[RP/MM]Turn 42 CIH vs. Bandits HW 2738 Hunting the Deathshadow *COMPLETE*

Started by Marlin, September 11, 2010, 09:28:55 PM

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The crew on board the "Benedict Arnold", calling themselves the "Black Hands" were a ragtag of misfits. Commanders would describe them much akin to the Free Traders, however, their loyalty to the Clan was not in doubt. They just thrived in Free Space life. The Commander of the Ship, Star Captain Truman Mi-Ran was one of the few with this Bloodname left, as it had fallen into obscurity within the Clan.

Now they were looking in this unusual place for the infamous "Deathshadow" a ship presumed of Cabal origin and now reported to be seen in this unlikely place.

They were prepared to use all available measures to take it down and perhaps take some prisoners.

If they found it here, however, then some more disturbing questions were to be raised...


The Cap turned to the CommTechs. "Scannies, anything here in range, especially a certain Warship? I want all contacts reported."


Dave Baughman

"Star Captain, long-range sensors reports possible contact in sector delta-thirteen. Tenative ID... Riga-class.  We are too far from the target for a clear ID, however."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"Then what do we have our strong Interplan drive for? NAvs, set course, 1.5 G, or better, 2. All get to their seats immediately!"

"I want Fire solution as soon as we get a positive ID! This is serious."

Dave Baughman

"Star Captain, forward telescope room reports visual ID on the Riga... stand by... acknowledged. Star Captain, this is odd..."

Initial suspicions that the Riga was lying doggo trying to avoid detection are dispelled as your ship closes in -- the Riga, it turns out, is adrift - the far side of her hull open to vacuum from a series of naval autocannon impacts.

Further investigation reveals the ship is SLS Conakry, recorded as missing and presumed lost with all hands during the Pentagon Civil War.

The hull is not in salvageable condition, but may contain salvage RPs if you choose to board her.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"The SLS Conakry!" As the warning cry swept over the bridge, Star Captain Truman Mi-Ran was oddly relieved. Perhaps it was his chance to get control of a real warship? The damage this ship had sustained seemed as if it would never move again, however, perhaps there was something to gain? Even if only historical?

"Prepare boarding teams. They shall go one after the other, if the first signals no danger anymore. The Marines shall provide security. Message Clan Command, the "Deathshadow" is not here." 'All else would have been a surprise anyway.' he thought.

"And take care for yourselves!"

Dave Baughman

(OOC sorry for the delay)

SLS Conakry contains the following:

10 RP of salvage (a mostly-intact force of old SLDF 'mechs in an attached dropship)
1 free R&D roll (from the data in the computers)
*** (from the one intact weapons magazine)

The bad news: Conakry is booby-trapped. If you trip the booby, a nuclear scuttling charge will detonate and destroy the hulk.

Roll 2d6 -- on a roll of 5-8 you salvage one of the prizes, 9-10 you get two, 11-12 you get all three (prizes determined randomly). A roll of 2-4 sets off the booby-trap and no prizes are gained.

If you have actual marines present, you may choose to add either a +1 or a +2 bonus to your roll, but if you roll over a 12, you set off the bomb.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


OOC: Did I mention that you are a sick bastard?  ;D But the prizes are totally worth it.. except perhaps the R+D roll, a 12 wont happen there. :P To my disappointment. But lets do try to extract the fine stuff, eh?

Elementals are indeed there luckily(?)


Senior Tech Dave's mouth dried. 'Shiva, this cannot be!' He had been raised by his family who believed in old Hindu gods, but he found it wise to hide that before his peers. "Tech Boman, come here, very carefully, will you?" The younger froze and did what he was told. Then he saw it too. "By Kerensky's rotten corpse! What is this??" he exclaimed. If there would have been a Warrior close by, his foul language would have cost him. Thankfully, they had their own Comm Line. Which was switched by Dave now. "Star Captain, we have news." "Speak." The ship is wired to a nuclear device. If we are not careful, we could lose all here. But there is the catch, Star Commander Josh reports that the bays contain a full cluster of intact Mechs, there is a Memory Core with new data I would insist on extracting and then we have three other bad devices ready to take if you should decide so."

Truman was now thinking heavily.

"Can the marines assist?" "Yes sir, they would be of use, but should follow the Command of a Senior Tech at all cost, lest the trap takes all of us into the void.". "I understand, good work, Senior Tech Dave."

"All hands, this is the Star Captain. I want all volunteers ready for the extraction op. The Marines will get one Star back on board of the Benedict to prepare SAR, one will assist the extractors and follow Senior Tech Dave's command under all circumstances. The Ship is wired to a trap and I want you and what it holds safely back, do I make myself clear? This is the Star Captain, may Kerensky guide us on this path."


OP: I will take the +2.

Dont Explode, dont explode, dont ex...

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+2 : 2, 6 + 2, total 10[/blockquote]

Dave took the wrench to disarm the wire to the Cargo bay and..


It worked! The Elementals went to work, it seemed they would even walk on their toes..

OOC: Dave, if you have an algorithm for the gifts, I would like you to determine them.

(At least no death people.  :))


Here is the deal I will roll using this

1-2  10 RP of salvage (a mostly-intact force of old SLDF 'mechs in an attached dropship)
3-4   1 free R&D roll (from the data in the computers)
5-6   *** (from the one intact weapons magazine)

Roll result #1
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]


As I rolled 2d6 on accident he will get the nukes now for result #2

Roll 1d4

1-2   10 RP of salvage (a mostly-intact force of old SLDF 'mechs in an attached dropship)
3-4   1 free R&D roll (from the data in the computers)

Result #2

[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Ok guys Marlin let me roll this in public for OOC fun. I trust that none of you will meta-game on this as it was a hunting mission and no one would know what he got.


OOC: for the record: YAY!  :)


36 hours later.

Slowly, the last component was pulled out by five of the ElementalMarines, without damaging the hull, while a sweating Senior Tech named Dave watched that. All others had evacuated the Conakry already, so he was the last one. Unfortunately, they did not retrieve the Data Core, but it seemed the wiring there was already about to fall apart, which made him nearly call immediate evac of the whole mess. But he had stayed and organized all. The Black Devices were done first, then the old machines. Dave had had assistance by Davey, another Senior Tech, and that was dearly needed with those warheads. Dave had lost weight, about 5 kilos to be exact and his stomach still grumbed at him. Finally he floated over to the Benedict Arnold, which had come much closer.

When he got out of his suit, sweating still, the Cap went in and suddenly hugged him tight. He could not resist, in fact, Dave was about to faint, but managed to breathe and stay awake.

When Star Captain Mi-Ran let him go, he said grinning: "Thank you, Dave. You did a great work here. We will have to talk about this later. Now get rest. You have no work to do for the next day."

Dave floated to his bunk, before he fell asleep like dead, he scratched his head.