[Special Ops] Turn 42 Free Skye vs. TH - 2525 New Earth *COMPLETE*

Started by Dave Baughman, September 09, 2010, 03:12:53 AM

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Dave Baughman

New Earth Planetary Assembly
1 November 3069

Representative John Running-Bear stood and shook an accusing finger at the President of the Assembly.

"Mister President, I demand that this body formally demand the removal of the censure that has been levelled against Reverend Angelus. Are we not free to express our opinions before the Advisory Council? Are we mere puppets of Terra?!"

The President frowned, but responded: "Representative Running-Bear, your party's fool-headed attempts to interfere in national policy are the reason the Reverend was censured in the first place. You should be thankful that Angelus has the chutzpah to even bring your petition to the THAC and accept that as the end of it."

Running-Bear's face too on a remarkably outraged expression as he turned slightly red, "How long do you think you and your Terran friends can deny the will of the people, mister President? How long as you going to kowt-"

Running-Bear was cut off as the breaching charge sent half of the chamber door screaming into his body at a might over the speed of sound. Before anyone could react to the leader of the peace movement being turned into spaghetti sauce, however, the gunfire erupted.

"This is for Skye, laddies! Kill everyone one of the sassenach land-grabbers!"

Twenty minutes later

"Gold Wolf six, this is Gold Wolf actual, hostiles are confirmed within the perimeter. Drop and engage!"

Zip lines belched from the bottom of the hovering Pinto helicopters and one after another optically camouflaged Purifier suits slid down through the roof of the planetary assembly. The panicked crowd outside could only see the reflected flashes, hear the spang of bullents and the whoooooosh of flamers. Eighty seconds later, it was over.

"Gold Wolf actual, all hostiles down. Negative survivors. Report, negative survivors."

The news spread quickly: Free Skye - always a peripheral threat in even the best of times - had struck with unprecedented violence and malice. Within an hour, every JumpShip in the Terra sector's transit authorization had been revoked. Within four hours, New Earth was under martial law. APCs escorted by 'Mechs from the New Earth National Guard raided suspected safe houses, and mass arrests commenced under the watchful eye of ROM's counterinsurgency section.

QuoteFree Skye successfully exectued a Terrorism special operation against the Terran Hegemony
TH Special Forces in the hex engaged the enemy team and destroyed it.

Hex 2525 is terrorized for three turns.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.