Turn 41 [RP/MM] ToP:Resources; CSV vs. CSR Circe [HW 2042] *COMPLETE*

Started by GreyJaeger, July 25, 2010, 01:13:16 PM

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 "Clan Snow Raven, Clan Steel Viper declares a Trial of Possession of [4 RP]. With what do you defend?"

*OOC- 93rd Assault Cluster V/R 16.25 FP


"I, Star Captain Louis have won the bid to defend our resources. Whatever forces have the courage to face us shall be facing elements of my Frozen Currents Trinay!"

Snow Raven Bid: .8 FP


Bumpity Bump, come out come out wherever you slither..


 "Viper codexes incoming..."

*OOC- 4 Veteran Medium BattleMechs .94 FP


"Seriously, that is the best bidding you can do. By the founder the Vipers have fallen far in their desperation for resources. If you needed a hand out, perhaps we can save the Ferro-carbide shavings from when we smooth out our perfectly crafted fighters. I will take this trial from you poor viper, but only because I pity you. Bargained poorly slither scum, bargained poorly, and now you shall see why..."

Your four Veteran Mediums will be facing off against the Frozen Currents combined arms Trinary.

(3 Pts. of Protos, a Battle Armor Star (4 of 5), and 3 Regular Medium Mechs)

Will you be playing this yourself, or do you need a Proxy?


"Considering the lack of honesty in many of our dealings Raven,  I will take your words as irrelevant."

*OOC- Considering I had back luck with my proxies doing things I would not approve of (physical attacks, firing after Hegira, mech selection). It will probably not be until next weekend when I can be available.


OOC: Um, dude, I'm not trying to anger you. It's just Clan posturing, and it's not so much that fact that it was .15 over the defensive bid, that's just a flat number, it's that it's a 15% overbid, when traditionally initiators of Trials want to bid under whenever they can because the bidding speaks more for their position then any batchall can. It's saying, I deserve this! I am better then you! Even if I don't have all my people, I can still take you and I'll prove it! It's like setting the technical difficulty in a routine, the more you risk, the bigger your (honor) reward is. This by all clan standards is the definition of playing it safe. Even if you win, you may get the resources but no ones gonna say, DID YOU SEE THAT!? I mean, I talked smack to the Adders when it came down to the Trial of Refusal over their bid to take on the Cobras, and I have to admit, they put me in my place (So I had to switch tracks to my clans stong point, Politics  ;)) Also, I'd like you to link the post where I overbid you on Hellgate so I know what your talking about. Cause if your gonna try to throw that in my face, I want to know the facts.


*OOC- I know what it is. And truth is, I honestly thought you had bid .92 FP. I have no idea why...I know while I was writing the bid I kept checking. Yet I kept seeing .92. I have no idea why.

The incident on Hellgate seems to have been a Trial I launched. I swore it was the other way round. I apologize.


Roger that, so back to the last point of order for this thread.

QuoteWill you be playing this yourself, or do you need a Proxy?


SmRes roll..

Roll- [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]


SimRes roll for the Ravens

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8[/blockquote]


Crit check for the Ravens

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


The Ravens win the trial.

The Vipers commit 1 FP and do 50% which is 0.50 FP.

The Ravens commit 1 FP and do 65% which is 0.75 after rounding.

The Vipers have 0.25 FP remaining.

The Ravens have 0.50 FP remaining.

Both sides did not take enough damage to benefit from battlefield repairs.

The Ravens get 0.75 FP of salvage after rounding.


The Ravens offer the Vipers Safcon to stay and help beat down a Galaxy of Scorpions working with the Scientists.