[RP/MM] Turn 41: Hostile Movement Antares (2014) *COMPLETE*

Started by august, July 21, 2010, 02:18:05 PM

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Iron Mongoose

groove licious.  when can you work this?


Weekdays are better for me, but my schedule is pretty open until school starts up again. When would work for you?

Iron Mongoose

Weekday mornings (about the time this has been going on, or even now) work well for me.  Weekends are out.

Iron Mongoose

August, I'll defend the actual mech trial with 1FP, in five mechs.  I'll think on terrain, but probably something basic like rolling hills, which is always a stand by.  And let's revise the FP risked to be 1 also, since as Noe points out .5 is pretty low for a full star.


OOC: RP to follow, but Arc-Royal came out ahead. Good game to IM, some bizarre crits on both sides, but a competitive and fun game throughout. LCAF engaged according to zell and granted the Camel survivors hegira.

Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Iron Mongoose

Victoria Lynn: "Had you asked me before this trial, I would have said that you knew our ways only poorly.  But our way is the way of battle, and you have shown your mastery there.

"You are granted safe conduct from this system to your home space.  But, as it seems you must still charge your jump drives, perhaps you would see a visitor of ours before you go.  It is not common that we are able to speak so directly as this."


"Roger, Victoria Lynn. This is Leftenant Andras Kovacs speaking, Kommodore Alrans is temporarily indisposed and I have been assigned liaison duty. We thank you for your granting of safe passage - your pilots handled themselves well out there, and honor to them. We would be pleased to receive your visitor on board the Invincible."

Iron Mongoose

Flying quickly, almost as if running late for a hot date, a two seat fighter trainer launches from the Camel's battleship (the Texas Class Fire Mandrill) and flys off to the Invincable.

Upon ariving, a small woman emerges from the back seat (who looks like Belle, from Beauty and the Beast).  "Hello, I am Amy Lynn.  My complements to your pilots, and to your nation.  It takes courage to chart your own course, as the rest of your former family crumbles..."


As soon as the channel to Victoria Lynn was closed, Kovacs turned to the comm officer.

"Jaime, send a message to Arc-Royal, tell them that we're meeting with the Camels. We need all the intel they can provide and whatever diplomatic briefing they can give us. Our clan recognition cards haven't even accounted for the name change and god forbid if we have to guess at their ranks. And tell them it's damn urgent."

"To Arc-Royal? Do you mean the Duchy command, the Estates General, or the military command?"

"I don't know, all of them. They can sort it out when we're done. But I am not embarrassing myself if it can be helped. I'm headed down to the officer's hall, where we'll receive their envoy - transmit everything you get down there."

Collecting his thoughts and trying to will away his nerves, Kovacs hurriedly exited the bridge and rushed down to meet the Camels.

Iron Mongoose

(August, if its ok with you, perhaps we can carry on with this in the Lyran IC thread, or the Camel one, rather than in what would otherwise be a widely overlooked and inconsiquental, soon to be forgoten hostile movment thread).


(Sounds good - the Camel thread? Things can tend to get just as lost in the Lyran one on account of its activity.)