Turn 38 Orders due 05 April 2010

Started by Dave Baughman, March 08, 2010, 02:20:40 PM

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Dave Baughman

Hi everybody,

Turn 37 will end on March 14th 2010. After that, there will be a two-week downtime period during which FC '62 operations are completely transferred to Intelser. You'll see threads being locked on CBT.com as their contents are archived and you'll see new boards and threads opening on this side.

Certain roleplaying threads, such as the Star League Council, Clan Grand Council, and THAC will be opening early to allow for roleplaying to continue during the downtime period. Likewise, the faction IC threads will be opening soon.

Full gameplay will resume on April 1st, 2010. Orders are due by April 5th, and can be submitted to the Intelser FGC orders mailbox, located at:


The current rules as published on CBT.com will be in effect for turn 38, but starting with turn 39 there will be rolling updates to the rules. Based on player feedback, all new rules revisions and erratta will have at least a one turn grace period before coming into effect.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to post in the Q&A thread.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Faction leaders, please post here when you have mailed in your orders.

Also, please post if there are any changes/additions/deletions to be made on the roster listed below.

Faction Rosters as of 27MAR2010
The Clans
Clan Wolf -- No confirmed players
Clan Jade Falcon -- No registered players, Marlin will be running them for the time being
Clan Hell's Horses -- Parmenion
Clan Star Adder -- Disgruntled, Graegor, Iron Mongoose
Clan Fire Mandrill -- No registered players, Iron Mongoose will be running them for the time being
Clan Ice Hellion -- Marlin
Clan Diamond Shark -- NVA
Clan Steel Viper -- GreyJaeger
Clan Goliath Scorpion -- Holt
Clan Blood Spirit -- Tassa Kay, Chaosxtreme
Clan Snow Raven -- Fatebringer, Jaim Magnus
Clan Spirit Cat -- No registered players, Holt will be running them for the time being

The Inner Sphere
Draconis Combine -- No confirmed players
Federated Suns -- Lord Harlock, Morganna
Capellan Empire -- Parmenion
Free Worlds League -- Chaosxtreme
Lyran Commonwealth -- Chanman
Clan Wolf-in-Exile -- NVA

Coalition of Periphery States
Marian Hegemony -- No confirmed players
Taurian Concordat -- Jeyar
Feifdom of Randis -- Iron Mongoose
Outworlds Alliance -- Valjean, JediBear?
Niops Association -- Giovanniblasini

Rasalhague Dominion -- Sarafan, Jedibear
Magistracy of Canopus -- Parmenion
Rim Worlds Republic -- GM Controlled
Terran Hegemony -- GM Controlled
The Dark -- GM Controlled

Third Star League
Coalition of Periphery States
Pirates & Rebels

*Metafaction orders are the responsibility of their member factions to complete.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


As folk would have seen from the above, I'm temporarily filling in as the guy who is tiding things over in regards the Capellan Empire.  That is, until the position is filled on a permanent basis by someone else. 

That being said, if any faction/clan has agreements/trade with the Capellan Empire, could you shoot me a PM please with the details.



DC, CSC, CGS all in as of 4 days ago.


Holt...Plz PM me the amount of the required CGS payment to the WiE.  I need that to complete myy orders.


Orders sent for the TC.

BTW - I am willing to do the CPS orders if I can get a copy of the last turn's orders. I know many of the orders and deals so I can pretty much keep things level.


Lord Harlock

And after much thought on what to do, I have just sent the FedSuns' orders.

Giovanni Blasini

Not done with the Niops or the SLDF orders yet.  Kind of swamped with RL.  Niops should be easy, but the SLDF?  *shudder*

And is anyone doing the CPS orders?


Orders sent, thank god I had started working on them much earlier, things are still chaotic for my in RL but I should be able to free up some time this month.





I guess I'd request an extension for the CPS orders, unless someone else did them...