[RP] Turn 42, Outreach- MRBC Board of Inquiry

Started by Daemonknight, September 06, 2010, 05:55:04 AM

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((OOC: For those not there, GM decision is that YES, the MRBC has copies of all contracts with any Merc command operating under the MRBC. The only way out is to basically 'go rouge' and refuse to partake in the MRBC's services...meaning, you are trusting your employer to pay you, and not to alter the contract, and all that other jazz. Which no current merc units being discussed would risk.))

Colonel Deveraux addressed Counselor Denny Shore of the FWL first.

"Counselor, might I remind you that MRBC stands for Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission. Bonding, meaning that when the units in question took contracts with the Lyran State, the Lyrans put the money in a bond with the MRBC. We are part bank, part oversight committee. It is within our authority to review any and all actions taken by any Mercenary command who is under contract through our services. Meaning unless the Lyrans decided not to put their bond with us, which I can assure you they have; or if the Mercenary units have failed to pay their MRBC fees, which I can assure you they have paid; we are FULLY within our rights to review the case as presented. As you stated, this is not a court, or court martial: it is a Board of Inquiry, and thus does NOT require an aggrieved party, as it is our job to decide who that party is in the first place.

And I would advise you to put that cigar out immediatly, before I have you removed from the building for violating the fire hazard laws."

He looked at Amberly McGuinness next.

"And madam, you as well should be aware of this, as you work in a legal department as well. I don't need the Lyrans to press charges, they've done more than enough in simply bringing the possibility of a breach of contract to our attention. If all they require is a formal apology, and we find the mercenary commands guilty, they WILL get that apology. Along with any monetary compensation we deem appropriate."

Max now turned his gaze to the LCAF officer.
"I have been informed that the Contracts department has indeed found the archived contracts between the Lyran govornment and the mercenary units in question. Any evidence of the charges brought forth would be most welcome. Otherwise, seeing as how many of these units are now employed by the Free Worlds Leauge, I believe we have enough evidence for some of the charges to be addressed. Any charges involving actions taken by the units would be welcomed."

"Onto the legal matters. Counselor Shore, to ensure total nuetrality in this matter, I have ensured that 2 members of the board are from Mercenary commands currently operating under contract from un-involved parties. Likewise, the ComStar representative most likly considers this a gross waste of time, and will rule fairly, I am sure. As for myself, I am a student of law, not a poltician. I couldn't care less who is killing or backstabbing who, so long as it isn't mercenaries backstabbing their employers or vice versa. Your requests for recusal are denied, unless you can provide solid reasoning for replacing members of the Board. SOLID, reasoning, backed up by evidence, not simply that you believe we are under the heel of the Hegemony. I can assure you that the THAC has no interest in this manner, or else they would have contacted me. No such contact has been made."
**((OOC: Chaos, I thought you said if faction won't affect bias, then you drop the recusals, and I thought we agreed on that? If we didn't, I'm agreeing now: each seat is being treated as totally unbiased, just for the sake of keeping this more fun than legal paperwork and nitpicking.))

"If there is nothing else, I will convene the Board in 2 days time(realtime), to give all parties a chance to prepare their opening statements. Kommandant Nyx will have the opening statement, followed by representatives from each mercenary command in question. After opening statements, Kommandant Nyx will showcase any evidence she has acquired to prove the Lyran accusations. Copies of the contracts will be circulated from the MRBC archives on request. Following the Kommandant's evidence, the mercenary commands will each be given a chance to refute with their own evidence, including any gun-cams or news coverage of battle. Once evidence has been presented, each party will be given a chance for closing statements, beginning with the mercenary commands, and ending with Kommandant Nyx. Now please leave the room, I have some last minute paperwork to get done. Any further requests or motions may be filed with Lieutenant Hall, the clerk for our Board.

Good day."

((OOC: The Contracts are mostly an RP way of saying that yes, the MRBC can prove what does and doesn't constitute a legal contract. Concerning the units that took the FWL offers, they're almost garunteed to be found in Breach of Contract...just because the executive branch is removed, doesn't mean the govornment doesn't exist...it means its dysfunctional.

Chaos, I love your RP, it makes me laugh, but please try not to give me too bad a headache... I'm running out of painkillers :P as a heads up, i'm willing to listen to good RP, and if I like it enough, it'll lessen or potentially drop the charges. But the case against the mercs who went FWL is pretty solid on the Breach of Contract charge... so that'll be tought to get dismissed. Lessened maybe, but not likly dismissed. The others are more open to argument. Just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


((Soooo . . . since the floor was never officially opened for statements and this whole thread got kind of forgotten about, I'm assuming this RP is just going to roll over to next cycle.  If not, let me know so that I can sling some BS while the clock's still ticking on Turn 42. ))


((yeah, we'll just do it next cycle. My fault, i got caught up in Coventry and other dealings and my mind kinda flew off Outreach.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade