[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Waypoint - Lyran Alliance vs. Clan Spirit Cat

Started by Dave Baughman, November 08, 2011, 07:00:39 AM

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Dave Baughman

Waypoint Star System
November 3091

Lyran forces, pursuing the Star Adder touman, arrive in Spirit Cat space. Their demands are simple: hand over the Star Adder touman or at a minimum stand aside while the Alliance completes the destruction of the Adders.

Scenario details to follow based on Spirit Cat response.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Giovanni Blasini

"To Commander, Lyran Forces:  Molon Labe.  Sincerely, Commander, Clan Spirit Cat Forces."

(OOC: had an awesome, long response that detailed the full position of the Spirit Cats on this matter.  The forum ate it.)

Dave Baughman

The Lyran general narrowed his eyes slightly at the short response from the Cats.

"Dass kann arrangiert werden," he mouthed softly before turning to the Colonel standing beside him, "Oberst von Kluge, prepare your forces for a ground assault. Clan Star Adder ends here."


After driving away a Carrack-class transport and breaking through the Spirit Cats' screen of ground-based interceptors, the Lyrans establish a beachhead on the surface of Waypoint. If the Cats are to prevent the Lyrans from seizing the planet they must counterattack quickly before the landing zone is fully secured.


The attackers are elements of the Regular 6th Den Cluster, supported by Veteran Star Adder troops drawn from several commands. Build a force of 'Mechs and Battle Armor; the 'Mechs should be deployed in a ratio of two regular Spirit Cat second-line 'Mechs to one veteran Star Adder front-line 'Mech. Example: if the attacker fields a Trinary of 'Mechs, ten must be second-line regulars and five must be front-line veterans.

In Simple Resolution, the Attacker is worth 10 FP


The defenders are elements of the Veteran 26th Lyran Guards. Deploy a combined-arms force of 'Mechs, Tanks, and Battle Armor - see below for force composition:

  • For every second-line Spirit Cat 'Mech, the Lyrans may field one Veteran Inner Sphere 'Mech
  • For every front-line Star Adder 'Mech, the Lyrans may field on Veteran Inner Sphere Tank
  • For every Spirit Cat battle armor point, the Lyrans may field on Veteran Battle Armor squad

In all cases, the distribution of weight classes should generally match the Spirit Cat/Star Adder force.

Lyran Battle Value should be equal to 75-80% of the Clan force.

Special Conditions

Commander on the field: the Lyran player may designate one 'Mech as being Colonel Wilhem von Kluge, an Elite MechWarrior. Von Kluge's 'Mech may be a Clan technology design. If von Kluge is deployed, he counts towards the Lyran force's overall BV.

Rushed into service: to replace heavy combat losses suffered during the Star Adder campaign, the LAAF has deployed a number of pre-production Gürteltier Assault Tanks to front-line units. In addition to its other units, the Lyran force may include on Regular Gürteltier Assault Tank (this does not count towards the overall Lyran BV). On turn 5, and every turn thereafter, roll 2d6. On an 8+ the Gürteltier breaks down and cannot move for the rest of the scenario (though it may still fire its weapons).

Artillery Support: the Star Adders have several artillery units in range of the battlefield. After constructing their force, the Spirit Cats may add one of the following to their force.

  • 2 Thor artillery vehicles
  • 1 Marksman artillery vehicle
  • 1 Bowman artillery 'Mech

The artillery unit is Regular and must be deployed off-map. If the Thors or Marksman are selected, they may use normal ammuntion or copperhead rounds. The the Bowman is selected, it may use normal ammunition, homing ammunition, or FASCAM.


In Simple Resolution, standard invasion rules apply (first to win three simple resolution rolls wins)

In MegaMek, each side earns a number of points equal to the percentage of enemy BV destroyed.

If the winner's score is no more than 24% above the loser's, the battle is a draw
If the winner's score is 25-49% above the loser's, that side wins a marginal victory
If the winner's score is 50% or more above the loser's, that side wins a decisive victory
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.