[RP/MM] The Dark vs. Randis Special Battle Randis 5138 *COMPLETE*

Started by LittleH13, July 24, 2010, 03:29:04 AM

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After the Randis tankers helped the civilians into hiding they turned back and did a daring attack on the HPG. The Dark forces were surprised but able to muster a small force to defend.

0.75 FP of Randis tankers   (12 level 1 Heavy tanks or 12 Level 2 Medium tanks)

1 FP of Clan Assaults led by Vicente Orloff

OOC- This is a special scenario due to the fact that the Randians do not have enough FP to go on Guerilla Warfare.

Iron Mongoose

Natualy, if someone is able to MM this with me, that would be my prefrence.  However, I can only do weekday mornings, and only if my son cooperates (he just learned to walk, so that's pretty sporatic these days).  More likely, I'll have to hand it off.  But lets look and see anyway.


Hey I am game. :-) I want to shepherd Vincente through all his attrocities. :-) Whats your time zone?

Iron Mongoose

Pacific.  I usualy get up pretty early, but nap time is about noon, which is best for rapid play.

Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


OOC: We're still trying to do this one. IM and I are going to get together pinky swear.


Chaos and I are going to play this out as it only affects me and my orders.



Winner is: TEAM #1

VincenteDark: 10774 BV remaining (from 19695 initially) 0 BV fled
LittleH13: 0 BV remaining (from 12572 initially) 0 BV fled
Holy Schmitt: 0 BV remaining (from 0 initially) 0 BV fled
Deathrider6: 0 BV remaining (from 0 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Dire Wolf A (VincenteDark)
Pilot : Mechwarrior Dan [3/4]
Kills : 3

Dire Wolf Widowmaker (VincenteDark)
Pilot : Mechwarrior Auska [3/4]
Kills : 3

Dire Wolf A #2 (VincenteDark)
Pilot : Vincente Orloff [3/4]
Kills : 5

Graveyard contains:
Drillson Heavy Hover Tank #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf Widowmaker (VincenteDark)

Bulldog Medium Tank (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Executioner B (VincenteDark)

Gargoyle D (VincenteDark)
Pilot : Mechwarrior Toro [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Rommel Tank (LittleH13)

SRM Carrier #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A (VincenteDark)

Brutus Assault Tank #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Executioner B (VincenteDark)

SRM Carrier (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A (VincenteDark)

Manticore Heavy Tank #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A #2 (VincenteDark)

Executioner B (VincenteDark)
Pilot : Mechwarrior Jin [3/4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 2
Destroyed by Brutus Assault Tank (LittleH13)

Rommel Tank (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Dire Wolf Widowmaker (VincenteDark)

Bulldog Medium Tank #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf Widowmaker (VincenteDark)

Rommel Tank #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A #2 (VincenteDark)

Brutus Assault Tank (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A #2 (VincenteDark)

Manticore Heavy Tank (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A (VincenteDark)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Gargoyle D (VincenteDark)

LRM Carrier (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A #2 (VincenteDark)

LRM Carrier #2 (LittleH13)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf A #2 (VincenteDark)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


The Dark destroy the last remaining Randis combatants.

Randis kills 0.50 FP of Dark.

Total possible salvage is 1.25.

Salvage roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+10 : 2, 3 + 10, total 15[/blockquote]



Well good work Vinnie once more you have gone and managed to get yourself hip deep into it. Not that I really care if the Randinians get the word out. Hell, it probably serves me best interests isn't like I care if the Clanners lose this world. No no not even in your head man. God and that is another thing too. No contractions, no God, nothing of your old life. Keep it separate or you are dead, dead, dead! Focus on the job, kill the Randinians save the HPG compound and get your points with the Galaxy Commander. Stay alive until the Captain-General figures a way to get you out of the hole he's put you in.

"Lucre Warriors of the Knights of Randis I Bondsmen Vincente have come to slay you. Know that once your tanks are wrecks at our feet, that we Warriors of the Dark shall take special care to gather samples of your genetic heritage to ensure that none of your genetic line are spared on Randis. Such is the fate of Dezgra Surats such as yourself, that is all."

"Mechwarrior Jin, Mechwarrior Auska, slow to 56 KM speed and allow the remainder of the Star to catch up." said Vincente.

"Neg Freeborn the honor of these kills are mine."

"Neg Mechwarrior Jin I shall be the one to slay the Surat's who dare defy the will of the Galaxy Commander."

Not if I reach them first Mechwarrior Toro, my Gargoyle has speed greater then even your Executioner!"

Full damn company and these two prepubescent little runts are running right in to the canyon, going to get themselves killed is what they are going to do! Good ruddy little monsters need killing, and if they wipe out the Randinans before I can get into range at top speed that is just fine by me. Just means that when this whole things over I need to gut me one or both of the little psycho's afterwords to shore up my authority with the other two.

Mechwarrior Dan, Mechwarrior Auska remain in formation Jaguar's ponce, we shall use our ranged weapons at first and eliminate the fast Hovercraft as they escape your foolish sibkin. Jin and Toro have chosen their path and will suffer the consequences for it when this battle is done at my hands.


To be continued.