lost when it joined the Inner Sphere.

The Exiles are attempting to split the Clans by absorbing one without actually conducting a Trial of Absorbtion, in order to bloat their own power and weaken the Grand Council. Look at the wording of the Trial itself: was it declared to be a Trial of Absorbtion? No, and even if it was, it does not have the sanction of the Grand Council and so wouldn't be binding. They called it a Trial of Possession? How does one possess a Clan? Maybe they meant to possess the Khanship of the combined Clan? There is no combined Clan, so how could one possess that position, despite the fact that a Khan can only be elected from among the Warrior Council, and not brought in from outside?

I tell you this, despite you already knowing it to be true. The Exiles are not strong enough to oppose even a single Clan in open, honorable combat, and so must resort to such dezgra, underhanded methods to strengthen themselves. They say that the Wolves will be whole once more, yet I do not see how they think it so: no true Clan warrior would fight alongside the Not-Named. No true warrior of any Clan, let alone one as prestigious as the Wolves would go against everything that the Founder stood for, by fighting alongside those who rebelled against the Founder himself! No true Clan warrior would renounce his Clan to fight alongside the armies of the Inner Sphere against his brother Clans!

It is obvious that the Exiled Wolves have fallen farther than any of us could ever have imagined. How can a Clan that has fallen so far still consider itself a Clan at all? How can they then tell us, after their transgressions, that they have the right to break yet more laws that they claim to uphold, when they absorb a Clan without first recieving permission from the Grand Council, the only body able to give such permission?

Warriors of the true Clan Wolf, I speak this to you: the Trial fought on Tamar was no Trial at all. It was a blatant slap in the face to the honor of Clan Wolf, and the Clans in general, to debase our rituals in such a manner. It was no Trial, therefore it's outcome is not binding: and therefore you are NOT beholden to the Exiled Wolves, as they will have you believe. Watch them as they hear this, watch them salivate to have you join them. Watch as they greedily take possession of everything they can get their hands on, because they are to weak to take it like a true Clan. Watch as the horror enters their eyes as they realize they will not so easily gain the strength they have coveted for so long, yet worked so little to achieve.

Warriors of the true Clan Wolf: you are not beholden to such dezgra scum as those who cower amongst the Inner Sphere Successor Lords, and call themselves Wolves. They are mere dogs, house-broken, and begging for the table scraps of their betters. They are not worthy to call themselves Clan. You need not listen to the posionous lies they tell you about their honor, and their victory. They do not even deserve the honor of a Trial of Refusal, as their Trial was not a Trial to begin with. You are still the same Clan you were before they tried to sully your honor by tricking you into becoming one of them.

Warriors of Clan Wolf, if you are indeed still the warriors that I know you are: stand proud, stand tall! Recover yourselves from the falsehoods that have been told to you! You are among the Children of Kerensky, and you are far to honorable and strong a group to fall under the sway of such as they!

Hear me, Clans of Keresnky! We stand together, united in purpose, to drive the Not-Named from Terra, and eradicate the last remnants of their treacherous line. The Exiles have attempts to defile all that we hold dear, even going so far as to decalre their false Trial. Their leader shirks from his duty as a Clansmen to lead the false Star Leauge Defense Force. What true Clan warrior would turn his back on not only his own Clan, the but whole of the Clans, to fight against them for the personal gain the Successor Lords?

I tell you that the Exiles are no longer deserving of the title of Clan, and that they are just as bad, if not worse than, the Not-Named: they knew the crimes of the Not-Named and willingly chose to join them in their cause. Warriors of Clan Wolf, do not allow yourselves to be corrupted by your fallen brothers. They must be destroyed, as they stain the honor of the true Clan Wolf by their very existance.

I am Khan Allison Sonoma, of Clan Jade Falcon. I have fought and bled with many of your warriors over the years. Those who hear this know my words to be true. Heed them, for the lies of the Not-Named infest everything the Exiles say or do.

-Khan Allison Sonoma
Clan Jade Falcon
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


As the initial transmission ends, a recording begins with ilKhan Diana Pryde flanked by 2 Elementals of the Ebon Keshik on Strana Mechty. She is also in full ceremonial uniform.

"Fellow Clansmen. I have recorded this, because I must whole heartedly agree with the sentiments of the Jade Falcon Khan. We must stand united in purpose against the Not-Named, and the split of Clan Wolf hurts this unity. However, this attempt by the Exiles to 'heal' that wound is nothing but a baseless attempt at illegal Absorbtion. I call on the warriors of Clan Wolf to ignore the outcome of the supposed Trial: it was nothing but a false-Trial of Absorption, a lie concocted by corrupted ex-Clansmen. I say ex-Clansmen, because once they were our brothers. But they can no longer be, for they fight on the side of the betrayers. Their so-called Khan has forsworn his position among his Clan to lead Successor House troops under the guise of the false Star Leauge's Defense Force, and what true Clansmen would renounce his Clan to lead another military force?" Diana pauses, drawing a deep breath before continuing.

"We of the Clans must remain resolute in our purpose: to remove the stain of the Not-Named from the Inner Sphere, and to unite the Inner Sphere once more under the banner of a true Star Leauge that upholds the tenets of honor, justice and duty that Aleksander Kerensky took with him when he left the collapsing Star Leauge those hundreds of years ago.

Once more, I say again to the warriors of Clan Wolf: you have been lied to by the Exiles. They have been corrupted by the Not-Named, and are attempting to do the same to you. You are not bound by the outcome of their false trial, and should prepare to defend yourselves from their reprisals at Tamar. You are the true Clan Wolf, and the corrupted Exiles are nothing more than the house-broken lapdogs of the Not-Named. Stand with us, and we shall be ever victorious!"

Diana Pryde
-ilKhan of the Clans
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade