Magistracy of Canopus IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:04 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Regimental HQ, 4th Light Horse
Teng, Federated Suns

Colonel Vahina Giocante looked over her battalion commanders as she read the flimsy which had just been passed to her by her adjutant.  The arrival of the Davion force and transition of governmental control to the Federated Suns had meant a significant shift in the operational procedures for her command.  She had looked to MAF Headquarters on far off Canopus IV for guidance.  Guidance she had now received.  In spades.

"Gentleman.  Ladies.  We have redeployment orders and a new assignment.  Transport will be here within the week to take us off world and out of the Teng system?"

"Are we going home?" asked the rather young commander of the regiment's third battalion.

"Home?" replied the Colonel.   With a wry smile.  "I think not."


Stanislav has put this off for far to long, something else of greater importance always seeming to come to the fore as he was about to write the message, tonight though he would see it done:

QuoteTO: Ambassador Danielle Trilby
FROM: Stanislav N'Buta


My apologies for not contacting you sooner, though under the current circumstances I believe you will forgive me.

You are keeping abreast of the War I am sure, and I know Magistracy forces are engaging other Clans in proper Trials, for which I must express my gratitude for showing me that not all of the Inner Sphere and Periphery is not lost to the madness. I am trying to do the same amongst the Clans, but I fear it may be a losing battle, one that I have no intentions of giving up anytime soon I assure you.

There are a few Clans that give me hope, a couple that have surprised me as of late, so all is not yet lost, but none of that is the purpose of this missive. I write to reassure and reaffirm the friendship between our two Nations. I do not know the current status of your beloved Magistracy, I can but hope that it is in better condition than the last time we spoke.

With luck and perseverance, Clan Star Adder will be able to send aid your Realm within the next 6 to 8 months, with arrival of said aid sometime after that sadly due to the Laws of Physics as we know them.

So if you would be so kind as to pass along my hopes to your people, as well as the following: Not all Clan Star Adder personnel have left Magistracy Space. We have learned well the lessons from our teachers, some two score operatives still reside on assorted prominent worlds, a dozen or so on Canopus proper.

I know you have operatives somewhere in Adder territory, and more than likely within the borders of other Clans as well. A bit of friendly competition between our respective Intelligence Agencies serves to keep them sharp afterall.

Should your people desire to contact them for additional, covert assistance use the codes and phrases attached to this message to initiate a meeting, there is one who would probably appreciate seeing a friendly face after all this time, so be sure to refer to the works of a specific American silent movie star to get her attention.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Stanislav N'buta
Khan, Clan Star Adder

<assorted numbers, words, phrases and other codes that would enable contact with Adder Intelligence Operatives>

(ooc: couple of OOC points; 1) we can continue this in our respective IC threads, alternating which is used, or go to PMs if youd prefer Parm...either works for me, 2) the codes contained will tell the operatives that the message is coming from within the Magistracy Intelligence Community, though they wouldnt know such, odds are they would likely suspect as much at least.)

One he finishes, Stanislav hits the send icon, milliseconds later the message arrives in Ambassador Trilby's personal electronic mailbox, having bypassed all security measures without tripping an alert.

Satisfied that the Canopian Ambassador will receive the message, Stanislav pushes his chair away from the small desk in his quarters, giving himself enough room to stretch his legs as he extends his arms above his head, trying to relieve even a small portion of stress that has built up over the last few, very trying, months.

Standing up he turns off his private computer before turning and walking towards his bedroom, his assistant Rosaleen sitting at the foot of the bed, having already turned down the sheets, and as he enters she moves to him and assists in the removing his uniform.

Once he has laid himself on the mattress, he rolls onto his stomach, allowing Rosaleen to begin her nightly massage therapy to the muscles and tendons in his back, shoulders and arms. It doesn't take long before he falls into a more relaxed slumber, though she continues her task until she feels most of the tension melt away. Once finished, she moves back to the place she had chosen for herself on the first night she stayed the night with the Khan after they had the foot of his bed on the floor, even though she knows she is welcome in the bed beside him, she feels more comfortable there on those times like this where he has fallen asleep before granting her permission to remain with him. As long as she is close by, ready to be of service, she is content.


Bruce Dickenson, the Clan Star Adder Ambassador to the Magistracy of Canopus, was once more meeting with the Magestrix. The news he bears being of some importance, and while she has likely already been informed by INN and her own Intelligence Agents, protocol and the friendship demands that the Clan shares what it knows. For who knows how long he will be able to continue communicating with the Khan and Council.

The large double doors open silently before him, the guards inside having been alerted to his arrival and progress. His eyes catch the image of the Magestrix, her form and person as splendid as always, already gathered are several applicants for her attention. Functionaries with assorted requests, complaints, and whatnot, Bruce even sees the Marik Ambassador, his reaction should be quite the sight.

"Ambassador Dickenson," the Magestrix says as her major domo whispers in her ear, "I was not expecting you today. Pray tell, I hope that what brought you here is not severe?"

Her acknowledgment of his presence moves him the head of the line, and after a respectful bow, he steps closer. She lifts her hand to waist level whereupon he takes it in his own, his treatment is reverent, as if he's handing a delicate flower. A light brushing of his lips upon the back serving as the prelude to what he has to say, "Magestrix," he begins, "I doest indeed have news, how thou doest take it is not for me to say."

"Well then do speak," she answers, "I, and I am sure others," her glare silences the few protests that were on the verge of being said, "am anxious what the honorable Ambassador from Clan Star Adder has to say."

"I hast been given confirmation that the troubled realm, the Lyran Commonwealth has broken asunder," gasps are plainly heard upon his uttering of those words, "the vileness of the nuclear attack on Tharkad being but the final nail in its coffin."

"There still be a portion that calls itself the Lyran Commonwealth, but it is a mere shadow of its parent. Be there too sibling Nations, first is a more robust Rim Worlds Republic, led by Daphne Rowe and one called Leonidas, formerly Adam Steiner, thought killed on Addergrad. The Isle of Skye has its own place amongst giants now, as too does a small collection calling itself the Union of Independent Worlds, nestled betwixt the Clans of Star Adder and Goliath Scorpion."

"Most surprising of all though are the score and eleven systems that have declared for one of Clan Star Adder's own, Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner. Many more have chosen not to follow any, instead being of the mind to weather the storm alone, for them I can see but one fate, to be consumed by one of the larger predators that encircle them," his tone actually sad as he delivers the last words of his announcement.

The resulting silence is tangible, as the last echoes of his voice dwindle, all that can be heard is the shallow breathing of all gathered. Though Bruce does hear one other sound, the hammering of his own heart, he has fully embraced the Clan way of life, and to actually hear the words, brought up emotions he thought long buried. He is still Lyran, and even though he read the report the implications had not struck him until now, his people, from both sides of the Adder-Lyran conflicts, are one step closer to being whole.

The heartbreak of Adam's betrayal is present, and will always be. The disappointment that some would choose to follow and reform the accursed Rim Worlds Republic is also there. Skye has long been a thorn, so they are no surprise, but compared though to the elation he feels about his new Nation bringing such a large number without undo bloodshed or violence of any form gives him hope. Hope that perhaps one day, maybe during his remaining days, the majority will be ruled fairly and justly by his Khan and his Clan.


From:  Magistracy Command Centre, Ft Buquoy Military Preserve, Canopus IV

To:  Colonel Sarah Buchanan,  Director of Training, Magistracy Support Corp
CC:  General Karla Jacobite, Commander-Magistracy Support Corp

Colonel.  Consideration being given to forthcoming deployment undertakings, you are commanded to draw on the recruit training schedules for September and October of this year in order to direct a three hundred percent increase in the numbers allocated to the armoured corp.  Recruit corp allocation preference is noted however operation requirements dictate priority over member preference.  These recruits must have completed their armour training by mid December in order for posting schedules to be meet.  You can anticipate that trained armoured corp personnel will be posted to units directly on graduation.   Unit allocations will follow.


General Vernyce Alkobar


Ft Buquoy Military Reserve
Canopus IV

early Nov 3069

"So that is the latest we have on the situation at Panpour, Magistrix.  With the system contested, information has been difficult to come by, especially as the Fox's Den wants to keep a tight operational control on the whole front.  Our first wave of reinforcements are continuing deeper into Suns territory, and the new units are activating this quarter.  However considering the scale of losses that the AFFS have suffered at Panpour and reportedly elsewhere, I believe they would be happy to accept further units if we can shake them free."

"Thank you General Doru.  Did you have any unit or units in mind?"

* * * * * * * * * * *
(several days later)

The long lines of 'Mech waited patiently in dawns early light, as the first elements were loaded on to the Dictator class dropship that had arrived the night before.  Embellished in the colours of the Magistracy Royal Guard Corp, the machines of war looked menacing in the half light.  None more so than the mixed company of Clan assault class Omnimechs. 

With the Dictator accepting the First Battalion, the column proceeded around to where a trio of Unions and a rare Overlord class awaited.


It wasn't as often as he would have preferred, but anytime he received a Dinner invitation from the Magestrix was a time he enjoyed very much. The limited contact with his Clan allowed him a great deal of freedom and provided large quantities of spare time. Time that he has put to good use learning more about the history and people that populate this area of the settled space.

What he has learned of the citizens and their leaders has given him a great deal of admiration for them, and the snippets of time that he was in the company of Emma Centrella are highly treasured the Ambassador for Clan Star Adder. He still recalls the first meeting with her on Addergrad, then Somerset, as part of a Trial that was to be settled by a fencing match. She was very skilled, and highly trained. Sadly though her position then did not allow her much time to continue the intense practice needed to be world class.

He though, fencing was his life, his job. He has been training other fencers for nigh unto thirty five years, and after Somerset was given to Clan Star Adder, he had to face more than one challenge from arrogant Warriors, and after having the Rules of how a Trial worked always chose to fence...much to the embarrassment of those who challenged him.

In time the challenges stopped, instead he found himself beset with many more students than he could handle. He had to direct quite a few to some of his fellow instructors, with the promise that if any could best them, then he would take them on as his students...not many succeeded.

A sudden throat clearing brought him back to the present, blushing slightly he came to learn that the Magestrix has been trying to get his attention for more than a few minutes while he was lost in the past, "I say Ambassador Dickenson," Emma says, "you were positively a thousand light years away."

"Aye, that I was Milady Centrella," he replies, "I was thinking back to the day we met for your Trial against my Clan."

Emma smiles, "Yes, I too think of that day, usually to chastise myself for doing so poorly. I had the best instructors the Magistracy could offer, yet you defeated me soundly and quickly."

"Twas no fault of thine, thou wast merely out of practice. A few weeks of intense sparring and thou wouldst regain thy expertise and be a worthy match for even myself," he smirks slightly, "though I dost predict I would still be victorious, it would not be with the ease I had on that day," a genuine smile breaks his features and crinkles his forehead.

"Forgive this old man please Milday, please relay your words upon my elder ears. My full attention shall be upon thy voice."

Emma laughs lightly, "Your mannerisms are a breath of fresh air Sir," she replies, "I had asked of thee if thou hadst any recent news of your Clan and what transpires on the far side of the Sphere."

"Nay, this I have not Fair Magestrix. Thus with such a lack of missives I must surmise that all goes well for my Clan in its endeavour. I trust that thou hast faired better than I in regards to the forces of your Realm that are deployed in the vicinity of the Clan Star Adder environs?"

"I have, but I do not wish to go into detail on such matters at this time, though I will gladly share waht I know with you in a more private setting if such is your desire?"

"Such would indeed be a gift of immeasurable value. At thine convenience of course."

"Then it shall take place after dessert. I never could resist strawberry cheesecake," she laughs, and is joined by the others, yet Bruce only hears her lyrical voice raised in genuine pleasure and mirth. The next few hours drag by with agonizing slowness to his perception, but finally, dinner comes to an end, allowing he and Magestrix Centrella to gain a measure of privacy, even if only for a short time.

Before she could speak though, the Adder Ambassador says to her, "I must beg thine forgiveness Magestrix. I had not been entirely truthful with thee when thou asked if I have been kept up to date with the happenings, I have indeed."

"I had this hopeful wish that if I said otherwise thou wouldst do as has been done and make the time to speak to this unworthy one in private."

Emma kept her expression neutral, she had figured as much, for one does not retain a position of authority without being able to read people's expressions and features. So while her fencing abilities may have faded over the years, these particular set of skills have not, if anything, they are more effective than they were a decade ago.

She just nods to the Clansman, a sign for him to continue...

Bruce catches her signal, "Fair Emma, Magestrix of the Canopian Realm, I bid of thee a boon. One of great import," he gracefully and fluidly lowers himself down to one knee. Emma's reaction is one of shock, she had suspected that this man had fancied her, and to some extent she finds him very charming and he certainly isn't displeasing to the eye.

She tries to act, to do something, but his reactions are quicker, he takes her right hand between both of his calloused, strong hands, and with a gleam of honest love in his eyes, he asks, "Milady Emma Centrella, wouldst thou bestow upon me the honor of having thee as my bride?"


Centrella Family Estate
Royal Foxx

"How are you, my dear?"  Bruce Dickenson said as he walked into the bedroom carrying a tray.  Upon the tray sat two cups, a teapot, sugar and cream.  The servants could have brought it up of course, however Bruce had learned long ago that it was the little things in life that made all the difference.

Speaking of little things, as he smiled to himself, he saw Emma was already up and cuddling little Absalom.

Canopus IV Shipyards
Canopus IV


Crystalla Centrella, nine, but almost ten, sat with her mother on the shuttle as it travelled towards the large factory that looked as though it hanged in space.  She remembered General Kit's comments about how important this factory was going to be, however with Milly due to foal at any time, her thoughts were more focused on her pony than any dumbarse trip into space to look at a heap of metal.  Mum just didn't get it that she just had to be there at the birth!  As after all, what if something went wrong and she wasn't there to fix things!! 



Message to the Magistrix
From: Clan Spirit Cat Khan Andrea West

Magistrix Centrella,

I greet you. As you have been informed in advance, we have come to the Marian Hegemony, and Niopsian sector to stay, rather than in the RimWard Inner Sphere.
So far, Niops has been neutralized and the final steps are taken to fare with the Hegemony. Ultimately, my Clan will make it its Central of power to prepare for the future.

In this, let me stress again that you shall not fear us. Our interests lie elsewhere. However, in order to establish good relations to our immediate neighbours, I would propose to send an ambassador to you that may coordinate, learn and communicate with you on behalf of us.

This might foster even better relations between our people and clear up any possible misunderstandings I know can happen when Clan and a different people live side by side. It happened if the time we stayed with the Terran scum, and it will happen again.

But we have learned like we hope the people we deal with will learn and thus are looking for a bright future.

Let me know what you think and I wish you and your realm safety and peace. Hopefully you will regain those systems the Marians stole from you earlier.

Khan Andrea West

Clan Spirit Cat


Divisional Headquarters, 149th Battlemech Division ' The Erwin Rommel Division'

Marantha, Magistracy of Canopus


Those attending the meeting together was a virtual who's who of the MAF within the Marantha environs.  The Divisional Commander of the 149th Battlemech, both RCT commanders, several regimental commanders and also a quartet of naval officers including Rear Admiral Marian Alston of the Danai Battlegroup.  All stood around talking quietly to one another while they waited.

Precisely at 0900 hours Senior General Hadji Doru entered, accompanying the Magistrix, Naomi Centrella.  With her mother renouncing the throne upon her return in September, Naomi had been confirmed officially as the new Magistrix, albeit she had been acting in the role for the last eight months.  The talk in the room immediately tappered off and as Naomi reached the head of the table and indicated everyone to sit, it died completely. 

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen. I have asked you all here today in response to the Clan Spirit Cat assault and occupation of the Niops region.  Civilian losses there is regrettable, not in the least because of the Niopsian propensity to use WMD, however we have already made representation to the Spirit Cats in the way of medical and other humanitarian aid.  Also I would be lying if I didn't feel a degree of satisfaction that the senior leadership of Niops is currently ensconsed in one of the lower pits of hell.  The sooner other CPS leaders join them, the better off the whole periphery will be."

"However, it is the subsequent actions of the Spirit Cats which is why you are here today.  If, as I suspect, they expand their offensive to include the Marian Hegemony, then I want the MAF to be in a position to benefit from the resultant confusion this will undoubtedly bring.  Operation Corporate will be the overall attack on, and liberation of, Magistracy worlds held by the Marian Hegemony.  Operation Paladin, will be the liberation of the three major worlds centred on Bass, along with a further three major worlds centred on Vixen.  Primary objectives is the liberation of each of these worlds as well as the destruction of as much of the CPS and Marian garrisons as possible.  Following Paladin, Operation Galahad will target those enemy held worlds around Kossandra's Memory and Canopus IV followed by Dunianshire.  Operation Lancelot will be the liberation of Detroit and those worlds subjected to Taurian depravation."

"The above will effectively restore our borders to where they were prior to the CPS invasion.  There will be one further operation planned to run either alongside the above or immediately after.  Operation Sanskrit.  Sanskrit is the attack upon, and annexation of, select Hegemony worlds closest to Thraxa.  This operation is only tentative and will only occur if the Spirit Cats become bogged down on the core Marian worlds and only if we have a successful conclusion to the liberation of our people on those worlds held by the CPS." 


Alpha Galaxy Command
Canopus IV

Magistracy of Canopus

Jul 3082

Kit DeSummersVille took in the spartan appearance of Galaxy Commander Kelvin's headquarters as he walked into the office.  Other than a ever so slightly raised eyebrow, nothing signified to those present that Kit remained amused to this day that the former Star Adder warrior still retained the regimented lifestyle of his sibko days.  On the other hand, with Alpha Galaxy ranked consistently as one of the top two formations in the MAF, his methods remained a benchmark for the other commanders.

"Senior General.  Thank you for accepting the invite," spoke Alpha Galaxy's commander as he moved across to greet Senior General Hadji Doru's successor.  "I look forward to this afternoon rematch."   

"Indeed Commander Kelvin.  I trust though, that your techs have patched up your Blood Asp since last we meet.  I recall it was a tad breezy for you.  Then again, a large pulse laser does that to a head.  Quiaff?"  As he said the last with a wry grin.


Admiralty House
Canopus IV


"How are we looking Admiral?"

Haji Doru asked the question at First Sea Lord Marian Alston as he swilled his brandy gently.  Taking a sip, he appreciated the smoothness of the captured Marian bottle.

"A lot better now, Sir.  With the second shipyard on line, we are now able to build our on Warships, starting with the Impavido class destroyer now on the slip.  Current estimates will see it completed in two years, although it will take more time to ensure a sufficiently embarked aerospace strength.  But is projections are on track, our third shipyard comeing on-line in 3078 will cut this timeframe down."

"And after that?"

"Another Impavido of course.  I think we are destined to be the destroyer nation, as neither the Dart nor the Winchester cruiser classes truely give us strategic or tactical flexibility in space.  Alternatively though, I would very much like to approach the Star Adders for a reciprocal deal.  One or two of their Liberator class cruisers for some of our impavido class DDs.  A Potemkin would also be nice of course, expecially for their trooplift capabilities."

Doru raised one eyebrow at the last.  True, the Star Adders had proven themselves expecially generous in regards adbvanced equipment.  The Medical Corp were falling all over themselves in regards the Clan regeneration technology.  That piece of technology would ensure the Canopian Medical Corp would remain the pre-eminent institution in the Inner Sphere and periphery, and on par with the Clans themselves.  Especially also with the sibko genetic R&D coming on-line.  And not to mention the training the Adders were doing with the Magistracy in HPG technology.  But Warships were a step further."

"Ambitious, Admiral Alston.  But I will raise it with the AMbassador at my next meeting.  The Adders are still to recover from Coventry, especially in regards their naval forces, but as a medium to long term project, it is something to aim for.  Especially as it would be in the field of ten years before we could conceiveably build a equivalent amount of naval strength for them."