Keep Track of your Progress

Started by Dave Baughman, November 15, 2011, 08:28:22 AM

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Dave Baughman

As you complete Turning Points scenarios, please make sure you report in this thread who played which sides and what the outcome of the battle is, both in terms of the score and any special accomplishments/cool RP moments/spectacular results. We will be tracking player achievements during the next few turns and will be setting up a rewards system when the rebalance comes. The rewards will not be particularly game breaking (after all, we understand that not everyone plays MegaMek), but we want to reward folks for taking the time to actually play out the scenarios rather than just having them go to dice.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Turning Point: Arcturus - Chaosxtreme (LA) vs Fatebringer (ND) - ND Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Connaught - Dave Baughman (TH) vs Fatebringer (FWL) - FWL Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: New Hope - Holt (Society) vs Fatebringer (SS) - SS Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: VIP Assasination Attempt -Holt (TH) vs Fatebringer (FS) -FS Victory! (VIP Lives) - [Complete]
Turning Point: Brasha - Holt (DC) vs Fatebringer (HA) - DC Marginal Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Stanley - Chaosxtreme (FWL) vs Fatebringer (LA) - FWL Marginal Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Pella II - Holt (FS) vs Fatebringer (SS) - SS Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: New Haiti - Fatebringer (FS) vs Chaosxtreme (Pirates! YAR!) - Pirate Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Liao - Holt (TH) vs Fatebringer (SS) - SS Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Luthien - Fatebringer (DC) vs Holt (MD) - DC Decisive Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Crellacor - Chaosxtreme (CSV) vs Fatebringer (ND) - ND Marginal Victory! - [Complete]
Turning Point: Victoria - Fatebringer (SS) vs Holt (FS) - FS Marginal Victory! - [Complete]

Turning Point: Skallvol - No Fight (So far...)


Here is the list of what I see left to play.

Small Battles can be completed with 8 or less units.
Medium Battles can be accomplished with 20 or Less Units.
Large Battles are HUGE! And will take a lot of time.

In Progress
Turning Point: Deia - Holt (CJF) vs Fatebringer (CIH) - BIG FIGHT!

Turning Point: Bremen - (CBS) vs (Society) - Super Big Mech!
Turning Point: Detroit - (MoC) vs (TC) - Medium Size
Turning Point: Midway - (DC) vs (MD) - Part 1 - Specfic Force List
Turning Point: New Ivaarsen - (DC) vs (FS) - Medium or Small
Turning Point: Regulus - (FWL),(MD),(FS), vs (REG) - Large 4 Way Battle!
Turning Point: Waypoint - (LA) vs (CSC) - Medium to Large

Turning Point: Sudeten - (ND) vs (LA) - Unfinished Scenario

Turning Point: Romita - Giovanni (CSC) vs Chaos (FWL) - Zell Offered - Small


Quote from: Fatebringer on December 05, 2011, 07:08:47 PM
Here is the list of what I see left to play.

Small Battles can be completed with 8 or less units.
Medium Battles can be accomplished with 20 or Less Units.
Large Battles are HUGE! And will take a lot of time.

Turning Point: Bremen - (CBS) vs (Society) - Super Big Mech!
Turning Point: Deia - (CJF) vs (CIH) - BIG FIGHT!
Turning Point: Detroit - (MoC) vs (TC) - Medium Size
Turning Point: Midway - (DC) vs (MD) - Part 1 - Specfic Force List
Turning Point: New Ivaarsen - (DC) vs (FS) - Medium or Small
Turning Point: Regulus - (FWL),(MD),(FS), vs (REG) - Large 4 Way Battle!
Turning Point: Skallvol - Awaiting response from CIH Techs about the fate of their Warriors.
Turning Point: Victoria - (SS) vs (FS) - Medium - Sharks choose map.

Turning Point: Sudeten - (ND) vs (LA) - Unfinished Scenario
Turning Point: Waypoint - (LA) vs (CSC) - Unfinished Scenario

Turning Point: Romita - Giovanni (CSC) vs Chaos (FWL) - Zell Offered - Small
My own faction's mostly not in it this turn, so I have some availability to proxy.

Specific interests:

Deia (either side) needs to be resolved-it's a major plot point.
Waypoint (not CSC): I'll need some help from the staff determining what the Lyrans brought to the party here, but Gio's the faction owner for the Cats, and he just needs an opponent.
I'll gladly grab an empty seat on the Regulus bus, depending on which factions need bodies.
And I'd be glad to throw down for the Taurians at Detroit.  (I have SOME familiarity with the TC after having repaired Raginar's sheet for him a couple turns back...)

Availability's kind of weird-I've got some time friday night for one of the above, and may have some sunday night for the others, but not saturday-got a tabletop game Saturday.


Well the Regulus bus need's 4 people. You + Me = 2. We can probably set a Fate trap = 3.

Anyonelse want in?



If I am welcome I could do a smaller one.

But I am not part of the game, so, not sure.


Quote from: Marlin on December 09, 2011, 06:06:39 PM
If I am welcome I could do a smaller one.

But I am not part of the game, so, not sure.

I didn't see anything in the by-laws about proxies having to be actually IN the game...

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Cannonshop on December 09, 2011, 07:57:36 PM
Quote from: Marlin on December 09, 2011, 06:06:39 PM
If I am welcome I could do a smaller one.

But I am not part of the game, so, not sure.

I didn't see anything in the by-laws about proxies having to be actually IN the game...

Quote from: Cannonshop on December 09, 2011, 07:57:36 PM
Quote from: Marlin on December 09, 2011, 06:06:39 PM
If I am welcome I could do a smaller one.

But I am not part of the game, so, not sure.

I didn't see anything in the by-laws about proxies having to be actually IN the game...

Late response but just to clarify, proxies who play in Turning Point scenarios do not need to be active members of the main campaign. As long as you are a member of the forums, you can play in the Turning Points
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Good to know ;) and knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe!


 I am offering to play some of the smaller Turning Points. I am at UTC/GMT -3 hours.


I'd recommend you grab the New Ivaarsen fight. It's one of the smallest ones left. I will have limited availability this week and will only make time to work on the Deia fight when I see Holt again :P

Dave Baughman

Anybody up for a game tonight? I'd like to do some MegaMek this evening...
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.