[RP/MM] Turn 42 Trial CDS vs CW- DP3108 Transfer Station P9 *COMPLETED*

Started by Holt, September 12, 2010, 06:10:18 PM

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CDS crit chance:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote]


Round 3, CDS adding .25FP to their bid, but only engaging with .25FP out of the now .50FP possible.

Damage roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 4, total 9[/blockquote]


Crit chance:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 3, total 9[/blockquote]


Crit 1:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]


Round 3 Wolf

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


Wolf Crit Chance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]


It was a brutal slugging match and only through the addition of combat forces, Clan Diamond shark was victorious.

"You fought bravely Wolves, but the Shark has won. I offer Higera to all -combat- units trying to leave P9, but the space station and its former infrastructure are now part of our clan."

After round 3:
CDS Committed 1.50FP - 1.25FP damage = .25FP


"You have won the space station, as you issued in your batchall, and we were specific.  But, the infrastructure will be going with us."

A star of fighters volunteered to take up an interdiction, preventing any offensive interdiction from slowing their departure.  That simply left the blockade to deal with, if the Sharks chose to fire on the units and infrastructure.  There was no doubt that they would.

OOC - 1 FP of fighters stays on defensive interdiction, the default order for aerospace units.  This prevents the offensive interdiction from slowing the departing unit.  So, we face the blockade there, if the Sharks fire.  This will include the infrastructure trying to run the blockade.


[Offensive interdiction was set by units already in the hex, not entering. Going to need a GM ruling on its establishment.]

"You have shown just how far the Wolf has fallen. None of you will be sparred."

[Pending the call on the offensive interdiction, since it will determine what round 4 is.]


I do not see why there is a ruling needed here as the rules clearly state how this works. I will post the rule for Defensive Interdiction and Offensive Interdiction and highlight in red the relevant text. As the Wolfs only used 1 FP in the Trial the rest of the FP would automatically still be on DI until stated otherwise.

QuoteDefensive Interdiction
Type: Special
Requirement: Aerospace units
Effect: Successful interdiction prevents attacking transports from landing their troops. This is the default combat order for defensive aerospace and naval forces, and may be changed before the engagement if the defending player so chooses. If an interdiction is cancelled, there is nothing to stop the transports from landing.

Note: Naval Engagement or Break Interdiction orders can be used to penetrate interdiction. If 25% of the interdiction force is destroyed, the interdiction fails and is no longer effective.

Offensive Interdiction
Type: Special
Requirement: Aerospace units
Effect: Successful interdiction prevents defending transports from retreating from a system. Offensive Interdiction is only possible where no hostile forces are on interdicton, blockade, or naval engagement orders.

Note: Naval Engagement or Break Interdiction orders can be used to penetrate interdiction. If 25% of the interdiction force is destroyed, the interdiction fails and is no longer effective.


Wolf Blockade Escape Rolls

Transfer Station P9 PGC (Aero 1) - 6 FP

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]

Transfer Station P9 PGC (Aero 2) - 5 FP

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8[/blockquote]

Transfer Station P9 PGC (BA) - 2 FP

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]

Transfer Station P9 PGC (BA) - 1 FP

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]

Task Force TS 9 - MF 1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]

Task Force TS 9 - SY 1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7[/blockquote]

Task Force TS 9 - RS 1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]

Task Force TS 9 - PF 1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


Blockade Results:
Successfully ran blockade: None

Evaded Blockading force, but failed to execute move orders:
Transfer Station P9 PGC (Aero 1) - 6 FP
Transfer Station P9 PGC (Aero 2) - 5 FP
Task Force TS 9 - RS 1
Task Force TS 9 - PF 1

Engaged Blockading force:
Transfer Station P9 PGC (BA) - 2 FP
Transfer Station P9 PGC (BA) - 1 FP
Task Force TS 9 - MF 1
Task Force TS 9 - SY 1

Blockading force total: 66.75FP Doing 2d6*5% Damage:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]


CDS Blockade does 25% of FP as Damage; 16.75FP.

Both BA units would be killed with 13.75FP damage remaining, would the MF and SY take the remaining damage and would they be captured by the blockading force like at Rasalhague?


Pending Damage incurred by the blockading force (1d6*5%) and answer to my above question, init for round 5 of combat.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]