[RP/MM] Pirates vs DC - Hostile Territory Movement - Rockland 3110 [Complete]

Started by Fatebringer, June 16, 2010, 08:24:42 PM

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"Last Stop before Freedom Boys!!! Reposition the ship and get the new jump coordinates loaded! Launch fighters for a quick sweep, then we are out of here!"

As a destroyer, the fact that the Lola weighed nearly sevently thousand tons made it slower then others. It wasn't particularly well armed or armored. In fact she excelled at nothing, but to Star Captain Solomon, she was a much better then the Fredasa he'd lost at Sudeten.

One more jump and they would be into the periphery. He'd been putting off thinking of renaming the ship. The name Cold Hunter got them thru the Dominion unmolested, but would leave a trail they didn't want anyone to follow. Solomon had already a few ideas what his new name would be, all of them would change their names. He'd taken the ship with a crew of able bodied warriors that followed him from the Black Beard. There were no Dropship Captains to worry about so he was the only man with extensive command experience at running a ship.

"Report!" he bellowed across the bridge. His deep voice didn't echo as much with the extra space. "Nothing yet Star Commodore." He leaned forward. "Let me know when you do, and from now on, the name is .... Captain Drake. Got it!?" The crew shouted back with zeal. He could see their eagerness to take orders. Orders that no longer came from up high. There was a momentary pang of regret for this course of action, but he knew for some time what he had to do. "Zachary!" A wide elemental came striding forth. "Aye Captain!" Drake handed him a file. "You are the First Mate now. Get used to these old Nautical terms. They suit me and my ship. I want everyone to know these terms and know their place! This is a new ship and in three months when we reach our first destination, we shall break her in good! Got it!?" Zachary's predatory grin spread from ear to ear. "Aye sir. You can count on me. Get me information on what is out there as soon as possible."


"This is Rockland Command to unidentified craft, state business your business in this system."


"Why hello there..." Zachary looked in the report quickly. "..Landlubbers. This is the good ship Lolipop, and we are here, so that we will not be here. We have no interest in your affairs...unless of course you TRY to stop us. Then it will only be my pleasure to turn our guns upon anyone that dares approach!"


"Since you are here and not there, you will answer my questions or i will turn our guns to you."

"Since you are not attacking and only want to move on, i suggest you become a bit more friendly."


Solomon made his way back up to the CIC, "What do we have?" Zachary pointed at the sensor techs. "A voice with no face, but they do not like my stalling." Solomon sat in the commanders chair and opened the frequency. "To put it bluntly, our business here is freedom. My First Mate may have been a bit candid in his conversation, but his words ring true, we are moving thru this system and will not be stopped. If you want to dray your guns and dance then do so, if not, we shall be on our way." Solomon's gut feeling was to believe there may not be any warships out there, but if they ran into one of those Drac Super Squadrons, then he'd have to get to swatting flies really quick.


"Freedom is very important, you may have safe conduct from this system if you give me your destination."

[PM is fine to keep it secret.]


Solomon thought about it for a second, looked around the room with shifty eyes, and typed a message to ground control, then waited.


"Good luck Cold Hunter, you have safe conduct transit from Rockland."


Zachary was annoyed. "We need to change our name soon Captain."

"Aff, we will." Solomon nodded to navigation. "Get us out of here."

A few days after they arrived, the Cold Hunter dissapeared...forever.