[MM/RP] Turn 41: "ACW" v Lyran Independent - ToP - Wiltshire (720) COMPLETE?

Started by GraeGor, July 21, 2010, 07:42:07 AM

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"Lyran fence sitters of Wiltshire, the Lyran Commonwealth of our collective youth is no more. Our distance from the worlds that formed the Lyran Core makes us both nothing but an afterthought in the minds of the other Archon Claimants."

"Charlamagne Steiner may be a Clanner, but at least his Clan has done something for worlds that were the Lyran Periphery, can you say that Tharkad, Arc-Royal of Skye will treat you any better."

"So, while I'd prefer not to do this at all, I'm taking it upon myself to begin unifying as many words as possible into the Adder Commonwealth, with as little force as possible."

"Choose a side, or choose your defenders. Portions, or all, of the Armor Brigade of the Alarion-Alarion Province Militia will face them."

(ooc: Armor Brigade, 17.25 FP. Open for Proxies if necessary.)


"Adder forces, be advised: Wiltshire is under the protection of the Rim Republican Army until the rightful Lyran Government is in a position to take over its administration.  Leave now or you will be fired on."


RWR claims Wiltshire will troops already on-world:

Teyvareb APM RCT Mech Regiment (Reg/Rel/11.25 FP)
Teyvareb APM RCT Armored Brigade (Reg/Rel/17.5 FP)
Teyvareb APM RCT Aerospace Wing (Reg/Rel/2 FP)
21st Wolf Dragoon RGT, 2nd Lyran Wolf Regulars BDE (Reg/Fan/12 FP)

Dave Baughman

The local militia does its best to stay inconspicuous and not get caught between the two rival factions.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


The Alarion-Alarion Province Militia Armor Brigade withdraws


The APM makes no moves against the ACW troops as they are leaving.  They turn their attentions to the planetary militia.  "Militia commander, this is Colonel Kuhn.  Do you surrender, or are you going to force me to destroy you?"


(BUMP...mainly to find out if the Government surrenders to the RWR)

Dave Baughman

Plan A was for the Rim Worlders and the Charlies to kill each other.

Time for Plan B.

In a rather blatant about-face broadcast on the local holo channels, Graf von Wiltshire and his cabinet announce their whole-hearted support for the RWR's democratic ideals and welcome their new comrades with open arms.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.