Turn 42 [RP/MM] CSV at Arc-Royal *COMPLETE*

Started by GreyJaeger, September 10, 2010, 12:35:28 PM

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 A lone Hunter-class Jumpship rips itself into existence at the Nadir point of Arc-Royal.


Initiative- [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7[/blockquote]


SLDF Init Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]

Wolf Init Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote]


So.. Here is the question, since I won init, does that mean I choose whether I arrive first or not?


No, it means you arrive before new arrivals or our departures.  I have to review sheets.


I knew that.. Just messing. Point is though, this is not a military vessel. It is a Hunter Jumpship carrying a cargo hauler.


With all the preparation, it would not have been surprising had the arrival been missed.  However, this was a Clan Wolf warship and its technicians were the finest.

"Clan Steel Viper vessel, you are in proximity of Star League Defense Force vessels.  State your intention.  Further, state your position in regards to the Trondheim agreement or annihilists position."

The massive Cameron class warship and escorts shifted position to look agressive and CAPS were launched.


FWL Init forces leaving
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]


 "This vessel is engaging in economic endeavors, Wolf WarShip. In case that does not answer your second question, why would we be looking to trade with someone we seek to kill? But just to be...completely clear Clan Steel Viper has no intention on seeking the Annihilation of civilians. We are signers of the Trondheim Pact, nor have we engaged any Inner Sphere force, nor violated, or benefited from violations of, the Ares Conventions."


IFF signals finally break through the chatter, identifying the ship as the CWS Ulric Kerensky.

"Steel Viper Vessel, we have confirmed the signature of your Khans at Trondheim.  You are welcome to Arc Royal, at their invitation.  Good economic hunting.  Be advised, government of Arc Royal has utilized terrorist activities to secure their position, including threatening the use of a nuclear device on the planet to coerce the Commanding General of the Star League Defense Force to do their will."


Bridge of PRS Helio's Gaze (OOC: Principality of Regulus Ship)

"He is not broadcasting that on an open channel....Hall is quite possibly the greatest fool I have yet seen."

"Sir we can't get involved we have orders to be on our way."

"I know, I know, begin broadcasting all channels then furl the sails sometimes the Clans use Hunter's for scouts."

"To Clan Steel Viper vessel well met on behalf of the Prince of Regulus, may you find safe harbor and may your mercantile dealings meet with success. "

Transmission ended.

"Alright have all ships in the convoy check in and then begin final jump procedures. It will be good to see the back of Hall."


 "Should we take advantage of this situation Commander?" The comms and sensors tech asked, implying a reconnoiter of the massive SLDF forces present.

"Neg.. Scanning can be seen as a an act of aggression which we will not survive. Visual only, as well as any intell that can be gathered without provocation. We have a mission from the Khan to complete."


"CSVS Recon, apologies for the crowded skies. Our former houseguests definitely overstayed their visit, and frankly, it's been taxing for everyone involved. If you feel you need it, we can provide you with fighter escort to see you safely planetside."


The skys over Arc Royal became crowded as more SLDF vessels arrived in system and took parking locations.

OOC - This is informational, the PM will be sent soon.


Quote from: august on September 11, 2010, 05:56:00 AM
"CSVS Recon, apologies for the crowded skies. Our former houseguests definitely overstayed their visit, and frankly, it's been taxing for everyone involved. If you feel you need it, we can provide you with fighter escort to see you safely planetside."

Broadcast on a tightbeam transmission, "Neg Arc-Royal. The jackals will not interfere, nor the Faux League. Detaching dropship and beginning inbound run."