[RP/MM] Turn 40 - CSA v. LC and Friends- Jesenice 1412 (CSA "Victory")

Started by DisGruntled, June 10, 2010, 11:56:17 PM

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The peace of the Jesenice system traffic control center was disrupted by the unexpected arrival of 5 warships and numerous jumpships.  It soon became apparent that the unknowns weren't passing through as numerous dropships and several warships began their trek in system as a lone Potemkin and it's compliment took up blockading positions.  No longer would it be so quiet on the Adder front.

OOC:4 warships and assorted fighters and dropships inbound.  One 36 FP warship flotilla on blockade orders.


With no interdiction the Adders take up position in orbit.

Any defenders or are we done here?


Quote from: DisGruntled on June 11, 2010, 01:01:14 PM
With no interdiction the Adders take up position in orbit.

Any defenders or are we done here?

From orbit, the Star Adders could detect emergency beacons going off on the surface.  Based on time-stamps, the beacons were going before the Adders arrived.

Telescopic sweeps show several areas of Jessenice's major cities scorched or still burning, and the spaceport was visibly a wreck.

Along the orbitals, debris that first looked like sattelites resolved into the wreckage of fighters and shuttles.

Someone hit Jessenice, and hit them hard.

Weak IFF from the wreck of a Kowloonese shuttle led to a grisly discovery-the shuttle, unable to re-enter atmosphere due to damage, had orbited for over a week with failed life-support, and the crew had suffocated.  On-Board records showed a visual, and comms, recording of what had happened.

Jessenice had been hit by a large force of bandits from beyond the periphery, and the raid had been beyond savage.


The Adders also may scan some Ice Hellions, two Binaries that, after looking for any enemy forces are now gathering around their Dropships and pulling tight their security.

"Clan Star Adder Forces, this is Nova Commander Henrik of Clan Ice Hellion 121st Hellion Lancers. I have no words for what we found, however, there are no enemy formations to speak of. Our mission here is done. We will move away shortly. The people may need medical attention or any other help. Nova Commander Henrik out."

OP: Correct me if I am wrong, Cannonshop. Regarding the Military.


Aboard the Flagship of the Star Adder Flotilla, the Commander felt ill. Physically, emotionally and psychologically ill.

He had read the reports that detailed the results of the Arluna Flu. Had seen hundreds of images from the same, but this, this was another level of barbarism. One more personal and intimate.

One that the Lyran Command structure should be ashamed of for letting happen. In her mind, this Lyran Commonwealth has finally revealed that it is no longer worthy of being called a civilized Nation, let alone being allowed to govern the lives of trillions of human beings.

"Comm, record," she orders, her mind already forming the words she will speak, "TO: Clan Star Adder High Command. Special Attention of Khan N'Buta. MESSAGE PRIORITY: Black Omega," more than a few gasps are heard on the WarShip's Bridge, as Black Omega messages are rare, and using such a classification without due cause has often led to the offender's death.

"The world of Jesenice is ours, but at a terrible cost. Prior to our arrival an alleged band of pirates had literally laid waste to the major population centers. Reports from Clan Ice Hellion have indicated that the survivors, and possibly the bandits, had resorted to cannibalism. Whether by need or choice," her voice tightens as she relates the last word, "All pertinent data is included in this packet."

"I can only urge the Clan Council to send humanitarian aid without delay or question, and to allow my Group to detach a force and leave it on world as a deterrent and security measure to future predations should this band return. Reinforcements also should be allocated for this sector at the soonest opportunity."

"Finally, I request permission to investigate other border worlds on my own initiative, or at the very least request direct orders to the same effect. I believe it would also be prudent to contact the Star Adder Consul on Arluna. One to inform him of what we have discovered here so that he may give notice to the local Nobility that we are aware, and also to find out if perhaps he has more information."

Once she ends her report, she signals the Comm Tech to send the message as soon as the HPG was charged, though in the meantime she put the remainder of her command to work,"
Check the debris field for remains, both human and mechanical. Perhaps the Watch will be able to use something in order to locate the origin of those responsible for this. And detach the Number Three DropShip, inform the officers of those troops that their job will be to guard this planet with their lives, for they can do no less than the Natives. No Zell, no batchalls, and absolutely no quarter to be asked or given to any future invader, no matter what their origin."

"Also, load up all the medical and food supplies we can spare into," she pauses for a few minutes, trying to determine how much she should offer to the survivors. She shakes her head, as a Warrior, her job is to protect civilians, no matter the price she may have to pay personally, "load everything we can spare, plus a third, onto Droppers One and Two. The rest of us will have to make due on short rations until we can resupply."

"I want every senior and every third junior Med Tech to accompany and do what they can for our people down there. So until we get replacements, do not get injured, unless it warrants attention, expect treatment to be denied."

Grim nods and murmurs sound in the cavernous chamber, few like the order, but none are willing to deny or refuse her order on this.

"Nav, plot coordinates for a Jump to Arluna, High Command can catch us there."

"Move it people, we have lots to do and no time to do it!"

At that order, the Crews of the various Ships in the Adder Flotilla hustle to carry out their duties, in the hopes of saving what was left of the population of Jesenice.