Inter-Clan Watch IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Daemonknight, June 28, 2010, 02:00:01 AM

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After her first surprise, she quickly snapped a salute to her highest Commander and then spoke.

"I had thought and hoped so. The source of this revelation is known to be a propaganda tool, but I had to make sure. Now, we have not much we can do about that but we should try to counter those propaganda by our own. Thanks to our restrictions on HPG-Messages, most planets under our protection will not likely hear this, but there is still a chance that those things can lead to extremist elements going violent. And even if most of the Spheroid realms know better, this gives them a new chance of promoting action against us and rally. Although their martial ability is not to underestimate, their subterfuge skills are. Twycross is just the tip of the iceberg.

I propose the following: we should create a news agency on our own to feed the INN network. It should possibly be an established one from our territories, if we cannot find a reliable one in the IS, that would work with us, which is of course in doubt. If we lose this kind of propaganda war, our new successes on the martial front will be hampered. We must paint a better picture of the Clans. The Star Adders were on the right path with this, which gained them a huge swath of worlds rather freely. The Flu could be the first part of this war to be won."


Star Colonel Montgomery Seigel picked up the letter and shook his head. "The grammer is well enough for most spheroids to believe it. However, They perpetrators of this fraud invite derision by making one crucial mistake.  The spheroid tendancy to use informal declarations when writing exposes this fraud quite clearly." He flipped the page around. " What Clan Warrior would ever leave off their Blood Name in a signature? I mean come on. They did not even try here. No listing of rank, Clan... this is... well this is just lazy of them."


OP: I assume he was already there?

IC: "While you are right with your assessment, Star Colonel, it matters little in this. She took the Pad again and flipped forth.. ah, there it was.

QuoteAn Open Letter to the Star League

First Lord Undomniel, Lords of the Star League, and Citizens of the Inner Sphere,

Greetings.  I wish that my words, as they have so often in the past, will request peace amongst us.  That noble purpose must now be set aside, for the evil of the Clan way of life has once more raised its ugly head.

I know that some of you revile me, my nation, and the patriots who have made it possible, but even the most callous and hard-hearted of our opponents in the Inner Sphere know that genocide is wrong.  The whispers of Auschwitz and Landsberg may be lost to many of us, but the screams of Elbar and Kentares still ring in our collective mind, and not one of us should ever seek to see such a horrible event occur ever again.

Yet this is exactly the threat that now hangs, like the Sword of Damocles, above the necks of all the people who have raised the flag of the Republic.  The enemy of us all has ordered the deaths of every man, woman, and child in the Rim Worlds Republic.  And for what?  To eradicate a taint that does not exist!  The Usurper and all his ilk are long dead, even their bones now gone to ashes and dust, yet still the Clans seek to punish the free peoples of the Republic for the terrible actions of one insane man.

We are not the Republic of Amaris.  We are the land of the free, a home to the brave, and we will never bow down to the tyrants from beyond that seek not only our conquest -- but our annihilation!  I am asking now that all of you set aside whatever disdain you may have for the Rim Worlds Republic and hear our plea.  The Clans are not coming for us -- they are already here.  Our military will fight to the death in the defense of our people, but we are outnumbered.  I ask the Star League Council, and the First Lord who watches over us all, to send whatever aide you can. . . and if you do not, you are just as culpable in the mass-murder of my people than those who pulled the trigger.

Daphne Rowe
President pro-tem
Rim Worlds Republic

Showing the message around, she continued: "Already those RWR have fears of annihilation. The Clan course on them is not set to my knowledge, but fact is, we are losing the propaganda war. We need to counter. A certain way to proliferate messages, if not via the HPG network of the enemy would rather be with Naval Reconnaissance elements that either jump into border systems with that purpose, or those who try to do recon and fail could stream that on broadband. I know Clans Ice Hellion and Star Adder have the measures to do this and at least one of them will certainly agree. All we need are now messages that promise some impact on the regular Spheroid and on the waivering to try it with our path. Who knows, if we can back up our arguments with fact, they might decide to put faith in their own hands, without relying on their nobles. Those following Adder-Steiner already did."


((OOC: I just read Ingra's posts about Diana back over Sudeten for the first time today... I think it's time for THAT Diana to return. Here we go...))

ilKhan Pryde hid her anger well. Those simpering, dezgra, stravags in the Inner Sphere would consider their foolish propoganda would stall any Clan efforts was stupidity at its worst. She heard the other Inter-Clan Watch officers debating the best way to combat this misinformation campaign, but she didn't really hear them. She felt a slight headache coming on, and strode to Star Colonel Pershaw's desk, leaning against it's bulk. She looked down at the reports on his desk, when suddenly a name sprang out at her.


Sarah McEvedy, that stupidly foolish Terran woman? They had found it? STRAVAGS!!!

The assembled officers in the Star Colonel's office paused and watched the ilKhan, suprised by her sudden outburst. Apparently, she had yelled 'stravags' at the top of her lungs. She whirled on Star Colonel Pershaw, grabbing his collar with one hand and twisting, as if she were attacking a hated enemy, her face just inches from his. Pershaw was unable to notice the scar on her face and neckline, now an angry red color.

"Where is this ship? WHERE!?"

Somewhat taken aback by the ilKhan's anger, he was unable to remember he should be affronted by her physical attack.
"It was last seen around Pandora, some months ago. Why, ilKhan, is it important?" Diana released him and stepped back.

"Important? IMPORTANT?! I killed that bitch once, and they name a ship, a STOLEN ship after her! You are damn right it is important! I will not have that stavag coward, who did not even have the decency to die with her men, idolized forever as a ship in the Terran fleets! Find it, and fast! I will burn the whole sector down if thats what it takes. I want a status report on the Clan ship elements in the area by 1030 tommarow."

Diana was striding out of the room at this point, the officers following her, somewhat baffled by the sudden change from nonchalant coordinatior to the firey warrior they had last seen over Sudeten. She had been far to removed for far to long, she decided. It was time to show these Clansmen what a true warrior could do. No more hiding on Strana Mechty trying to keep the Clans together. It was time to lead by example, as she should have done from the beginning.

"I will find that ship, and either retake it for the Clans, or see it burned to the keel, to naught but ash! I want a location, and an assessment of the strength of its attendant fleet." The officers didn't immedaitly jump to obey. "DO IT!!" This time, they moved as if jolted. She looked around.

"You! Star Colonel, I have need of you." She had indicated Star Colonel Drax Mattila. "Progress on the nuclear attack at Tamar. Did the Wolves indeed launch or supply the nuclear weapons? I want them finished, and now it is only to be decided between annihilation as dezgra scum, or fought honorablly as wayward warriors." Mattilla could easily see the fire that burned within Diana's eyes once more. Her posture had changed, she now stood tall, her shoulders back and the heat from her gaze could melt ferro-fibrous armor.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Sudeten System, Nadir

A Sleek Jumpship appeared, a sole Dropship on its waist.

"Sudeten Control, this is the CIHS "Needle". We have an important Transport on board. Request security level Rho and information of the Watch Officer on Duty. Copy. "Needle" out."

Sudeten Control answered and the Watch put up a secure vector for the Dropship. It was a small Fury, usually transporting Vehicles and Infantry. This time however, the freight was living flesh, fresh from Great X. From an HPG Compound. A rare find, because all three of them were of the Blood...


Under direct orders from the ilKhan(through Star Colonel Pryde), the three prisoners are to be split up, and each interrogated seperatly. The CIH segment of the ICW's interrogation department is assigned the task of breaking the men. ilKhan Pryde will be personally present for the interrogations, and expects results.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


An Ice Hellion JumpShip appears over Strana Mechty, however this time it brings some former Goliath Scorpions, whose presence was finally deleted from the Homeworlds. Forever, perhaps.

The Clan Watch would have to talk to those individuals. Perhaps, they would spit out some more information?


30 December 3069

A sleek JumpShip in Spirit Cat Colors appears.

Star Captain Ellis is moving in to take up duty as liaison to the Inter Clan Watch. With him he has Kerenskys and Resources as commitment for the Watch. The Cats, after the Scorpion incident that killed their saKhan and betrayed them their isorla, obviously had a change of mind on the Watch. Now they were part of it and Ellis would see that they profited from it.


31 December 3069

Star Captain Nikita was not well.

It seemed that besides the horrible Nuke-Attack on the Snow Raven Ships over Tamar, there was also a SpecOps Team of some kind that blew up at least one ShipYard over Tamar. True, the Watch had no grasp over the Wolves that were now decreasing in number, but still, when taking over Tamar after a bloody fight, this should not have happened.

The worst thing was, that she did not know what exactly happened and how many infrastructure was hit.

At least the Snow Ravens had not made much ado about it, so it might be less destructive than she feared. But it was time to contact the Star Colonel again. Talk to him. Perhaps he was openminded to celebrate the fading and coming year?

Except for meetings and official talks, she had not had much contacts here. She felt alone. How would it be on Hector?

So, she went to his office. At least there would be enough official to talk about. It occured to her that some parts of the Watch still worked under their limits..


Star Colonel Pershaw was at his desk, mostly clean of files, with an open bottle of amber liquor, about 1/4 gone. He was sitting in his chair, half-facing the window behind the desk, looking out over Patterson City, and admiring the view. Something about a changing year always brought calmness to his mind, despite the many whirling issues that prevailed upon him. He still had yet to hear from Reinhardt about Tharkad, although apparently, a Star Colonel Icaza had escaped with the Archon. An interesting development to be sure. And Tamar contined to be a source of headaches, with little progress being made there either.

The issues could wait for a day or so, however. He required a few hours of relaxation.

He heard the footsteps of someone approaching his open door, and looked up to see Star Captain Nikita walking in. He smiled, being of a mind that nobody should ever celebrate anything alone.

"Greetings Star Captain. Care to join me for a drink, to welcome the new year?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


She nodded, nearly enthusiastically.

"I had hoped you would celebrate with me. Or, have time, at least." She sat down, pouring some of his drink into a glass. 'This must be high percentage alcohol.'

"So, Star Colonel, do we have something to celebrate, other than a changing year? I feel that I have accomplished few in the time with the Watch. The Clans are bogged down in the Lyran realm, and the Scorpions are somewhere out there, while the Terrans build up further, ready to strike finally. Do you think, we will survive?"


"I believe we will. The ilKhan seems to be doing what she can to un-bog us from the sorry state of affairs the Lyrans have fallen into, although I think she is nursing a growing dislike for these Arc Royalists. The Free Worlds Leauge has lost it's Trials to 3 of the Clans, granting us SafCon through their space. If we wished, we could strike Terran worlds within a few months, although I do not believe anything but the full might of all remaining Clans could do more than dent their defenses. Perhaps with the aid of the FWL... I am not a politican, but I could see the ilKhan enticing the Leauge to assist us in hitting the Hegemony." He drained the last of his glass and refilled it.

"If there is anything to celebrate other than the new year, it would be that perhaps we are finally making some headway against the Terrans. With the Adders consuming half of the Lyran nation, the Arc Royalists allowing us SafCon, and the FWL allowing us SafCon, and potentially more if they wish, we are closer than ever to our ultimate goal or eradicating the Terrans and liberating Terra, as our ancestors did under Kerensky."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


She weighed his words carefully, yes, the Clans Raven, Falcons and Ice Hellions had proven superior over some of the best the FWL had to offer and they could strike against the Terrans. However, would this mass just get angry and just obliterate any one Clan or even some?

She would need hard numbers to see what was plausible. But what kind of force the Terrans could throw around had showed on Sudeten. While the Allied Clans had dented the Naval side, the Ground forces went away unmolested, and they had been countless. No hard numbers existed. At all.

So she was not really consoled, and gulped down her drink.