[RP/MM] Turn 41: FWL/Skye Allied Movement 2125 Gacrux [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 23, 2010, 09:26:43 PM

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"This is General Tomolev to Gacrux Space Command, Just passing through on the way to the grand offensive. Request permission to transit Gacrux space."

10th Marik Militia
10th Militia Aerospace



"Sorry about the inconvenience, Leaguers, but the fine gentleman who is signing the paychecks at present has strongly suggested that we move you to an environment with more vacuum. It's nothing personal, you understand."

(1st and 2nd Aerospace Wings of Brion's Legion moving to attack, both are V/R and worth 8.75 FP each for a total of 17.5)


"No inconvenience at all Brion, thanks for the sporting warning."

"Gacrux Control, this is General Tomolev seems you got a pirate problem here. The rest of the legion giving you any problems ground side?"


(There are no FWL troops planetside, yes? Brion's mech units will attack any FWLers down there, but have orders not to engage any Lyrans unless attacked first.)


OOC: Nope no FWL troops planet side. But we are still friendly with Skye. My guy is just trying to confirm that Gacrux Command is unconscerned by your continued presence.


OOC: Oh, sure, absolutely. If Skye wants to attack, that's fine. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing any decent targets.


*BUMP* OOC: Yeah Im fine with him not attacking I Just don't want to run out on an ally without giving him a chance to say "we have it under control"


OOC: We'll see what happens so far Skye and Arc-Royal are getting along (at least to the point that there isn't a shooting war. I would like it to stay that way.


"Attention local LCAF commands, this is Colonel Toby Michelin of Brion's Legion. We are in pursuit of a hostile FWL force attempting to move through this system. We are unaware of your orders given the breakdown of LCAF central command, but ours are clear. We request assistance in destroying the hostile force, but if you feel the need to let those invading the Commonwealth have free reign, we at least expect that you'll stay out of our way while we protect your civilians. We have been directed not to engage any LCAF commands unless first attacked. Request confirmation that this message has been received and a summary of your position. Brion's out."


(DR6 has given the go ahead to resolve - his people won't be interfering with the space battle. Shall we?)


OOC: Absolutely

IC"Alright Gacrux Command, if your not conscerned about Brion's Legion I'm not eitheir we will withdraw peacefully. Duke Ryan can expect an earful from the Captain-General you can be certain of that."

10th Marik Jumps away back to league space.