[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Detroit - Magistracy of Canopus vs. Taurian Concordat

Started by Dave Baughman, November 16, 2011, 09:16:13 AM

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Dave Baughman

December 3091
Planet Detroit

Continuing their push to free the Fronc Reaches from Taurian rule, the Magistracy moves on their next major objective: Detroit.


Canopus forces must wrest control of the strategic industrial world of Detroit from the Taurian military. In the decisive engagement, several battalions of troops clashed near Detroit's capital, sealing the outcome of the campaign.


The attackers are elements of one Canopian regiment.

In MegaMek, build a force sized to player preference.

In Simple Resolution, the Canopus force may not exceed 10 FP.


The defenders are poorly-organized elements of a number of shattered Concodat military commands.

In MegaMek, the Taurian force should be roughly equal in size and composition to the attacker. Randomly roll for skills after the force is built; if more than 10% of the defender's force is elite, downgrade the excess units to veteran.

In Simple Resolution, the Taurian force is equal to the Canopian force.

Special Conditions

Command and control breakdown: the Taurian force is a hastily-assembled mix of small operational units; to reflect this, apply a -2 initiative modifier to the Taurian force or a -1 penalty on combat rolls in simple resolution.

Air Superiority: To reflect MOC air superiority, after building their force add aerospace fighters equal to 10% of the attackers' battle value. These aerospace units are not counted when determining the size of the defender. The aerospace fighters may be equipped with bombs and rocket pods.

Unexpected Visitors: Optionally, a third player may participate. Build a force of ComStar and Clan Nova Cat designs (older types, nothing post-3067) whose BV may not exceed 25% of the attacker's force. This force enters the map on turn 6 and should engage any targets in range for three turns before disengaging off the nearest map edge.

Special Ammo: While things are looking bad for the Taurians, their supply lines are still intact when this battle occurs. The Taurian 'Mechs may use Tandem-Charge rounds in their SRM launchers.


In Simple Resolution, standard invasion rules apply (first to win three simple resolution rolls wins)

In MegaMek, each side earns a number of points equal to the percentage of enemy BV destroyed.

  • If the winner's score is no more than 24% above the loser's, the battle is a draw
  • If the winner's score is 25-49% above the loser's, that side wins a marginal victory
  • If the winner's score is 50% or more above the loser's, that side wins a decisive victory
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.