Skill Modifiers - How do you want them?

Started by Dave Baughman, September 09, 2010, 09:49:07 PM

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How do you want unit skill to be reflected in FGC?

Update multipliers to match official TW battle value modifiers for the same skill level
3 (42.9%)
Keep artificially low to encourage MegaMek play
2 (28.6%)
Drop skill modifiers entirely and replace with a bonus on the Simple Resolution chart
2 (28.6%)
Other (please specify)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: September 12, 2010, 09:49:07 PM

Dave Baughman

So... Skill Modifiers. There's been some discussion of this in the OOC threads, and frankly its something I've been pondering how we can improve. Currently, Veteran units get a 1.25x bonus to their FP and Elite units get a 1.50x bonus. Green units get a 0.8x "bonus." These modifiers are in line with the modifiers from earlier editions of BattleTech, but are lower than the modifiers in the current edition of the rules.

There is a certain argument that can be made which says that the discrepancy in FP falls into the category of "its a feature, not a bug," since it provides an incentive to play in MegaMek and get a disproportionately stronger force FP for FP than the enemy. While I acknowledge that this is completely true and may actually be beneficial...

...I also recognize that as FGC has transitioned from a "raiding and occasional incursion" game to a full-scale strategic war game, the majority of battles are fought in simple resolution. I also, in general, think that we should maintain a direct relationship between FP and BV to the greatest extent possible. For that reason, I personally prefer to update the modifiers to match the new multipliers found in the current edition of the rules.

An alternative that was raised in the OOC was giving skilled units a bonus on the simple resolution table. This is something that would have to be implemented very carefully (and might require changes to the structure of the SR table itself), but it would give us a way to entirely sidestep the issue of FP multipliers, since a +X on the simple resolution chart would provide a disprortionate benefit to the skilled unit through the accumulation of critical events.

Tell me what you all think is the best way to go on this so I can factor your own feelings into my decision-making process. The poll will be open for 3 days.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


I think modding the simpres chart would be the best solution-it more closely mirrors the actual results of game-play, and it simplifies the book-keeping end some since 1FP=1FP regardless, the cost ends up being in the skill instead.  This will still allow the Zerg players their stakkodhooms, but it balances out against them with the ability to field better-skilled units of smaller size (at least, until some faction gets so rich that they can do both...which is just a risk that has to be taken.)


Where exactly are these rules found at? I am just wanting to see it myself before I vote.

Thank You


What about going with one simple res chart, but having modifiers on your roll for force size and experience? (+1 for Vet, +2 for more then double, -1 for green, etc.)

It would take some work to set up  and balance, but might be a middle ground.

Personally I'm more interested in getting the communications / intel rule changes implemented first, even though I've always had a hatred for how brutal the even simple res table is.