[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Deia - Clan Jade Falcon vs. Clan Ice Hellion

Started by Dave Baughman, November 08, 2011, 06:58:47 AM

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Dave Baughman

Planet Deia
Early December 3091

Despite the fierce Hellion resistance, the Jade Falcons' persistent attacks and willingness to take heavy losses to exterminate their victims. When word arrived in late November that The Lair had finally been destroyed by Jade Falcon warships, the Hellions Khans on Deia knew it was only a matter of time before the final assault begins.


Clan Jade Falcons attacks Deia with everything it has, intent on completing its Trial of Annihilation against the Ice Hellions.


The attackers are assault groups drawn from the entire Jade Falcon touman. Build a force of 50 'Mechs (10 stars); each star should be one light, one medium, two heavy, and one assault 'Mech. One star arrives by assault drop every other turn. Randomly assign skills with MegaMek's random skill function -after- designating arrival times.

Additionally, create a force of 5 medium omnifighters with maximum bomb loads. These fighters should deploy on round 1 and use level bombing then exit the map. "Returning fighters" must be turned off.

If simple resolution is used, the Jade Falcon force is 25 FP, and gains another 25 FP each operational round.


The defenders are the remains of the Ice Hellion touman. Build a combined-arms force of:

  • 25 'Mechs (10 light, 10 medium, 5 heavy)
  • 20 Tanks (5 of each weight class)
  • 20 ProtoMechs (a mix of designs)
  • 5 Battle Armor points
  • 5 Conventional Infantry points

50% of the force (round down in each category; e.g. start with 2 battle armor units) deploys on the map. 10% of the remaining forces arrive on the map every 2 turns.

Additionally, place a Naga Prime two mapsheets offboard. Load this 'Mech entirely with nuclear missiles. These missiles may only be deployed through a special rule (see below).

The Hellions force starts with 50 FP, and gains 10 FP each subsequent operational round.

Special Conditions

Large Battlefield: The map size should not be smaller than 50x50. Falcon deployment zone must be "all," Hellion deployment zone must be "edge."

The Final Option: The Hellion Khans understand this is likely their final stand and may order the use of nuclear arms to repel the Falcons. At the end of each turn, roll 2d6 and add the number of Hellion units lost that turn. If the result 12 or more, the Naga may launch either one (12-15) or two (16+) missiles on the following turn. In Simple Resolution, roll 2d6 every turn. On a 10+, use a nuclear token next turn to damage the Falcons and on a 12 use two.

Bloodlust: The Jade Falcon warriors may not voluntarily break line of sight with the Ice Hellions and must fire at least one weapon every turn if they have a target in range - even if this results in overheating.


In Simple Resolution, roll out up to six rounds of combat. Combat continues until one side or the other is destroyer or forced to withdraw by critical event.

In MegaMek, neither side will retreat or surrender. Combat continues until all units on one side are destroyed or rendered incapable of participating in the battle.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



Holt and I have done up lists for this fight. We got two rounds in but have to restart due to me setting up my reinforcements improperly. :P Will fix and restart Wednesday or later. Still wondering where our Dave's at :( We getting worried.


No 50x50 map properly represts the terrain the defenders wish to fight on so I created a 3x3 set up for Deia's "Big Island"

Maps: 16x17 (3x3)


We had issues yesterday with the host server freezing up when we tried to upload our lists :P We'll try again tonight. :P


Dave Baughman

Quote from: Fatebringer on January 09, 2012, 08:54:24 PM
We are set to do our 3rd day of combat tonight ;)

What time are you playing? I wouldn't mind swinging by to observe.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Missed the post, our 3rd day of combat was just as eventful as the previous 2, but far from over. After Turn 6, 2 Stars from each side are down, but the Falcons are in better shape with about 2/5th of the Hellion force being crippled. As long as he doesn't keep deploying inside my formation, I'll have a chance at holding out :P It was a real pity to see the Thor go up and take the Hellion with him. All the Boom damage went thru it's CT and cored it. We shall miss the little bugger.