Turn 41 [RP/MM] ToP:WarShips; CSV vs. CIH Foster [HW 2539] *COMPLETE*

Started by GreyJaeger, July 25, 2010, 01:29:44 PM

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"Clan Ice Hellion, the 423rd Assault Cluster has come to Foster and tasked to Trial for the hulks of the Pit Viper and Anathema. Since you are the only Clan to lay any claim, what forces will be fighting?"

*OOC- 423rd Assault Cluster- V/R: 15 FP


OP: On Foster, no CIH is here.. I say go to another world. But thats just me. The Horses my have had interest in the Lola too.. Dont know how we shall go on here.


*OOC- The hulks are on Foster. The Steel Vipers came to Foster to fight.  If the Hellions do not come to Foster, I say they give up their claim.


This is routed from the Inner Sphere: "Clan Steel Viper forces, while we will not give up our Claim to the Fredasa Wreck, we acknowledge your need for new Warships. In the spirit of Clan unity, you gain the rights to the Lola III class wreck. We will be back in due time to claim the other one. Alternatively, we can meet on neutral ground on Strana Mechty as well to Trial for it. We hope you can add the power of a Lola III to our combined forces soon. Loremaster Philippe Lienet out."