[RP/MM] C42: Invasion, HA v's The Dark, Gronholt (hex 4535) *COMPLETE*

Started by Parmenion, September 12, 2010, 12:45:51 PM

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Salvage roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+15 : 5, 1 + 15, total 21[/blockquote]




"Galaxy Commander Cooper. Admiral Pemrick here.  The Davions have reported the destruction of the Dark militia on-planet and have therefore recaptured the system.  Of note, they mentioned that their commander, a General Harlock-Morrison was killed in his Mech leading the last push against the Militia position.  We have yet to hear word from their second-in-command as to their next course of action."

Unther Cooper took in the news from the Outworlder Admiral with little outward expression.   Privately he wondered why the Davion commander was leading his forces against the Dark, when he should have had a subordinate lead against such an inconsequential foe, yet perhaps his force was green and an example had to be made.  That the man died in combat, liberating his lower caste from the Dark scum was admirable though, and an action his family would be justly pride.

"Do we have the name of the Davion's second, Admiral?  And what are their intentions, now that Gronholt is secured?"