[Turn 52] *Turning Point* Romita - Spirit Cats vs. Free Worlds League

Started by Dave Baughman, November 16, 2011, 08:08:33 AM

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Dave Baughman

Planet Romita
1 December 3091

Reacting to the Free Worlds League's attack on Apollo, the Spirit Cats counterattack to secure a buffer zone around their border worlds. While a number of systems were attacked, the fighting was most intense on Romita, where the Romita Avengers put up fanatical resistance.


Spirit Cat forces must seize control of planet Romita in the face of fierce resistance.

The Path of Honor

While the FWL's motives and intentions have often been questioned, they have always upheld Clan honor when given the chance. Clan Spirit Cat warriors may choose to challenge individual Romita Avengers warriors on the battlefield; any 'Mech (on either side) defeated in such a duel is worth double points.


The attackers are elements of any one Spirit Cat cluster. The force featured in this particular battle (representing one of many occuring simultaneously on Romita - though history will remember this fight as the 'tipping point' of the larger campaign) should not exceed one trinary. Aerospace units may not be used.

In simple resolution, treat the Spirit Cat force as 5 FP.


The defenders are elements of the Romita Avengers, a veteran Free Worlds League unit with fanatical loyalty. A combined-arms force of no more than 24 units (ideally no more than 18 - exceed 18 units only if neccessary to balance the BV). Romita Avengers BV should be approximately 95% of the Spirit Cat force's BV. One Romita Avengers 'Mech may be a Clan 'Mech with an elite pilot (the local commander) and up to 25% of the Romita Avengers 'Mechs may be Inner Sphere OmniMechs with Clan pods.

In simple resolution, treat the Romita Avengers force as 4.75 FP.

Special Conditions

Home Turf: The Romita Avengers side chooses the map or maps.

Inclement Weather: In MegaMek, use moderate rain weather and light gale wind.


In Simple Resolution, standard invasion rules apply (first to win three simple resolution rolls wins)

In MegaMek, each side gains one point for every enemy unit that is destroyed, rendered incapable of fighting, or forced to retreat. Double points are scored for units defeated in a Zellbrigen duel.

  • If the winner's score is no more than 24% above the loser's, the battle is a draw
  • If the winner's score is 25-49% above the loser's, that side wins a marginal victory
  • If the winner's score is 50% or more above the loser's, that side wins a decisive victory
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Giovanni Blasini

I'd love to MM this. Should know my availability for this weekend tomorrow.

Giovanni Blasini

Presently being mildly murdered by real life (not only is my car spewing oil like the Exxon Valdez, but I'm the on-call engineer this week! Yay!).  Company party is Friday night.  May have some free time on Saturday or Sunday night, assuming there's not a critical outage for one of our clients.